Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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I don't understand why Ryan didn't say instead of extenuating circumstances that "the mafia kidnapped Billy". That would have been just as short an explanation and I'm sure after that, Eric and Cal would have understood better and maybe would have let him further explain. I don't know unless the writers were trying to make it seem like the mafia was suceeding in breaking the team, I didn't really get the way that scene was written. Ryan normally wouldn't have backed down from that. He would have explained to the fullest just like he did in Resurrection.

I agree. He could've said my hands were tied, Billy was kidnapped. Of course Calleigh was hurt and upset with him, she attempted many times to have him open up to her. I do believe the writers want to make it seem that the team is breaking apart but I am hoping it doesn't. I was enjoying the fact Eric and Ryan were moving past their issues and getting along and I've always enjoyed Ryan and Calleigh's friendship I would hate to see it break apart because of this. The writers definately need to continue this storyline.
So, this was posted a page ago but I felt the need to reply.

I was always first to say that I enjoyed (to an extent) the small tiffs between Eric & Ryan. I thought it was pretty normal given thier history & at times I took Eric's side, & other times felt Ryan was in the right.

It just donned on me though why this time around it seems so different & unbearable - they've drug Calleigh into it!!

Before it was just something that fit with the individual characters, Ryan & Eric - they had problems - no biggie.
But ever since 'Resurrection', TPTB have continued to play Calleigh with Eric even when it comes down to the Eric/Ryan tiffs. It's like they're "together" on it now, when before they were at least individual colleagues viewing the situation & having thier own opinion. It further adds to the overkill of e/c, & deepens that wedge between the team.
I COMPLETELY agree with you here.
I've always enjoyed the I hate you/love you relationship between Eric and Ryan, because it's so different from what the other shows do, where everyone is buddybuddy with one another. It's really cool to see two co-workers who don't necessarily get along all the time interacting. It's the complete opposite of, say, the Warrick and Nick friendship.

But, like you, I could barely watch that last scene in 7.20 because it seemed like Calleigh and Eric were ganging up on Ryan. I mean, I understand that they were upset about the evidence, but when Eric told Ryan to get out, Ryan kind of looked up at Calleigh like "Really?" and she just averted her gaze. It was like she wasn't going to disagree with Eric, even though it looked like she had something to say.

The wedge in the team has INDEED deepened because of this "relationship" Eric and Calleigh share. TPTB have basically destroyed the friendship Ryan and Calliegh once had (although there were a few scenes where it seemed like it was coming back). And I think it speaks great levels to Calleigh's opinion of Ryan when she and Eric were processing the sword in 7.19. Calleigh took some mineral water from the janitor or something, and said something like "If the janitor asks, we'll just blame Wolfe."

I stared at the screen in shock thinking "Oh my GOSH, did she just call him Wolfe? Since when has Calleigh called Ryan 'Wolfe'? Only Eric does that!"

Needless to say, I'm really disliking what TPTB has done to the team and to Eric and Calleigh as characters :(
The wedge in the team has INDEED deepened because of this "relationship" Eric and Calleigh share. TPTB have basically destroyed the friendship Ryan and Calliegh once had (although there were a few scenes where it seemed like it was coming back). And I think it speaks great levels to Calleigh's opinion of Ryan when she and Eric were processing the sword in 7.19. Calleigh took some mineral water from the janitor or something, and said something like "If the janitor asks, we'll just blame Wolfe."

I stared at the screen in shock thinking "Oh my GOSH, did she just call him Wolfe? Since when has Calleigh called Ryan 'Wolfe'? Only Eric does that!"

Needless to say, I'm really disliking what TPTB has done to the team and to Eric and Calleigh as characters :(
OMG, i didn't notice this! :eek: She never call him Wolfe! Even more, i have feeling no one girl in lab don't call him like that, so Calleigh first girl who did this :( Like i said in other thread, she is not bullet girl anymore, when she looks hurt it wasn't normal Calleighs-Duquesne-hurt-by-Ryan, it was little girl who agree with everything that her boyfriend says. :(
The wedge in the team has INDEED deepened because of this "relationship" Eric and Calleigh share. TPTB have basically destroyed the friendship Ryan and Calliegh once had (although there were a few scenes where it seemed like it was coming back). And I think it speaks great levels to Calleigh's opinion of Ryan when she and Eric were processing the sword in 7.19. Calleigh took some mineral water from the janitor or something, and said something like "If the janitor asks, we'll just blame Wolfe."

