Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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carla said:
hey everyone! i've never posted here, but i've been lurking since... forever :rolleyes: haha. anyway, i just thought i'd drop by and mention that i started the (thefanlistings.org-approved) natalia boa vista fanlisting, and that you should totally join because she's awesome and deserves to have a huge list of fans :D
Thanks for giving us a heads up with that, carla! I just joined. :)

mjszud said:
Love the pic BVFAN.. she looks kinda drunk!
That's because... err... she kind of is.

Did you watch the infamous "Maria's Meltdown" yet? If not, here's the link. The pic above is a screencap from that episode.

ilh214 said:
love the pic BVF. she's silly :p where are you getting your caps from? i'd like to make some maria icons.
Willowfriend.com. It's my only source for Eva-related AMC stuff. :)

ilh214 said:
i think csi miami should have a yearbook. how cool would that be? i'd vote for natalia for best personality. :D
Hmm... I think I'd give her Most Outgoing, Best Smile, Biggest Flirt, and Lab Cutie. :D
*hides in shame* no, i haven't watched it yet. I have dial-up, enough said right? But I thought she was supposed to be flipping out, losing it, tears & snot the whole shebang. I think she looks kinda happy in the pic...must be before she consumes the majority of the alcahol!

I think its so weird that she looks so different w/ her hair dark. I mean, shes gorgeous as Natalia w/ highlights & as Maria w/ the dark locks! I wonder if she'll ever go back to her natural color on Miami...maybe its highlighted to look like natural highlights from that Miami sun!!!
carla, you're here! :D I'm so glad you joined!

I seriously think that she looks good with both highlights and dark hair. But yeah, maybe for Miami, she will never have dark hair, because as it is it matched with the colour of the scenarios and stuff, all that sun coming from everywhere. Not counting with Alexx, both Valera and Calleigh have hairs to match with it. I coulnd't really see Alexxhaving it :lol: So yeah, I guess they will prefer that look on her, because it matches with the Miami-sunny-fashion-style they have :rolleyes:

I haven't see any movie of her, or any of her work aside CSI:Miami, actually. Should be interesting tough. Well, I have seen "Maria's Meltdown" and that was interesting :p

Nice picture, so funny :lol: Oh, people when they are drunk can do such silly faces :p

Good that she is going to learn how to shoot, but I am also glad that it's not done by the season premiere. The whole thing about her shoulder...Hmm, I guess it can be either a good storyline or a bad storyline, depending on how it really happens. We'll have to wait and see.
I hope whatever they do it carries her through the whole season. She had a few good ones last season but they seemed to just come & go & then it left nothing for her. I'd like for them to at least stretch something out w/ her; give her a big character boost besides the aftermath of the mole & her ex.
mjszud said:
But I thought she was supposed to be flipping out, losing it, tears & snot the whole shebang. I think she looks kinda happy in the pic...must be before she consumes the majority of the alcahol!
Yeah, that picture is definitely before she goes off the deep end. And does she go off the deep end... I felt embarrassed for her. There's not really any tears/snot, but there are a few teary-eyed moments for her. And there is a LOT of flipping out and losing it. Maria is a very... interesting... drunk.

mjszud said:
I think its so weird that she looks so different w/ her hair dark. I mean, shes gorgeous as Natalia w/ highlights & as Maria w/ the dark locks! I wonder if she'll ever go back to her natural color on Miami...maybe its highlighted to look like natural highlights from that Miami sun!!!
I personally adore Eva's "AMC" hair. In all of the videos I've watched, it's absolutely gorgeous. It looks so natural and full... Her "CSI: Miami" hair is fine too, but I think the hair department overdoes it sometimes.

CSI_Dani said:
Good that she is going to learn how to shoot, but I am also glad that it's not done by the season premiere. The whole thing about her shoulder...Hmm, I guess it can be either a good storyline or a bad storyline, depending on how it really happens. We'll have to wait and see.
The shoulder thing should be interesting. If, by "popping" her shoulder they mean "dislocating" it, that's painful. I can't wait to see Eva's face. I'd probably be whining and cursing my head off. :p Anyway... I think the main reason for this whole shoulder thing is to spark that "Setler sees Eric/Natalia" thing. Whether or not that'll be a storyline, I don't know.

mjszud said:
I hope whatever they do it carries her through the whole season. She had a few good ones last season but they seemed to just come & go & then it left nothing for her. I'd like for them to at least stretch something out w/ her; give her a big character boost besides the aftermath of the mole & her ex.
Not to rain on your parade, but I don't think that she'll have a storyline that'll last the entire season. I mean... when was a storyline ever stretched out through a majority of the season on this show?

