Family is a complicated matter

Ha ha! Life is never simple Mel! lol! Like I said revelations up soon. Don't know when her rapist will be caught but I know he will be caught.


Crying softly and hugging her knees was Rebecca Conrad's only comfort at that point. Mac had to take a phone call, her sister was away and Danny wasn't speaking to her. She couldn't understand how it happened to her. She always heard the stories from Mac about other girls but she didn't think it would happen to her. She had protected from the dangers in life. Now she felt dirty and wrong. The doctor told her, her baby is fine and she's fine. Only suffered a sprained wrist, broken rib and a few cuts and bruises. This angered her pretty badly. "Fine?! I'm fine! I've just been raped! How can that be fine?" Remembering how much of a shock she gave that poor doctor.

Still crying when her sister turned up from her trip to New Jersey, "Oh Becca! Come here." Sitting on the hospital bed next to her. "It's alright. I'm here. Don't worry. Shh!" Trying her best to console her sister. "I don't know if you want to know but I have news for you." Becca saying nothing but just looks at her. "I found your dad. He wants you to go and see him. Whenever you want."

"Where does he live?" Feeling a bit better and starting to forget about what happened the night before.

"Miami. Here." Takes out a plane ticket out of her purse and gives it to Becca. "I bought you a ticket, it leaves tomorrow morning. If you wanna go?"

"Oh my God! Thank you Sarah. Yes I'll go. Is he expecting me?"

"Uh huh. I called him this morning and we both arranged it all for you. You're gonna go and stay with him for as long as you want. But Mac doesn't know. You'll have to tell him or I will if you want to."

"No. I'll tell him. I'd rather tell him."

"What about Danny?"

"Danny? What about him?"

"He is the father of your child he has the right to know that you're going away."

"How did you know?" Feeling a bit embarassed that her big sister knows.

"I saw you in a cafe a few months ago, kissing."

"Oh!" Feeling even more embarassed. "Don't tell Mac! We don't want him to know. Well I don't want him to know. He's had so much news lately I don't want to upset him even more." In very rapid speech.

"I won't tell him but you know you will have to tell Mac at some point." Unaware that Mac has walked him.

"Tell me what?" Sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"That... Um..." Looking at Sarah nervously. "That Sarah found out where my dad is and I'm going to see him tomorrow."

"Where is he?" Starting to act as the concern guardian.

"Miami. Sarah bought me a plane ticket and she said he said I could stay as long as I wanted to. But I just want to pass it by you."

"Oh right. Umm... yeah but if you wanna come home, you tell him and come home. Ok?"

"Yeah." Hugging him tightly. "Ow! That hurt." Letting go and lauging. "So you don't mind?"

"Of course. I knew you'd try and find him one day. You just take care not to get hurt."

"I won't I'll be careful." Hugging him like she did when her mother died and Claire and Mac had got full custody of her. "Can we go home now?"

"Yeah." Kissing her on the forehead. "Come on. Be careful." All three of them standing up. Becca groaning from her pains. "You alright?"

"Yeah just a bit sore. Let's go." Walking out of her room. "Mac?"


"Have you caught him?" Her head resting on Sarah's shoulder. Mac looking at Sarah with a guility look.

"No. We found semen but there's no hits in AFIS. Sorry Becca but I promise you we will catch him. I promise!" As they left the hospital.


At the airport the next day

Becca decided to leave on her own, she didn't want to say goodbye to Mac because she knew she was going to be back. She had left Danny an voicemail message on his phone, telling him everything. As she waited for her flight to be called, she heard her name being yelled out, thinking it was for someone else, Becca ignores it. Until "Rebecca Conrad!"

Turning around to see Danny fighting his way through the crowd of people. "Danny?" Moving towards him. "Dan..." Before she could even finish his name, he kisses her. Finally both of them pulling away.

"Please forgive me! I'm an idiot." Becca laughs at this. "Don't agree! I am though. I wanna be a part in our baby's life. Please let me?"

"I was intending to whether you liked it or not." Her flight is called. "Danny I gotta go. My flight."

"Don't go! Stay!"

"But my dad is expecting me. I'm not going to be away for long. I will be back. I'm going to have my, OUR baby in New York." Kissing him. "But right now. I've got to go. I'll call you as soon as I get there." Leaving slowly. "Bye."



After a three hour flight, Becca's plane finally lands in Miami International Airport. Becca becoming more and more nervous about meeting her dad, who was meeting her off the plane. Finally passing through the usual points, Becca can see him waiting for her. He is standing there with his red hair, sunglasses on, hands on his hips and smiling as he sees her. He speaks first, "Hi."

"Hi" Feeling really nervous. The two of them start walking out of the airport, both too nervous to speak.


So? Have you finally worked it out? :lol: I had to get him in to make Mel less impatient! Sorry Mel but you'll still have wait to find out who her rapist is!
:lol: About her dad: When I re-read "red hair" and "blue eyes" it clicked. :lol:

As for the rapist, I don't know who that is. My guess would be maybe one of her ex's or someone she maybe rejected at some point in her life. Just a guess considering that a big percentage of women who are raped are raped by someone they know (or at least that's what I heard once on some news show).
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oh I missed that part. But then I never knew what color H's eyes were...

