Family is a complicated matter

Thanks guys. There's good news from now on!


Finally with Becca safe and well with the baby born, Mac thought he could rest his eyes but he kept worrying about whether the baby was alright. Becca wakes after a good 6 hours sleep but begins to panic about her daughter. "Where is she? I want to see her!" Mac tries his best to get her back into bed. "I want to see her. Mac! Let me see her."

"Becca! You've been through a lot. You need a lot more rest. You'll be able to see her as soon as the doctor thinks you are fit enough to get out of bed."

"But Mac..."

Cutting across, "No 'But's'. You are to stay in bed." Pushing her back into bed and putting the covers over her. "Please Becca. I don't think you should see your daughter if you are ill."

"Fine!" Getting in a bit of a mood. "Has my dad been by?"

"Yeah. He'll be back in a moment. Had to take a phone call." A awkward pause between them. "Becca... About Danny."

"Oh! I forgot I told you."

"You panicked! Did you both know what you were doing?" Becca looking very confused. "I mean... Having a relationship."

"Yeah. We shouldn't have but it just happened and again I am so sorry." A nurse walks in. "Can I see my daughter?"

"No but I do have something for you." Handing her a photo of her daughter. "Here's your baby."

"Oh my...." Tears begin to fill her eyes. "Is she alright?"

"She's growing stronger by the minute. I'll leave you" Leaves quietly.

"Oh Mac! Look at her." Shows Mac the picture. "She looks so vulnerable."

"She's gorgeous. She's gonna look just like her mom." Smiling at her and kissing her on the forehead.


I know it's short but it seemed fair to let you know that her daughter is alright. More soon but don't know when, I go back to work tomorrow. :(
I'm glad I've written that the baby's ok too! lol!


Finally Becca was well enough to go and visit her daughter. She was so happy that she was crying with excitement. Mac was trying to calm but even he knew it was no use! He was just as excited as Becca to be meeting his Great-niece, but he knew he had to let Becca in on her own as she met her for the first time. Waiting outside and watching through the window as Becca is wheeled in, in a wheelchair, and placed next to her daughter. Mac could see the nurse saying something which made her face light up. This always made Mac happy whenever he saw Becca smile. She turned to look at him and signed that she was going to hold her. He could see that she was crying with happiness. He didn't realise he was silently crying unaware that Horatio was standing next to him.

"How is she?" spoke the newcomer, making Mac jump. "Sorry."

"She's good. Regaining her strength everyday. And the baby is so much better. Look." Pointing at Becca. "She's allowed to hold her."

"Why aren't you in there?"

"It's her moment. I don't want to take that away from her. A mother holding her child for the first time." Smiling as he looked at Becca cooing over her daughter. Becca looks up and gestures to the two men in her life to come in. Both of them move inside cautiously. "You alright?"

"Yeah." Speaking through her tears of happiness. "I've decided what I am gonna call her."

"What have you decided?" Horatio said as he sat behind her.

"I decided to call her.... Claire." Looking up at Mac. "After the best Mom in the world. She would have liked that." Looking back at the recently named Claire.

"She would be so proud of you. Both your mom and Claire." Mac explained to her. "I'm gonna go and call your sister and Stella to tell them the news." Leaving the father and daughter to talk.


"Yeah?" Smiling at his daughter's happiness.

"I think I wanna go back to New York. I love being here but..."

Cutting across her, "New York's your home."

Smiling, "Yeah. You don't mind."

"Of course not. No one's forcing you to stay here. I just want you to be happy. You go. Only when you and Claire are well again."

"I know." Kissing Claire on her forehead. "I'll tell Mac and I'm gonna call Danny when I get back to my room."

"Good idea." As the nurse came to check on them. "I'll leave you to it. I've gotta get back to work. I'll be by after to see you."

"Bye. Dad...." Horatio turns around. "Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome. You're family. You can come back here anytime." Becca mouths thank you once again. Horatio turns and leaves but looks through the window again at the happy mother and daughter.


I will be finished one day. I'm back at work now so might only have a few every other day.


YAY! George Sampson won Britain's Got Talent! (Look him up on a certain website to see just how AMAZING he is!
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^^^Hey that'll be better progress than my fic *runs from mel*

I'm so glad that you've managed to get the update to this chap.....Loved it :D
Thanks Guys. I have been able to get on everyday! Lol!


As Becca was wheeled back to her room, she was going over and over in her head what she would say to Danny and how she would say it to him. Picking up the phone, slowly dialling his number and still trying to think what to say to him. On the other line, "Messer?"

Deep breath, Becca. You can do it.

"Hi. It's Becca."

"Oh! Hi! How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Alright. Umm... " Dropping his voice. "How's the baby?"

"A girl."

"You know the sex?"

"Of course. She was born two days ago."

Raising his voice a bit, "Two days ago. So early?"

"Yeah. Danny I've been in a coma for two weeks. Didn't Stella say anything?"

"No. Is that where Mac is? With you?"

"Yeah. He came here three days ago I think. How's things with you?"

"Oh... Lindsay found out about us. She was pretty upset but she said me and her weren't going far."

"Does she know I was having your baby?"

"Yeah. Becca when are you coming home?"

"As soon as Claire and I are better. That's your daughter's name by the way, Claire. Named her after my aunt."

"That's a gorgeous name. When will you be home do you think?"

"Soon I hope. I've gotta talk to Mac first. I've told my dad and he's all for it as long as I'm happy."

"I agree with him. You take your time coming home. I wanna see you and our daughter."

"You will. I've gotta go. I'm gonna talk to Mac."

"Bye." Both of them putting the phones down. Becca breathes a sigh of relief after what had just happened.


Hope you like it. It's good news from here onward.