I'm sure the writers will throw in a few little things for her, though. It seems that Donahue & Co. have been all about the soap bubbles lately and Eva, having just finished an eight-year run on a soap opera, is more than up for the challenge of bathing in them.
I mean kinda like in S4 how the stories all came together near the end. They did better at spreading it out in that season. They gave us bits & peices of stuff but at least they did it throughout the whole season, thats more or less what I mean. I dont care if it's huge or small as long as i don't have to watch her wander around the lab from January to May!
Thanks for the pics. Lovely as always. Im so psyched for Sep. 24 th. Evidentally last night they aired the premeir during commercials & of course I miss it! No one has mentioned even seeing Nat, my god, do they even show her on the commercial?
those pics are gorgeous! i love the first one and they are so cute in the last one. :) thanks for posting noealonso

i missed the promo as well. :( its driving me crazy. i NEED the 24th to get here faster. hopefully someone will post it on youtube or something.
I'll be glued to the tv during CSI on thursday, they always show previews for Miami during that show. Watch I'll probably have to freakin' pee or somethin & miss it!

Does anyone have any Nat/Eva icons? Id love one of her for my avatar. She has beautiful pictures on her website from magazines. They are gorgeous! I'd do it but I dont know how.. yeah, duh! I'll figure it out someday.
i made about 20 eva/nat icons. they are at my lj. there's also a few with any other batch of miami icons i've made but those are all her. :)

i won't be home on thursday so i'll miss csi, also missing the promo (if they show it). grrrrr. i'm dyin over here. monday night i will be glued to the tv and god help anyone who tries to mess with me. i wanna see natalia! just a tiny little glipse will hold me over until next month.
We may have to hold out the whole month 'cus from what I hear they don't even show Natalia in the commercial. Which I think is just shitty, so unless they change around the commercial, which often times they do, we will have to wait. I do know for a fact shes in the first epi, I just don't think she'll have anything major going on yet. She is part of the cast, tho, & personally I feel like they should show her, even if it is just her doing some lab work or something. I hope her hair has grown out; I know that sounds dumb but you could tell she had the whole 'bang transformation' thing going on & it bugged me (every girl knows the complications of letting your bangs grow out). Im so anxious to see how they all look! Ya ever notive w/ every new season it looks they mature in their appearance by a whole year?
Hopefully she'll be part of the first episode cause i dont want it to be all about Calleigh/Eric/Jake. She's a great character and Eva's doing a amazing job i dont want her to be put in a corner. I just saw the promo and she's not even in it and thats annoying!!
mjszud said:
I mean kinda like in S4 how the stories all came together near the end. They did better at spreading it out in that season. They gave us bits & peices of stuff but at least they did it throughout the whole season, thats more or less what I mean. I dont care if it's huge or small as long as i don't have to watch her wander around the lab from January to May!
Ohhhhhhhhh... Okay, now I get it.

Well, based off of Corey Miller's latest interview, it looks like we might get something:
Even though the team will only be shown in a work environment, Miller promised that there was something in store for everyone in season six. "We have come up with some character arcs for all of our people, and hope that by the end of the season they will all have evolved in some fashion," he said.
Whether or not Natalia's arc will stretch out all season, I don't know. At least we're getting something. Wasn't it season four when Ryan got almost nothing?

I wonder if Natalia's arc will involve the whole "bad shot" thing (if they still decide to go through with it). The only reason why I found out about it in the first place was because Eva did a radio interview over here and mentioned it. This was back in March and she said it hadn't even been written down on paper yet, so maybe they decided to trash that idea. (And I'm sure we would've heard something about it in the spoiler thread if they stuck with it.)
Who knows...
No, Ryan had his nail in the eye thing that carried him through almost til the end & the short lived issue w/ Nat, not to mention his drama w/ Erica, so he had quite a bit going on that season!
I think they may do the bad shot thing. Their bringing up her arm, slightly, in epi 5. It could be for another story but given that she DID have a broken arm once, & here she is learning to shoot, & in teh following epi, it pops out of place, dislocates, whatever it is, but still, so far the spoilers haven't gone past epi 6 so its still very possible that in the next few there could be a hint towards her having some difficulty w/ it.
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