I stared at the screen in shock thinking "Oh my GOSH, did she just call him Wolfe? Since when has Calleigh called Ryan 'Wolfe'? Only Eric does that!"

Needless to say, I'm really disliking what TPTB has done to the team and to Eric and Calleigh as characters :(
OMG, i didn't notice this! :eek: She never call him Wolfe! Even more, i have feeling no one girl in lab don't call him like that, so Calleigh first girl who did this :( Like i said in other thread, she is not bullet girl anymore, when she looks hurt it wasn't normal Calleighs-Duquesne-hurt-by-Ryan, it was little girl who agree with everything that her boyfriend says. :(
Yep she called him Wolfe & I do think it's another key evidence to les us know that the team is not team anymore.
Surely it wasn't a blooper of EP b/c I think she's paying much more attention at names after all the revolution there was all over the forums regarding her possible blooper when she said Togo instead of Delko in 3x12 - "Shootout".
So she definetly called him Wolfe & I'm pretty sure it was on her script.
IMHO, it's just sad b/c we all know there was just a great friendship between Ryan & Cal & it's just sad the fact that b/c of her new relationship they're not friends anymore :(
there was just a great friendship between Ryan & Cal & it's just sad the fact that b/c of her new relationship they're not friends anymore :(

That's one of my main opposes to this, so be called relationship. It seems like Calleigh is banded from having any male friends! And I was sooooooo fond of her friendship with Ryan! I am pissed that TPTB ruined it! It looked so natural...unlike a certain love relationship:rolleyes: *coughs*
Ugh! Please,please TPTB if you are determined to have these two together at least bring back the old Calleigh Duquesne! Because in the last episodes it appears that some dysfunctional clone took her place!! I don't think it's too much to ask.....
bring back the old Calleigh Duquesne! Because in the last episodes it appears that some dysfunctional clone took her place!! I don't think it's too much to ask.....
:guffaw: I love the idea of her wrong clone.
Seriously I'm having the same doubt, couldn't she be her evil twin?

Anyway I agree w/ you. There's such a great friendship between EP & JT & you so can see it also on screen whenever there's a scene w/ Cal & Ryan. So yeah it's pretty sad the fact that 2 friends like them have some bad scenes like the last ones they had.
While I enjoyed concerned Calleigh in their first scene together, the last scene really disappointed me.
Look I was making caps from the last episode & I noticed that Eric yelled at Ryan to get of there & she practically she made a gesture w/ her hand that it was kinda "I'm not doing anything & I won't say anything, I don't want to have anything to do w/ this story"

It is imperceptible, but she did it :(
bring back the old Calleigh Duquesne! Because in the last episodes it appears that some dysfunctional clone took her place!! I don't think it's too much to ask.....
:guffaw: I love the idea of her wrong clone.
Seriously I'm having the same doubt, couldn't she be her evil twin?

Anyway I agree w/ you. There's such a great friendship between EP & JT & you so can see it also on screen whenever there's a scene w/ Cal & Ryan. So yeah it's pretty sad the fact that 2 friends like them have some bad scenes like the last ones they had.
While I enjoyed concerned Calleigh in their first scene together, the last scene really disappointed me.
Look I was making caps from the last episode & I noticed that Eric yelled at Ryan to get of there & she practically she made a gesture w/ her hand that it was kinda "I'm not doing anything & I won't say anything, I don't want to have anything to do w/ this story"

It is imperceptible, but she did it :(
Oh, yea, i notice this, so UnCalleigh :(

I'm CaRWasher, and i'm ok that Calleigh and Ryan never would be together, but i was hope that their friendship is stay. :(

So, now i starts liking Ryan\Nat friendship, cuz they always working together.
That's so sad that she called him that. It's kinda insulting if you ask me. Again, it's TPTB going ass backwards with these people. Developing relationships further to where the characters are comfortable with each other to give them nicknames is great - for example, Natalia addressed Horatio in the beginning as Lt, or Lt. Caine; it went to 'Horatio' after time, & now she calls him 'H' like Ryan, Eric, & Frank do. It sorta shows how the relationship has progressed & the level that they're on. So, it almost feels like her calling him 'Wolfe' (by his last name which is more professional than personal), as silly as it may sound, feels like it's a step backwards in thier friendship.

