Family is a complicated matter

Nearly finished! Lol! I will be finished one day! Don't quote me on that!


After two weeks of being stuck in hospital, Becca and her daughter are finally released from hospital. She now had to pack all of her stuff to get ready to go back to New York. She was sad to be leaving Miami but was excited to be going back to her home. Mac was going to drive up and she was gonna live with him until she wanted to move out. That was his only condition if she came back.

"Got everything?" As Mac put the last suitcase in the car.

"Yep." Checking Claire was comfy in her car seat. "You ready?" Both of them nodding. Turning to Horatio and the others. "We're off."

Calleigh walking up to her and hugging her, "You come back soon. Keep in touch and look after yourselves."

"Finished?" Laughing at her. "Thanks Call for everything."

"Hey. It's alright. Take care." Hugging her once more. As Becca moved to Ryan.

"Dunno if I'll miss ya, Ryan." Smiling at him. "I will actually. Who's gonna make fun of my bump now?"

Laughing with her and hugging her also. "You take care."

Eric was laughing to himself, "What?" Becca looking confused.

"You are different. You're turning into a mother!"

"Oh my gosh! I am aren't I?" Laughing at him. "I'll miss ya Eric." Hugging him also. "I'll talk to ya soon." Eric giving her a silent "Bye".

"Last but not least. Dad." The others move away as father and daughter say their goodbyes privately.

"You will have to come and visit. I say so. As your father."

"I will. I can't miss not knowing you again. I'll come for a holiday. Claire and I."

"Good. You're always welcome here." Finally hugging her tightly. "Keep updates about the both of ya." Looking at Claire in the car. "See you soon."

"Ok." Hugging him again. "I've gotta go." Not letting him go and silent tears falling down her cheeks.

"Becca. Mac's waiting for you." Pulling her away from him. "Go before you change your mind." Kissing her on the forehead. "Bye." As she slowly walked away from him crying her silent tears, waving at the others. Getting in the car next to Mac without saying a word, occasionally looking back at her sleeping daughter.

"We're nearly there." Looking at Becca, who hadn't said a word all the time they travelled. "Do you wanna go and see Danny?"

Shaking her head, "No. Can we just go home?"

"Sure but I've just got to go into work. Want to come? Stella will be there and she'll want to see you."

"Ok." Sitting back and sinking in the feeling that she was home. Smiling to herself as the realisation sank in.


At the lab

As Mac and Becca walk through the lab to his office, she is given congratulations from all sides. "You can wait in here? You should've brought her carry seat. You'll get tired."

"I'm fine, Mac. Go do what you want to." Sitting on the couch in his office. Leaving Mac to go off. "Peace at last." Unaware Stella has just walked in.

"Hello you." Surprising her. "How are you?" Sitting next to her.

"Good. You?"

"Glad that you're better. What's her name?"

"Claire. I thought it was right." Kissing Claire on the head. "Where's everybody else?"

"Lindsey and Hawkes are in the layout room and Danny is in DNA with Adam."

A small pause. "Do you wanna hold her?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" Receiving Claire carefully. "She's so beautiful. Has her father seen her?" Becca shaking her head sadly. "Becca, what is it?" But they're cut off by Lindsey, Hawkes, Danny and Adam coming in to see Becca.

"Welcome back Becca." Hawkes being the first to talk. "She's gorgeous. Both Danny and Lindsey stand back from her.

"What's her name?" Adam piped up.

"Claire. After my aunt."

"That's a beautiful name." Spoke Lindsey. "Where's Mac?"

"About. Dunno where he went."

"DANNY!" Came Mac's voice from outside his office, causing everybody to stop and watch. Mac charged in and punched Danny.

"Mac!" Shouted everybody.

"How could you do it?" Yelling at his face. "How could you get Becca pregnant?" Everyone is stunned with silence.

"Mac..." Danny tried to speak but his jaw hurt.

"We didn't mean for it to happen. We didn't." Becca speaking louder than she had for days. "I'm sorry Mac. I really am but don't take it out on Danny. We both had fault in it."

