Thanks for the hot water bottle,
Ali. I'm actually icing my right wrist now and wearing a wrist splint. I don't know how I did it or what exactly happenened but I noticed a small inflammation on it after teaching my kids Katana sword on Wednesday. I must've worked it out too much, and now it hurts when I move it a certain way, so I'm trying not to move it too much.
I foresee much angst in the future. Unfortunately, they probably won't show it on screen. But it'll be there. Because, you know, getting shot in the head can cause a person to undergo a little bit of angstiness. I look forward to seeing where they go with this, and how it could possibly affect Ryan and Eric's relationship.
Totally agree with you there,
quickie. And seeing that Eric
will be a 'different' person from now on, I gotta wonder how he'll handle his relationship with Ryan and vice versa. Even though I'm sure Ryan will be there, there's no telling what kind of state of mind Eric will be in.
Oh, no... AARRGGH!!! *holds head in hands* No, no, nooooo! *covers her ears from evil plot penguins* No! I couldn't sleep last night, so I put on my iPod, and guess what? A penguin snuck up and bit me while listening to this one sad song. *rubs sore spot* I'm tempted to give it some attention, but I gotta warn you, it's
very angsty and probably won't have a happy ending for our boys.
See? I'm sad now too. Again! I'm feeling so lazy and increasingly depressed right now, I don't think I could take care of another penguin, especially an angsty one.
Not good for my state of mind either.