Family is a complicated matter

This one has the surprise vistor. I just had to put the previous chapter in cause I forgot to add it before.


Peacefully living with her dad and blooming at 5 months pregnant, Becca is living a lifestyle she never thought she would. But as she was coming to the end of her shift, she noticed a familar face walk into the restaurant. She couldn't believe her eyes to see Danny marching towards her. "Danny? What you doing here?" Getting angry and turning towards her customer, "Excuse me for a moment." Walking away with him and outside the restaurant. "What do you think you are doing? How dare you barge in here?"

"Why aren't you coming home?"

"I want to stay here. I like it here. You can't tell me what to do! I have every right to be here. Why are you here? Other than to yell at me!"

"I'm yelling." Raising his voice. "You're the one who started shouting at me. I came here to find out why you're not coming home. Becca... Why do you really wanna stay here?"

"I don't want to go back to New York. I just... I don't want to. Ok? Now I have to get back to work. I do not wanna lose this job." Trying to pass Danny but he stops her. "Danny please. Can we talk after? Please." Moving around him and starting to go back in, when he grabs her wrist. "If you don't let go I'll scream!"

"I'd listen to her, Sir." Horatio appearing them suddenly. Danny lets go and turns around to Horatio. "Danny Messer."

"Lieutenant Caine.... Hang on." Turning back to Becca. "Your last name is Conrad-Caine. He's.." Pointing at Horatio. "He's your father."

"Yes. Now can I get back to work?" Leaving before either of them could say anything.

"So..." Horatio begins softly. "You're the father?"

"She told you?"

"Just your first name, didn't think it would be you. Can I ask you one thing? Me being her father?" Danny nods slowly. "Will you support them both? She's devestated about being pregnant, so I think she needs all the support she can get."

"Of course I will." Getting a little angry. "Do you think I'd abandoned them both? I care about Becca a lot, even more now that she's pregnant. I would never let anything happen to either of them. You can count on me to be there for her."

"Good. That's all I needed to know." Finally Becca reappears from the restaurant. "You ready?"

"Yep. Danny I'll have to talk to you after you've calmed down and when I've been my appointment."

"I've calmed down. I'm sorry."

"I'll let you two talk. I'll be in the car." As he walked away.

"Becca... I am sorry for being an idiot. But... I'm feeling very protective of you at the moment." Putting his hand on her bump. "We have created something incredible and I want us to do it together. Come home. We can tell Mac together."

Becca is slowly shaking her head and softly crying, "I can't. I don't want to just yet. Danny... I like it here. I've told Mac that I'm gonna stay here until the baby is born and will start thinking about going back to New York. You can't push me. I've made up my mind."

"Ok." Cradling her face with his hands. "Let me come here for the birth? I wanna see our child be born."

"Yes. I'd like that." Their foreheads touching and finally they share their first kiss since the airport. Breaking apart. "Do you wanna come to the appointment? I'm having a scan."

"I'd like that." Walking hand-in-hand unaware they were being watched in the shadows.


Well that's my latest surprise. Next time it will be even bigger! Rapist revealed and horror on the way!


"The thrill is in the chase, never in the capture."
Hey, great updates. I finally got around to reading all the chapters.

And, If she looses the baby I'm not going to be happy. :scream:

Hehehe just kidding. Wonderful job, keep it up. :thumbsup:
thanks heather! I love doing these chapters! Rapist revealed and oh no!


Having reconciled with Danny and feeling a lot better about herself and knowing that he will be supporting her all the way. As she approached her seventh month of her pregnancy, she began to get the feeling that someone was watching her. Just deciding to shrug it off and carry on with her life. As she made her way to work her cell rang, "Hello?"

On the other side, "Hey Becca. It's Mac."

"Hey stranger. What's up?"

"I've got to tell you that we know who your rapist is." Becca's face dropping. "It's Simon Walker."

"James's brother?"

"Yeah but the only thing is, we can't find him and just two months ago he was spotted getting on a bus to... Miami."

Feeling very nervous, "He's here? Now?"

"Yeah. Where are you?"

"Just getting into work. Mac what if he's here now?"

"Get home. Phone your dad and tell him to come and get you. Becca do it now. Phone me as soon as you've gotten hold of your dad." Hangs up.