"Oh!" Feeling a bit embarassed. Turning to Danny, "Sorry." Walking out of the office as did most of them. Stella handed Claire back to Becca.

"I'll check on him." Looking after MAc then at Danny. "You two need to talk." Walking out.


Next Danny and Becca's conversation. Last chapter it will be.
:lol: Mac just blew up there for a second. :lol: What an awkward situation for everyone, especially Lindsay, but she handled it well. Can't wait to see what Danny will say about his daughter. :)
Right this is def last chapter but I am actually gonna keep going with the Rebecca and Danny story in another fic soon. Will be starting it either over the weekend or next week.


Both unable to bring the words to say to each other. Finally Becca gains the courage to speak to the other. "How've you been?" Sitting on the sofa.

"Good up until now." Cradling his cheek.

Laughing at his pain. "Sorry, but I had to tell him. I panicked."

"Panicked?" Pulling his confused face that always made Becca giggle.

"Well giving birth is really painful! I felt like I was going to die!" Being very sarcastic, which made Danny smile.

"Sorry but God! He can punch!" Still cradling his face as Becca laughed at him.

"That's the problem with being punched by an ex-marine!"

"True." Silently staring at her. "Becca?"

"Yeah." Who was looking at Claire and rocking her and then back up at Danny. "Oh! Do you wanna hold her?"

"Yeah but she's so small, will I hurt her?"

"No. Just make sure you support her head and then hold her body." Passing Danny his daughter. "There! A natural!" Smiling at them both.

"Wow! Never thought I could do it." Kissing his daughter for the first time. "Becca.... I want to be a part of her life."

"I know. You will be." Lightly putting her hand on his shoulder.

Turning his face to meet hers whispering, "Move in with me. Both of you."

"What?" Through nervous laughter. "Move in?"

"Yeah. I said I want to be a part of Claire's life but I want to you to be in mine also. Please? The both of us can raise her together. Be a proper family."

"What about Lindsey?"

"We're not together anymore. We broke up when she found out about us. Please Becca." Moving his face closer to hers, while she pulls it away from him.

For a moment Becca was speechless which was unlike her as she always had a comment for everything. "But.... What about Mac?"

"Ask him. He probably won't mind. He can know that I will be there for the both of you. Always."

"I dunno. How do I ask Mac?" Unaware he has walked in.

"Ask me what?" Both looking up at him as if they were naughty schoolkids.

"If I could..." Looking at Danny. "If I could move in with Danny. Me and Claire I mean."

"I don't see why not."

"Excuse me?" Surprised at his sudden change of opinion.

"Stella and I had a talk. She thinks it would be best if I let you make your own decisions as you are now more of a young woman than a girl. I'm sorry for everything I have said and I am sorry I puched you Danny."

"Hey that's alright boss. You were protective of your little girl. Probably what I will be like with mine!" Looking at down at a sleeping Claire. "I will look after your young woman, I promise. I love her too much." Looking up at Becca who was crying silent happy tears. "Come here." Kissing her full on the lips. Neither of them could hear Mac groan with disgust. They didn't break apart until their daughter cried for attention.



At last! I have finally finished. I will be continuing their story soon but I have a lot of swimming to do at the moment. Thanks for everyone's comments. See you on my next fic!


"The thrill is in the chase. Never in the capture!"
Awww. Such a sweet ending. :lol: At Mac groaning.

Are you gonna post the sequels in this thread or a new one?
I think I'll post it on here might be easier for me to find! I'm always losing things! Lol! Thanks for the comments. The sequel will be soon but dunno when. Got sooooooo much on at the moment!


"The thrill is in the chase. Never in the capture." - Agatha Christie.
SEQUEL!!!!! Lol! I've thought of how to carry on!


A month after Becca had returned from Miami, she was fully living with Danny. Well, she was still living out of boxes that hadn't been unpacked. But they both were glad that their relationship was sorted. At night is the only time either of them get to talk with Claire asleep and Danny not away working. Both of them lying on the sofa, Becca lying against him and he was playing with her hair.

"Glad you're back." He whispered into her hair.

"Same here." Snuggling into his chest. "I can't believe this is happening. Mac approving of our relationship, Me and Claire moving in with you. It's so much!"

