I don't ship Ryan and Calleigh either (I do love their playful friendly banter like in the begining of SGIYC when Ryan was talking about Cal being a bad driver or something lol), but I do agree with you that there is chemistry there.
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We can't deny that EP & JT are great friends also b/c they used to run together, but the chemistry between their characters is undeniable too.Speaking of chemistry (or lack thereof), while I was watching 7.20, I was pulling my hair in frustration during the Ryan/Calleigh scenes in the beginning. Why? Because there was more chemistry, more of a relationship between Ryan and Calleigh in those few minutes, then in the ENTIRE Calleigh/Eric mess!!
Was I the only one who noticed this, or was that just my CaRWasher senses tingling?
Because my sister doesn't ship Ryan and Calleigh, and even SHE noticed :wtf:
What the crap tptb...What the crap...
I’ve been reading all the comments and really all I can say is wow are we watching the same show. I liked coming to this board because it seemed people could discuss their favorite characters and agree to disagree about what they liked but that doesn’t seem to be the case any more. I know it’s an anti E/C thread but wow…there is some pretty harsh stuff in here and I guess I have to say I’m pretty surprised at the out and out hatred towards the Eric Delko character. Calleigh doesn’t seem to be too far behind.
Unfair or not, these are our opinions and we have backed them up with why we feel this way. You are the one who choose to come in and read, no one twisted your arm and forced you.IMHO I feel these two are being unfairly maligned just because TPTB decided to put them in a relationship. It just seems these guys are being overly criticized, and being seriously and unfairly misjudged.
Yes they have both made mistakes but Ryan is usually the one thrown under the bus, it's rare to see Calleigh or Eric get turned on by the entire team. And lately they have been double teaming a lot of things, including the way they treated someone who is supposed to be a friend. In my opinion friends do not accuse until they hear the whole story and neither wanted to hear what he had to say, nor accept that there was a reason why he could not explain right away. Therefore Eric and Calleigh have been adding the word I or we into team and it does not belong there, they need to band together before the mob gets another person, unless of course they are too busy playing house to care about anyone else.Let me say that I wasn’t a huge fan of the way Wolfe in Sheep’s Clothing ended but I happen to think the writers did it on purpose just to cause more suspense. I mean Stetler seems to be a more popular guy right now than Eric Delko and that just seems pretty strange to me. While I’m not a huge Ryan fan…and I was at the beginning, I can say that his character has definitely grown on me. However, he is definitely not the perfect paragon that a lot of folks are making him out to be. Eric is a hot head and Ryan is a known-it-all, Eric is impatient and Ryan is a busybody. None of these traits are actually admirable but my point is BOTH characters have hang ups and BOTH of them have made some mistakes.
Ryan was doing what he had to to save Billy, but that doesn't seem to matter that he was putting his life our for another. Eric has been a jerk since he got shot in the head and in my honest opinion he uses the injury as a crutch and expects people to feel sorry for him, and I don't because of how he feels entitled to sympathy and all that jazz.This is a perfect example of the bias/unfairness I was referring to. Ryan went off on Eric for being late, and didn’t ask any questions. Said some pretty nasty things and made some very inaccurate assumptions. However, Eric went off on Ryan for something he saw him do in Wolfe in Sheep’s clothing yet Eric is the bad guy…OK…WHATEVER
No Eric didn't wait and that in itself was out of place, perhaps Ryan could not explain because H didn't want anyone else to know quite yet. And no Eric is not responsible for Ryan getting tortured, but instead of staying out all night looking for their team member he and Calleigh went to play house. I find that disgusting and horrible that they would rather play in bed than look for Ryan. He was right there looking for Calleigh when she was kidnapped and worked tirelessly until she was found, seems the favor couldn't be returned. Honestly it's crap that they wouldn't turn out all hands on deck to find Ryan, but they would do so for Calleigh.Needless to say Eric and Calleigh are less than enthused about his handing them the bullet casing at the end. They both had every right to be angry. Several posters have said Eric went off on Ryan and didn’t give him a chance to explain. I would say watch the episode again. Eric is the first one to ask Ryan why when Ryan hands them the bullet. It takes Ryan a heartbeat to answer and things go downhill from there. Was Eric too impatient to wait for an answer? Yes, he was. But Ryan didn’t make it any better by being evasive and saying there were "extenuating circumstances." Ryan walking in and throwing a key piece of evidence on the table without a plausible explanation already sets the stage for an explosion. What I find interesting is that Eric is somehow the one that is being viewed as the villain and most fans are pissed at him! He’s not responsible for Ryan getting tortured and I think both he and Calleigh had every reason to be angry at Ryan when he doesn’t have anything else to tell them but it was extenuating circumstances.
