Family is a complicated matter

They all stood there unable to say anything to anyone. The silence was uncomfortable to all. It was Danny's mom who spoke, mainly towards Becca. "Shall we go and have a coffee and have a chat? I would very much like to hold my granddaughter." They moved away to the kitchen leaving the men standing in silence until Simon spoke first.

"Let's talk in here." Moving into the sitting room. Sitting down in his armchair. "Well... How long have you two been together?"

"Over a year and a half now. Including the time she was in Miami for 5 months visiting her dad and had Claire."

"Claire? Where did you two get her name from?"

"It was Becca's aunt's name. She died in 9/11." Feeling a bit awkward about the amount of questions he was facing.

"Are you going to marry?"

"No! Dad! Neither of us want marriage. Not yet. Never say never."

"Ok." Turning to the TV set which was showing the Yankees playing. "You watch the basketball last night?"

"Nah. It was my turn to put Claire to bed. She took a while."


Meanwhile in the kitchen, Danny's mom is cooing over her granddaughter and Becca is leaning on the counter smiling at the newly discovered grandmother. "When was she born?" Not looking up at Becca.

"4 months ago but should've been 2 months ago but came just a little too early."

Looking up at her in surprise, "Why?"

"Oh!" Setting her coffee cup down. "I kinda got shot and then went into a coma for 2 weeks and after that she decided to come the day I came out of my coma!" Laughing a little at recalling this story. "Sorry but I've told this story so much!"

Laughing a little too, "It's alright. Danny was also an early baby but not as early as this gorgeous baby." Looking back down at her and then back up at Becca. "Are you two happy?"

"The happiest I have ever been. I wouldn't change my life for anything. I know I'm young but I'm happy. I have the greatest boyfriend, a beautiful baby and the most supportive family ever."

"I'm glad. He'll look after you, no matter what happens between you. He will, he's too loyal to everyone." They continue the conversation until they're interrupted by the men.

"Hello." Was the welcome they received from both of them.

Simon walks over to his wife, "Let me hold her then." Taking Claire from her and cradling her gently, while Danny walks over to Becca, puts his arm around her and kissing her on the cheek. "She is gorgeous, you two."

"Now...." Danny's mom rounding on the young couple. "You are to visit as much as possible and if you ever need a babysitter for a couple of hours or overnight, you are to call me first. Ok?"

"Yes. Of course." Becca replied with the biggest smile on her face.


As they drove home Danny and Becca reflected on the time at his parents. "I liked them. They're really sweet."

"Thanks. I brought them up well." Becca giggled at this comment.

"Danny that is so lame."

"I know. Sorry. You alright now?"

"Yeah. I can breath properly now!"

"Come on let's go home and finish unpacking those bloody boxes of yours. Mac and Stell will be around after they've finished work."

"Yeah as long as you don't get called out which is most likely to happen."


It has taken me ages to prefect this chapter and the tinternet is being a bit of pain.


"The thrill is in the chase. Never in the capture."
"I liked them. They're really sweet."

"Thanks. I brought them up well."

:lol: I can so see Danny saying this.

It took me a while to perfect my last fic chapter too and ... About the internet, yeah it was being a pain for me a little last night too. It disconnected while I was typing my chapter. Luckily it reconnected within seconds, so the page didn't go bye bye and I was able to pick up where I left off. :)

Good chapter by the way. I'm glad his parents liked her.
Haha you lot know me too well! Read on and you'll see what happens to my fav couple!


Thankfully Danny's parents stuck to their promise of their babysitting duties especially on a night where Danny had planned something special. He had booked a VIP area for the two of them and some of their closest friends, which really meant the crime lab and Becca's sister. Every single one of them knew what Danny was planning but they had to wait until Midnight for Danny to do what he wants to do. In the VIP area there was a karoake machine where they were all going to make fools of themselves. Flack, of course, was the first only because Danny put his name down for a laugh. He was forced to sing a version of "We are the champions" by Queen! Everyone was in stitches.

"He's an alright singer but a few lessons wouldn't go a miss." Annouced the MC causing everyone to be overtaken by giggles once more. "Next we have Becca Conrad." Everyone was surpirsed she had put her name down. They knew Danny wouldn't put hers down or she'd kill him. "She'll be singing Avril Lavigne's "My Happy Ending." As the song began Danny couldn't help but stare at her as she sang beautifully, close to the style of Avril Lavigne. He looked over at Mac who was just as surprised as he was. When the song finished there was cheers and claps all around as the young woman sat between Danny and Stella.

