Wow... I've completely neglected this place. Take this as my apology:
That pic is teh sex.
mjszud said:
to answer BOA FISTA FAN, I probably should of been more specific about the 'abuse' thing. I just meant that in the epi when Michael Lipton grabbed her. It seemed 'thrown in' & then Eric asking if she was ok, in my eyes it was the writers way of bringing up the abuse again, just very lightly.
You bring up a really interesting point. I had no idea why they decided to have Michael grab Natalia... I thought it was just the writer's way of throwing in some "excitement." (Because... really... when was the last time a suspect practically assaulted a CSI in interrogation?)
I did think of Natalia's past in that one scene between her and Eric, though. When he asked her if she was okay and then she made a kind of sad/exhausted face. It made me think that Natalia, if not both of them, was thinking about her personal life. I assumed that it was just the writers' way of making a pitiful attempt to keep a little bit of continuity for Natalia.
But who knows. *shrug*
ilh214 said:
i think they got blinded by the whole "NUMBER ONE SHOW IN THE WORLD!!! WOO!!!!" thing and started trying to put so much into it, make it more exciting or w/e and kind of got ahead of themselves.
That's my theory, too. I don't think they realize what it is that makes everyone watch the show... it looks as if they believe it's CrAzY-MaD AcTiOn and HoT/SeXY Ppl!!!1!one!
Stop focusing on half-naked people and exploding vehicles, please. kthx.
mjszud said:
Its humorous how Nat gets mad & litterally jumps down your throat pointing fingers & poking yet Cal has this almost 'gentle' way of just smiling & making an ugly comment.
Natalia's a feisty one, isn't she?
That scene was great. While I would've loved to see Nat tell Erica off, I'm glad that Calleigh interrupted her. If those cameras had caught anything... our girl would've been so screwed.
mjszud said:
Anyone read about the 'you tube' announcement? Natalia has some great videos on you tube but I haven't a clue how to post them here so anyone who can I'd love to see them over here. Im not sure yet if they are posted under this thread or an actual 'you tube' thread but either way, thats cool. Sometimes the videos can give justice to the characters & theres always lots of drama.
I made a few Natalia videos... Four, I think.
I'm sure you've all seen at least one of them, but I'll post a link to them soon. Hopefully I'll eventually be allowed to post them in this thread instead of that general YouTube one. (After all, the videos
are about Eva/Natalia, and this
is the Eva/Natalia thread. It'd make sense.)
mrsjrewing said:
I really like Natalia. I have been a fan of Eva LaRue since her days on the soap All My Children and I love seeing her in a different character. She is awesome in the role.
You got to see her on
All My Children? Lucky.
I wish I could've... At least YouTube has some clips up.
veggie said:
beautiful picture of Eva at the Imagen awards where she was nominated for tv best suporting actress it was her first nomination for her work on csi miami! Alana was nominated to for L&O but Ana Ortiz from ugly betty won.
Thanks for the pics! She looks adorable!
CSI_Dani said:
^^Too bad she didn't win. But at leats she was nominated and had the opportunity to be there
I agree. It's a bummer that she didn't win, but at least she was nominated. It's not very often that you hear CSI stars getting nominated for awards.
veggie said:
i just saw maria's meltdown and its amazing!!! Eva is really a great actress and i get why so many people watch soap opera. But like Eva said its hevy stuff and i cant imagine doing this for so many years she really deserve all the awards she got for that job!
ilh214 said:
just watched maria's meltdown and i've gotta say, it was impressive. she is such a great actress! i didn't exactly get it because my knowledge of AMC is limited to the almost 10 minutes i just watched but i laughed through almost the entire thing. her sarcasm cracked me up. now i definately want to see a drunk natalia!
*beams* I told you guys.
Isn't she brilliant?
That, my friends, is why she was nominated for an Emmy. You can't find anything like that on
CSI: Miami.
For some reason, if Natalia ever ends up drunk, I can't picture her at all like Maria. I see her as a very happy and very crazy drunk.