Becca didn't have time to let things sink in when suddenly she recognised the two people in the whole of the world she did not want to see. Walking quickly to the kitchen and try and get out of the place before they could get to her. But two men were faster than a 7 month pregnant woman. One of them grabs her by the arm and holds her against him while pointing a shotgun at the rest of the restaurant. "Now! I want everyone on the floor! NOW!" Everyone quickly gets onto the floor. "No one is to leave unless I say so!" Turning to Becca. "We are gonna have a little talk." Pulling her into the back office.


Cliffhanger!!!!!! :lol: Sorry but I wanted to!
Ok Natty I'll carry on! Don't turn into Mel, there's only room for her! :lol:


Being dragged into her boss's office by an angry, gun wielding manic in her opinion with tears streaming down her face. "What do you want?"

"I want to know why a little girl had the right to cheat on my baby brother and get away with it!"

"I'm sorry but you have no idea what your brother is capable of!"

"Capable of? I know prefectly well! He picks the wrong stupid girls everytime!" Standing face-to-face with her. "Now I want to know, are you having his baby?"

Crying hysterically, "No it's not. It's someone else's." He hits her over the face causing her to fall on the floor.

"YOU BITCH!" Pointing the gun at her.

"NO! NO! PLEASE!" James, her ex-boyfriend runs in. "JAMES! MAKE HIM STOP!"

"Why? Why should I? You cheated on me and got pregnant by another man!"

"Did your brother tell you what he did 5 months ago in New York?" James shakes his head. "He raped me! He raped me! There! The wonderful truth about your wonderful brother! He is so low, he attacked a pregnant woman!"

James turns towards his brother, "Is this true?"

"Can you believe her? How CAN you believe her?" Stubbling over his words.

"Simon? Please. Tell the truth. Did you rape her?" Simon just nods. "We have to get out of her. Someone called the cops." He helps Becca up. "I am so sorry. Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Thank you. GO! Go before they come!" They both start rushing towards the door but Simon pulls the trigger of his shotgun. A shot fires. A scream is heard from Becca. He had shot her in the shoulder. She falls back to the floor.

"Simon! You idiot! You shot her. We were never meant to shoot anyone!" Holding her off of the floor. "Bec? Becca? Say something!"

"I'm sorry!" Breathing quickly. "I'm sorry I cheated on you but you were in Chicago."

"It's ok. Don't worry. You just hold on." He was only concentrating on her so he didn't notice Simon pointing the gun at her again. A shot rings out. Becca screams in pain! "Simon! Again?!" He noticed blood running from her leg. He slowly puts her on the ground. "I'll be back, Becca, I promise!" Runs after his brother but they are stopped by Horatio and a load of police. Both are arrested while Horatio runs into the office and sees Becca bleeding on the floor.

"BECCA! NO! Becca, becca. Talk to me." Lifting her up and holding her. "Please talk to me."

"Hey!" In a raspy voice. "I'm... Not... Going anywhere!"

"Good. I need you here." The paramedic turn up and take her away. Horatio follows. "I'm not going to leave you. I'm here." Holding her hand.


At the hospital

Horatio is sitting on the floor outside Becca's hospital room crying uncontrolably. Calleigh walks up to him and sits next to him putting her arm around him. "Horatio? Horatio what is it?" He says nothing. "She's not...?"

"No. She's alive. They both are. She's in a coma. It's not just that."

"What is it?" Moving to sit infront of him.

"I didn't keep my promise."

"What promise?"

Sighing "I promised I'd keep her safe from HIM! But I couldn't."

"We didn't know he was here. NYPD only just knew and he'd been here for two months. You couldn't have done anything."

"I know but I could have tried." Standing up. Calleigh follows suit. "I'd better call her uncle. Will you sit with her for me?"

"Of course." Both walking away. Calleigh walks into Becca's room and gasps at the state that she's in. Wires attached to her and a tube sticking down her throat. She can hardly believe her eyes at how vunerable she looked. "Oh Becca!" Sitting in a chair next to her and holding Becca's hand.