I missed it the first time too, but then she said "can you guess who Becca's dad is?" and I was like "well, I'm pretty sure it ain't Mac." :lol: So, I started to re-read the story to look for clues. I think it was in the first chapter about her dad's hair and eye color.
Well done guys! You cracked that mystery! Yes Becca's rapist is someone she knows but we haven't met him. She'll find out who it is in a couple of posts, I think! Thanks for the good comments I really value them especially this being my first fanfic!


Neither father nor daughter spoke in the car to his house. It was when they entered his house when he spoke. "I'll show you where you'll sleep." Walking through the house into the spare room. "Leave your stuff, we can go and get food and talk. How does that sound?"

"Yeah that would be great. I'm starving."


The two of them are finally sitting and having food. Becca becomes the first to start the conversation, "So... What do you do?"

"I'm a criminalist."

"You're kidding! My uncle is too!" Causing both of them to giggle at this outburst. "Umm... Can I ask about mom and you? If that's alright?"

"Course it's alright. Umm... We met two years before she had you. We married about 3 months before you were born because your mother being a catholic. And when you were born we were the happiest parents in the world. I couldn't believe I was a Dad!"

"Then why did you leave me?" Not looking at him but concentrating on her food a little too much.

"I don't know. I couldn't be without your mother. I couldn't be a father on my own. As much as I loved you I wouldn't have been able to raise you properly. You understand?"

"Of course. I'm sorry. I just wanted to know."

"You have every right to be curious. I tried to find you but you had moved from New York."

"We went to Chicago for a few years and then back to New York. I've been to and fro ever since."

"How come?"

"Well when Claire died in the Towers, I didn't want to live with my Uncle any longer so I lived with mom's other sister. But only last year she and her husband died in a car crash. So I went back to live with Mac."

"Mac? Mac Taylor?"

"Yeah. How do you know him?" Getting very suspicious.

"We worked together on a case a few years ago. I never knew he was your uncle."

"Well, you learn something new everyday. There's something I should also tell you if Sarah hasn't said anything."

"All she told me was where you were and suggested you to stay."

"Ok. Right I'll say it straight out. I'm pregnant. There you go, in one day you meey your daughter again and find she's carrying your grandchild."

"Well that is big news. Are you happy?"

Smiles at him as if she had alway known him, "You are the first person to ask me that. Everyone else goes and asks about the father or if I'm keeping it. By the way I am not telling you and yes I am keeping it." Horatio laughs. "What? Have I got food on my face?"

"No. You're fine. You just remind me so much of your mother. She said that when she found out she was having you. Like I said to her, I will support you in all your decisions one hundred percent of the way." Smiling at her.

"Thank you." Smiling back now as if she'd known him all her life. "Is it alright if we go? I'm really tired and in about an hour my morning sickness will start."

Standing up, "Sure. We can talk some more tomorrow." Walking away while giving her a one armed hug.


That has to be my favourite chapter I have written. Please leave nice comments. Rapist revealed in two chapters and a surprise visit in the next one. ;) ;) ;)
why is she so reluctant to tell anyone about Danny?

I'm guessing she's worried how Mac will take it and that maybe Danny might lose his job over it since she's still 17 and Danny is well over that. :lol: Probably partly cause he's been cheating on Lindsay with her.
I'm guessing she's worried how Mac will take it and that maybe Danny might lose his job over it since she's still 17 and Danny is well over that. :lol: Probably partly cause he's been cheating on Lindsay with her.
That is basically the reason why she won't tell anyone about Danny. I don't the laws of the state of New York and haven't had time to research them so I don't know if it's illegal for the two of them to have a sexual relationship.


Both Horatio and Becca have finally bcome more and more like father and daughter over the past 6 weeks. He has introduced her to the people he works with and she has only told him the first name of her baby's father, "Danny. His name's Danny. We just happened to meet and we hit it off and then one day I'm pregnant."

"Oh right. How long do you wanna stay? You can stay as long as you want."

"I actually wanted to stay until the baby was born." Placing her hand on her very small bump. "I don't want to go back to New York. Too many bad memories."

"What made you come here?"

"To see you and... I was raped two days before I came here and I'm scared I was a specific target and they might come back to get me."

"That won't happen. You've got Mac and the entire NYPD looking for this guy. And here you've got me to protect you." Giving her a one armed hug. "Now how about a job? You might need one to keep yourself busy."

"I never thought of that. I saw a waitress job advertised the other day. I'll go there."

"There we go. Already thinking one step ahead of me. You are definately Helen's daughter."


Sorry it's a short one but I think I had to get in that Horatio should know about the father and the rapist. Thanks for great comments guys!

"In my darkest moments when all seems lost. You are at my side."
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^^Im guessing.........Because he works for Mac and they had kept their relationship a secret- maybe she wants to tell mac first :D

EDIT: didnt see this other page :lol: Im glad shes told H :D
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