Laughing at her comments, "Same here." Kissing her head. "How long til Madam wakes up?"

"About 1 hour!" Turning to face him. "Daniel Messer, are you suggesting...?"

Looking up at the ceiling in his cheeky way, which she loved, "I don't think I said anything of the nature! It was you who said it. And I agree with you!"

Getting off the sofa, "I didn't say anything! You thought it first!" Smirking at him. Slowly backing to the bedroom as he follows also. "Come on then." Moving into the bedroom with Danny folowing her quickly.


Becca was correct about the fact that Claire would wake in an hour, so Becca decided to take her to the sitting room away from Danny's snoring. Laughing at her boyfriend's very funny sleeping position which was on his stomach with a leg sticking over the edge of the bed. Giggling to herself, cradling her baby girl, who she couldn't help but admire. To her, she looked like Danny, she had his gorgeous blue eyes and his blonde hair but Danny argued and said she looked like her. Neither of them could agree. As she made Claire her bottle, Becca didn't hear Danny creeping out of the bedroom and coming up behind her, slowly wrapping his arms around him. "Go back to bed, snore-head!" Giggling softly.

"Only if my two favourite women come too."

"Sorry, Angelina Jolie is busy, so you'll have to do with me and your daughter."

"Damn." Kissing her neck. "You'll both do."

"Let me just finish her bottle." He kept his arms around her while she made it. "Right I'm ready." Both walking conjoined to each other. As they both sat on the bed, Becca fed Claire but Danny was feeling like he had to say something. "Danny? What's wrong?" Sensing something was wrong.

"I think I... We should take Claire to meet my mom. I mean she hasn't seen her, doesn't even know about her to the fact. What you say?" Looking nervous at her.

"That'd be great. When?" Still feeding Claire.

"Tomorrow... Actually today." Looking at the clock.

"Sure. Does she know about me?" Feeling very nervous to meet his mom for the first time by showing up with her first grandchild.

"No. I'll call ahead, tell her, get an earful from her and then go to her. How does that sound?"

"Good. I like the earful part. My kind of woman. Able to give Danny Messer an earful where it makes him feel small."

"I forgot you do that." Kissing on the cheek. "So today it is!"


Well I'm back! lol! Uh oh! Meeting the mother for the first time! Only spells trouble!


"The thrill is in the chase. Never in the capture." - Agatha Christie.
hehe loved that ending :D...I'm glad you thought of an update so soon and I can not wait for what happens next :lol:
ROTFL! They are so funny together. Yeah, meeting the "in-law"... For Becca's sake, I hope it isn't as bad for her as it was for Ben Stiller in "Meet The parents". :lol:
I have no idea how it will play so I'm just going with my muse and my fingers!


Becca's breathing was changing to fast and nervous breathing but a hand is placed in hers and realised that she had Danny at her side and would be safe. They finally reached Danny's parent's which seemed forever to get to. He opened it but Becca froze at the step. "It'll be okay." Looking at her like had always done. Her body finally took over and moved inside. "Ma? Dad?" A woman came out of a room, she was about late 50s or early 60s, with greying hair but she had, Becca noticed, Danny's eyes or rather Danny had her eyes.

"Daniel?" Looking at him as if she hadn't seen him for ages. "What are you doing here? And who is this lovely looking young lady and her beautiful baby?" Glancing at Claire.

"Oh! Sorry Ma." Moving next to Becca. "This is Rebecca Conrad and Claire. My daughter, your granddaughter."

"Excuse me?" Realising what he had just said. "your daughter?"

"Yeah Ma. I'm a dad." Smiling at his mom but that panicked her even more.

"Simon?!" She called into the room she had just exited.


"Your son is here." Out of the room came a late 60s, balding man.

"Hey Danny!" Reaching out to shake his hand but his wife pulled him back.

"Your son has something to say to you." Still in shock over the revelation Danny had just given her.

"Dad, I'm a dad." His dad's mouth just dropped. "Yeah and this lovely young lady is the mother and my girlfriend."




"The thrill is in the chase. Never in the capture."