Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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Hopefully Jesse's story is wrapped up in 8.16 and the 'tag-team' in 8.20 and we have the rest for Natalia. Is this wishful thinking? I think so. :lol: Oh dear Natalia, where have you been?

Ii hope you're right, Michya. I'm getting so tired of Natalia not being included.

Eva is so beautiful and so talented it's just a crime. This might night be an unpopular comment, but I sometimes almost wish some other show would swoop in and steal Eva to star in another show where her talents could be put to use and where we'd get to see her more than a brief appearance every 10th episode (yeah, I know I'm exaggerating, but not by much)!
She's brilliant with those expressions. There's been so many more than just these last 2. Actually I find that in all her featured epis (where she had drama) she used more facial expression than words. It's especially noticeable in her eyes.

One look I always giggled at was the one she threw Nick in 'Death Eminent" (after he asked if she wanted to get dirty). She had a bit of dialogue there but I remember the expression more. :lol:

Yes her expressions are especially noticable in her face and eyes. I love it when she does that it just makes you feel more of what she's feeling. She's really good at that! That's what makes her such an amazing actress! And in that episode, that look she gave Nick, it was so funny! I loved it. Her face was like "Are you serious? Do you really think after I've been with you all these years I would do that?" I loved that episode. Actually that season! That's when you saw her the most. As far as her hearing loss goes, I think maybe TPTB has been getting on here and seeing we're really upset with her screen time. I mean they could do better but at least we're getting a story line here. I'm happy for right now, but they still could put her in other scenes and make use of her hearing loss. Like put her in the field with her hearing aid and for some reason it doesn't work and she almost gets hurt or something. I mean how much can we ask from TPTB?! :scream: And now that Eric's coming back what's gonna happen to her?! I mean they've added 2 or 3 new people who are already getting more screen time than she is and she's been on there longer than them! So what's gonna happen with that. I'll be upset if they push her even more out of the picture! That will just really P*** me off!
Eva is so beautiful and so talented it's just a crime. This might night be an unpopular comment, but I sometimes almost wish some other show would swoop in and steal Eva to star in another show where her talents could be put to use and where we'd get to see her more than a brief appearance every 10th episode (yeah, I know I'm exaggerating, but not by much)!

I had this thought too, Delynn.

I don't know if tptb comes here and read, if they do, I think they only read the E/C thread. We aren't even asking for some big drama, maybe we are too quiet and not making enough 'noise'. I really dare not think if tptb are going to keep all the actors and her brief appearance will really become once every 10th episode. :rolleyes:

Nick was so badass in 'Death Eminent' and I also remember the expression she gave him. I know she has also said her favourite moments were those of her troubles with Nick. I always love her facial expressions def makes one feel what she is feeling. Her eyes are very expressive indeed.
This might night be an unpopular comment, but I sometimes almost wish some other show would swoop in and steal Eva to star in another show where her talents could be put to use
Not unpopular with me. I'd hate to see Natalia go (this character is pure awesomeness!), but if Eva left I'd cut all ties with the show & be done. I would feel relieved.

My worst fear is that they'll use her hearing loss issue to demote her as a CSI & she'll return in S9 in the same capacity as S4, recurring DNA labrat. I would absolutely hate that. Don't think I could scramble through episodes waiting for when she'd appear. Plus I'd be too angry at the show & wouldn't want to give them the time of the day!

I did get to check out the S8 recap CBS posted. I was quite happy with it, and I agree it did seem to suggest this storyline is far from over. But then the worry lies with: what will come out of the storyline for her? :eek:

BTW, we are just a few posts away from a new thread....any title suggestions? I'm personally liking 'Eva/Natalia #3: Bionic Woman' :p
Throw out some more suggestions so we can include a poll in the thread opening.
BTW, we are just a few posts away from a new thread....any title suggestions? I'm personally liking 'Eva/Natalia #3: Bionic Woman' :p
Throw out some more suggestions so we can include a poll in the thread opening.

:lol: I like that!

If I think of something I'll post it, but it;s going to be hard to top 'bionic woman'

My worst fear is that they'll use her hearing loss issue to demote her as a CSI & she'll return in S9 in the same capacity as S4, recurring DNA labrat. I would absolutely hate that. Don't think I could scramble through episodes waiting for when she'd appear. Plus I'd be too angry at the show & wouldn't want to give them the time of the day!

You mean the same way she's been since season 6? ...She's CSI now, but TPTB seem to have an issue with promoting her from a supporting character... I think she actually had more airtime in s4 then in recent...
If they ever dare demote her! :censored:

"Bionic Woman" is a good one maybe we can add something more to that, something to suggest we want to see more of her character. My brain isn't working right now, can't think of any! I will help prepare our Midori cocktails though. :lol:

ETA: How about 'Eva/Natalia #3: Bionic Woman - It's time for a storyline (or more screentime)!' :p

Or 'Eva/Natalia #3: Bionic Woman - A Beautiful Soul' :)
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I hope her storyline goes somewhere good. It's about time she got a decent storyline.

I like the "bionic woman" thread title suggestion. :)
I like "Bionic Woman" as well.

I agree with Michya, though. I'd sure like to see something about her being beautiful and compassionate. Is there a word that could be added to reflect Natalia's warmth and beauty?
How about "A Beautiful, Caring, Bionic Woman"?

What's everyone's favorite Natalia scene?

I'm not really sure what mine is. I liked when she stood up for Eric in "Sink or Swim". :)
how 'bout this: Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

I like that one too GNRFan -- she was all kinds of awesome yelling in thier face & grabbing thier arm. I'll have to continue my favorite scenes when the new thread is up cause I have soooo many.
I am okay with that mjszud.

So anyone opening the new thread for our Beautiful & Compassionate Bionic Woman? :p I will miss this thread.
how 'bout this: Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

I like that one too GNRFan -- she was all kinds of awesome yelling in thier face & grabbing thier arm. I'll have to continue my favorite scenes when the new thread is up cause I have soooo many.

I like it! Let't hope a brand new thread will also mean the start of a brand new story for Natalia and a whole lot more screen time for Eva! :thumbsup:
What's everyone's favorite Natalia scene?

I'm not really sure what mine is. I liked when she stood up for Eric in "Sink or Swim". :)

I like the one where the guy grabs her arm and Horatio comes in and tells him "I would let go of her if I were you." and she said "It's ok Horatio, I've got it." then the guy looks at Natalia and and she pulls her arm out like real hard. I love the face she gave him! And that scene to me told us how strong she was with Nick, because she stood her ground. There's so many though! I do like the "Sink or Swim" one too! I was like Go Natalia, Go Natalia, It's your birthday! :lol: I like in "Internal Affairs" too when Nick is at the crime scene before her and she says, "I can't believe you got here before me, jump the gun much?" and then he says what he says and she goes, "Well then I might just take my sweet time." And she like puts her lips together on "time"! and then he says you look good in green and she rolls her eyes! I love that one too! :) I pretty much love all of the scenes she's in!
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