"Wow! I didn't know you could sing!" Exclaimed her boyfriend.

"Well... You learn something new everyday." Laughing with Stella. Without saying anything Danny got up and walked over to te mic. "You're not gonna sing? You can't!" Making everyone laugh.

"No I am not. But I do have to say something to you Becca. Something quite important." Everyone smiled secret smiles behind their hands.


Can you guess? Lol!
ROFL I'd love that as a team just kinda fits. Great now I'll be thinking of CSI songs all night lol
"No I am not. But I do have to say something to you Becca. Something quite important." Everyone smiled secret smiles behind their hands.


Turning back to his selective audience, "You all know that Becca and I hadn't had the best of starts in our relationship. Well it was a secret for starters and then she got pregnant. Oops!" Causing only a few to laugh. "She welcomed our daughter into the world on 23rd September and is the best thing to have happened to us. Well what I am trying to say is...." Looking more at Becca than his audience, he takes out a small box in his jacket, gets down on one knee and opens the box to reveal an engagement ring. "...Will you marry me?" Looking at her with a sincere look on his face.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing, she had tears falling down her face and probably the biggest smile on her face that she could possibly give. "Yes." She croaked as he stood back up. "YES! I will!" Running from her seat to him. Jumping on him, putting her legs around his waist and kissing him hard on the mouth. As they finally parted and Becca's feet were back on the ground, the VIP area erupted with cheers and wolf whistles. Danny took the ring out of the box and placed it on her finger.

"Now I am the happiest man on earth right now!" Wrapping his arms around her.

"And I am the happiest woman ever!" Snuggling close up to him.

As they made their way off the stage and back to their seats, there was congratulations from all sides even from Lindsey who had found herself a boyfriend at long last. She had pined after Danny for a while but started to realise that she didn't actually want to be with him.


At home the, now, three beings in the apartment were lying quietly on the bed. The baby asleep and the two adults not saying a word to the other. They were both so happy no words could be spoken between the two. Except... "I love you."


It may sound like it's finished but it's not just yet. I'm really enjoying writing this but I might start a different fan fiction for Miami. Any ideas of who I could write about? Just to get me going. Lol!


"The thrill is in the chase. Never in the capture."
I'm really enjoying writing this but I might start a different fan fiction for Miami. Any ideas of who I could write about? Just to get me going. Lol!

Well, you could do a Ryan/Valera fic. :) There aren't enough Rave fics out there. I'm in the process of writing my first Rave fic. But, the more the merrier. Hehe.
Mel, Valera is a lab tech. She's the one that accidentally put the rape victim's DNA in the database and got fired for a while, but luckily she came back. :)
Well, you could do a Ryan/Valera fic. :) There aren't enough Rave fics out there. I'm in the process of writing my first Rave fic. But, the more the merrier. Hehe.
Yeah I was thinking of doing one of those! So thanks I think I will.


"Right!" Danny announced one normal morning they were having. "We must get into wedding mode!"

"Why? We haven't even discussed a date to set yet." Smiling as she played with Claire.

"Well as it so happens I've booked a church for us already."

"What?! You're serious?" Smirking at him as if she thought he was joking.

"Yep. In 6 weeks from today Rebecca Conrad-Caine you and I are going to be man and wife. No protests, I've already put down a deposit! So someone has to get married. So?"

"6 weeks? You do know that is not enough time to plan a wedding fully? It takes time."

"I know but didn't you say you just wanted a small wedding?"

"Yes but even a small wedding takes time to plan. But I think I can do it." Smiling at her surprised fiance. "Yeah I could do it."

"That's settled. You just need to sort the dresses, flowers and shoes! That's all I think. I'll do the rest."

"You'll do the rest? Are you sure? There's a lot Danny."

"I know but I'll do it for you!" Kissing her on the cheek and then on Claire's cheek. "And you my angel! Are going to be the most gorgeous bridesmaid that has crawled on this earth!" Laughing as all she did was gurgle and smile at him. "Glad you agree." Smiling at Becca who was deep in thought. "You alright?"

"Yeah, it's just... I am so happy. It's unreal! I best phone my dad and tell him the date." Passing Claire to Danny and moving to the phone. "I haveto be given away by my father." Smiling at Danny.


Just a bit of preperation to do! Next.... the wedding. Will it be eventful or not? lol! You'll have to find out.