Calleigh deserves some defense as well but this response is long enough. Needless to say, I don’t think she’s become "subservient to Eric". Calleigh’s response was totally independent of Eric’s in "Wolfe in Sheep’s Clothing" because she asked Ryan independent of Eric being around what was going on and Ryan still hedged.
I think you contradicted yourself in this statement....discussing different viewpoint is a great thing as well as being able to discuss why or why not a character is a favorite. Just because someone does not like a character does not mean that they have to to fear being picked on because the choose to express said opinions. History can hold a point, but sometimes what matters more is the here and now and how the characters says and does things in the present.I hope no one is offended by my response and it wasn’t an intent to invalidate or criticize anyone’s viewpoint. I have to say that I really liked this board at first. I don’t expect, nor do I want everyone to agree with me about the show. That’s the beauty of the discussion is sharing viewpoints and realizing that someone may have seen something you didn’t think about. However, when it comes to disparaging the characters and totally discounting previous history in episodes just to make one character (Ryan) always seem like this great guy who is always this poor victim and another character (Eric) always seem like a big bullying jerk who should be put out of his misery it’s frustrating to say the least.
Again you choose to read this thread, therefore what is stated in the title is what content will appear within. It's easy to avoid comments you don't want to deal with, simply do not read them. Also hate is another word that does not sit well on this board, for your information. And your snarky comments about Ryan really have nothing to do with this thread, it's about why people do not like the Eric and Calleigh relationship. If you want to debate Ryan and any other characters, as mjszud suggested, open a new debate thread.I used to enjoy watching the episodes and coming here to see the comments, but now I see the episodes and have actually started not enjoying the E/C moments on screen because no matter how I try to avoid it there will be comments on the board totally dissing the Eric and Calleigh characters just because they don’t like the relationship. I mean as much as I like the characters maybe the season finale will include them killing off Eric or Calleigh and the other one leaving the show. That way those who hate them so much won’t have to see them and it becomes CSI: Miami – The Perfect Ryan Show.
This comment was truly uncalled for, you stated you didn't want to start a fight, but frankly this is why this thread was opened. So people who wanted to express a difference in opinion would not feel attacked or put down because they do not go with the grain.I hope for the sake of the fans that hate E/C so much that if they haven’t broken them up by the end of this season (I know a lot of you would love that even though I think it would be an injustice to those fans who have waited for them to get together for eight years, irregardless of whether you see the chemistry or not.) that we won’t see Eric or Calleigh for a while in season 8. Maybe if they don’t kill them off they’ll transfer them somewhere and then the show can be all Ryan and Natalia all the time.
We all watch the same show luvcsimiami, & we all have our own opinion. There is nothing wrong with anyone here expressing thier feelings/opinions about disliking the e/c romance, even if it sounds harsh to those who disagree. Not everyone has to like the couple, these characters, or the relationship.
The intention is not to offend fans of this ship, & it isn't meant to be debated. If there are issues here that you don't like then you may want to look past this thread; & if you do peek in, please be sure to leave your emotions at the door.
First this is a dislike thread, the term that you have referred to is considered out of bounds and offensive. Second the title is very clear about what the thread content is about.
IMHO I feel these two are being unfairly maligned just because TPTB decided to put them in a relationship. It just seems these guys are being overly criticized, and being seriously and unfairly misjudged.
Unfair or not, these are our opinions and we have backed them up with why we feel this way. You are the one who choose to come in and read, no one twisted your arm and forced you.
And no Eric is not responsible for Ryan getting tortured, but instead of staying out all night looking for their team member he and Calleigh went to play house. Honestly it's crap that they wouldn't turn out all hands on deck to find Ryan, but they would do so for Calleigh.
Compared to how strong Calleigh used to be and how independent she was, it does come off that she changed herself to fit with Delko, and that is never a smart thing for a woman to do.
Again you choose to read this thread, therefore what is stated in the title is what content will appear within. It's easy to avoid comments you don't want to deal with, simply do not read them. Also hate is another word that does not sit well on this board, for your information. And your snarky comments about Ryan really have nothing to do with this thread, it's about why people do not like the Eric and Calleigh relationship. If you want to debate Ryan and any other characters, as mjszud suggested, open a new debate thread.