There we go! Most things revealed. Next chapter a familar face visits (It isn't Danny!) :lol: Hope your liking it guys. I think I am nearly at the end of it. Well that's if I think of more storylines for Becca.
That's so sad, but at least she and the baby are okay. Poor Danny when he finds out though. At least her ex bf had the decency to TRY to help her, but apparently his brother is a psycho. :lol:
You'll have to wait and see what Danny's reaction is. It's getting really hard to write about the Becca and Horatio relationship! These events take place two after Becca was shot.


Two weeks after being shot Becca is still in a coma, unable to breath on her own but everything else is fine. That's what the doctors had told Mac. He had not left her bedside when he arrived in Miami. He had barely slept and not eaten much. He was more concerned about his niece's wellbeing. He had not let go of her hand. He didn't know what to do. All he wanted to do was stay with her until she was awake and better. He wasn't going to leave her side. Silently Horatio crept in but Mac knew he was there. "How long has she been like this?" Not looking at him, just keeping his eyes on Becca.

"Two weeks. We tried to get hold of you but you're a hard man to find."

"Sorry, but I came as soon as I got your message." He glances at her bump. "How's the baby?"

"Healthy and moving. They're being well looked after."

"I didn't do a good job of looking after her. My little girl."

"I tried to protect her. She told me about the rape and I tried everything to stop her getting hurt but I couldn't protect my own daughter." Sitting opposite Mac, next to Becca. "I know how much you care about her but I tried everything!" They don't notice her hand moving.

"Horatio... We couldn't have stopped them." Her hand grabs the covers. "Look!"

"What?" Looking at her hand. She grabs the covers even more and her eyes open. "Hold her hands down. She'll panic." He presses the panic button. The doctors come in and take out the tube. She falls back asleep.


You like it guys? More later. I'm off to the beach, it's a nice day here!
Well it's progress :)
have fun....hey can you get inspired for beach fic? Shirtless H and Mac and Eric....*drool*
Thanks you two. A beach fic would be great! I'll get this one finished first!


"Thank God!" Mac said as he prayed into her hand as he held it. "Thank you!" Still unaware that Horatio was standing in the room.

"Mac? Do you want me to call someone for you?"

Looking up at him, "Yeah... Umm... Stella. She'll want to know. Do you have her number?"

"Yeah. You stay with Becca. She'll want a familar face when she wakes up." Starts walking out of the room.

"Horatio?" Mac's standing up with his hand stretched out to Horatio. "Thank you. For taking care of her."

Taking it. "You're welcome but you're the one who raised her. You did the best job." Letting go and leaving. Mac sits down back next to Becca, resting his eyes for a bit.

Unbeknown to him, Becca has woken up quietly. "Hey stranger!" Waking Mac up with a start.

"Hey you!" Holding her hand again. "You alright?" Squeezing her hand again.

"Good. Really good." Putting her hand on her bump. "So's this one. When did you get here?"

"Today. Becca I am so sorry. I tried to find them before they got here but... it was too late." Nearly on the verge of crying.


"I know. I'm sorry. I tried to protect you but I couldn't."

"No. Mac..." Grabbing his hand harder. "I'm having contractions."

"It might be your.... um.... what's it called?"

"Braxton Hicks."


"I thought so too but not until about 15 seconds ago when my waters broke!"

"Oh! Oh no!" Pressing the emergency button. "It's ok. You'll be ok."

Crying out. "Don't leave me!"

"I won't."


In the maternity ward Becca has been in labour for two hours. "Becca, you'll be alright. Not long." Explained her doctor.

"But she's too early. Will the baby be alright? Being born too early?"

"We'll have to see when it's born." Becca cries out in a lot of pain. "Don't worry. Not long."

"Mac! I can't do it! I'm tired. I can't!"

"You can! I know you can." Stroking her head. "Becca..."

"Mac... It's Danny's."

"What's Danny's sweetie?"

"He's the father. Danny Messar is the father." Cries out. "I'm sorry." Crying through her words.

The doctor interupts, "It's time. Get ready."


Finally Rebecca Conrad and Danny Messar's daughter is born. "She's not breathing." The nurse takes away the baby.

"Mac?! Where's she going? Why's she not crying? MAC!" Panicing.

"I don't know sweetie! But you need to relax. You've been through a lot. You need to rest." Without another answer Becca falls asleep without even realising it.


YAY! That drama over. Gonna wrap it up soon. I'm guessing 3/4 parts to go!