This comment was truly uncalled for, you stated you didn't want to start a fight, but frankly this is why this thread was opened. So people who wanted to express a difference in opinion would not feel attacked or put down because they do not go with the grain.
I do understand that the reason for the E/C to Ryan flashing was probably partly due to the writers trying to convey the difference in the secrets the three of them kept. Ryan's kidnapping and being forced to botch a case in order to save an innocent boy, and E/C keeping their relationship secret. As much as I am not an E/C shipper and would rather have not seen these scenes in a Ryan-centric episode, I do understand that partial reason for it was about the secrets.
I do understand that the reason for the E/C to Ryan flashing was probably partly due to the writers trying to convey the difference in the secrets the three of them kept. Ryan's kidnapping and being forced to botch a case in order to save an innocent boy, and E/C keeping their relationship secret. As much as I am not an E/C shipper and would rather have not seen these scenes in a Ryan-centric episode, I do understand that partial reason for it was about the secrets.
In part I do agree. The big problem for me is the simple fact that we're still on this E/C story, & it's anything but subtle. What would've been nice is if TPTB had opened a new storyline with someone else who could've had a secret & made the parallel with them. Why does it have to be E/C again? exactly where the hell are they going with it?
That's how I feel about ECR - when & if they ever give Calleigh some type of story outside of the relationship with Eric, it will still wind up somehow a connection to the relationship, just as Eric's other stories have constantly gone back to being a play off of Calleigh.
NYPTB have done this with Danny, & as much as I'd prefer D/L over E/C, I find it annoying now to see that "unbreakable link" that's now connected to Danny's character - it suddenly gives off the impression that there is no individual left there - you rarely see them on thier own, & that's now what I see with Eric & Calleigh as long as they're in this relationship together.
I liked Eric & Calleigh as individuals, & when I could see different people from the team be played off thier individual arcs. That was always great to see because you got different perspectives from the characters & it also allowed us to see the difference in thier personalities when interacting with specific characters - they all seem to have a great bond in some way shape or form, whether it's a good solid bond, or needs repair - either way it's still there, & it's a damn shame that we rarely get to see it anymore since E/C have become thier own "unit".
I liked Eric & Calleigh as individuals, & when I could see different people from the team be played off thier individual arcs. That was always great to see because you got different perspectives from the characters & it also allowed us to see the difference in thier personalities when interacting with specific characters - they all seem to have a great bond in some way shape or form, whether it's a good solid bond, or needs repair - either way it's still there, & it's a damn shame that we rarely get to see it anymore since E/C have become thier own "unit".
As for the scene at the beginning of WISC, while I would have liked it to have been flashing back and forth between Ryan and the whole rest of the team (mainly Nat who barely gets screentime and no speaking part in this episode), I do understand that the reason for the E/C to Ryan flashing was probably partly due to the writers trying to convey the difference in the secrets the three of them kept. Ryan's kidnapping and being forced to botch a case in order to save an innocent boy, and E/C keeping their relationship secret. As much as I am not an E/C shipper and would rather have not seen these scenes in a Ryan-centric episode, I do understand that partial reason for it was about the secrets.
Totally agree with you on this. I mean when Calleigh went missing (& hey it was just few minutes Natalia last saw her) everyone went all nervous trying to find her b/c they all knew she was in danger. Not to mention that when she wasn't answering the phone call Eric & Natalia looked immediatly at her GPS tracking, something they NEVER did with Ryan.You're telling me a guy gets kidnapped from his COUNTY VEHICLE which we know has GPS tracking, and nobody finds it the least bit suspicious that the car spends the night on the side of the road? Calleigh had evidence thrown out because she left her car alone for fifteen minutes. We know that Ryan wasn't answering his calls, we know that at the end of the previous episode H told Eric to keep calling, and then the next morning the whole team is just tra-la-laing like he was never unaccounted for.
I really hope you're right, but I highly doubt it knowing TPTB & also b/c of the fact that writers learned something about continuity, too bad that they learned it just with E/CI think the writers are giving us lots of E/C right now to wrap up the storyline for the season, and hopefully when season 8 rolls around, their relationship will just be part of hte backdrop. There, acknowledged, but not a focus of every storyline.
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