It's not just Ryan & Calleigh who's "relationship" has taken a beating from this e/c romance. Calleigh & Horatio had a great one some time ago that practically dissolved when this e/c business came into light, as did Eric & Natalia who now, like C/R & C/H, we barely see an interaction there. We KNOW there's a personal bond there with each one of them, but it's something I feel like TPTB are purposely avoiding being seen so that they can attempt to pull off this romance between E & C, as if they only have each other. In my opinion, that is complete bulls*it, & the audience that has stuck with this show knows better than to believe that!

Don't get me wrong, I adore the fact that we can see progression between Ryan/Natalia, Ryan/Horatio, & Natalia/Horatio; but then again, I also feel like all this has run it's course & it seems time to mix it up again.
A good place to start would be to end this destructive e/c romance & maybe start working on the relationship between Eric & Ryan. The trust issue has hit it's limits - time to move on. I'd really hate to have Miami end it's series run with Eric & Ryan still holding a grudge - it'd be nice to have them patch things up before this little Miami story is wrapped up completely.
All in all, after two very long years of being stuck in the same dreadful E/C arc - it's just time to get this ball rolling into something else.

Welcome to the board & thread, CSICanuck.
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Oh, yea, i notice this, so UnCalleigh :(
I would have never imagined an action like this for Calleigh. It's in scene like this that I feel like I've lost her b/c it has never been like this before.
Even when Delko suspected Ryan killed H, she didn't pay too much attention on Eric. She was like "whatever, I give up w/ you 2 little children".
Also when they used to argue during s4 (eg. Nailed) or also in "Head Case" she never said "you're right" or "you're wrong".
Now she took a side & she decided to get along w/ Eric's side of the argument & she did it w/ just one gesture :(.

I'm CaRWasher, and i'm ok that Calleigh and Ryan never would be together, but i was hope that their friendship is stay. :(
Well I never thought they could have become a canon couple, but I agree w/ you. It is horrible seeing such a great friendship being ruined just b/c an odd relationship TPTB wanted to build.

So, now i starts liking Ryan\Nat friendship, cuz they always working together.
I do think it's kinda replacing CarWash & yeah I love it, at least there's a friend for Ryan out there :rolleyes: :p

That's so sad that she called him that. It's kinda insulting if you ask me. Again, it's TPTB going ass backwards with these people. Developing relationships further to where the characters are comfortable with each other to give them nicknames is great - for example, Natalia addressed Horatio in the beginning as Lt, or Lt. Caine; it went to 'Horatio' after time, & now she calls him 'H' like Ryan, Eric, & Frank do. It sorta shows how the relationship has progressed & the level that they're on. So, it almost feels like her calling him 'Wolfe' (by his last name which is more professional than personal), as silly as it may sound, feels like it's a step backwards in thier friendship.
It's not just a tiny step bacwards, it is a huge one especially if consider their solid friendship.

It's not just Ryan & Calleigh who's "relationship" has taken a beating from this e/c romance. Calleigh & Horatio had a great one some time ago that practically dissolved when this e/c business came into light, as did Eric & Natalia who now, like C/R & C/H, we barely see an interaction there. We KNOW there's a personal bond there with each one of them, but it's something I feel like TPTB are purposely avoiding being seen so that they can attempt to pull off this romance between E & C, as if they only have each other. In my opinion, that is complete bulls*it, & the audience that has stuck with this show knows better than to believe that!
Don't get me started w/ the whole H/C stuff b/c of E/C :rolleyes::lol:

Don't get me wrong, I adore the fact that we can see progression between Ryan/Natalia, Ryan/Horatio, & Natalia/Horatio; but then again, I also feel like all this has run it's course & it seems time to mix it up again.
Yeah I would love to see Calleigh & Natalia sharing a scene, they haven't been sharing one since last season :eek:
Or do someting w/ 3 people as we want some team spirit!

A good place to start would be to end this destructive e/c romance & maybe start working on the relationship between Eric & Ryan. The trust issue has hit it's limits - time to move on. I'd really hate to have Miami end it's series run with Eric & Ryan still holding a grudge - it'd be nice to have them patch things up before this little Miami story is wrapped up completely.
I do feel that by the end of the show Eric will kill Ryan or viceversa :lol:. IMHO, there's no way they're gonna rebuild their friendship, something I've never seen quite honestly ;)

All in all, after two very long years of being stuck in the same dreadful E/C arc - it's just time to get this ball rolling into something else.
This would be my dream!!! :D

Welcome to the board & thread, CSICanuck.
Welcome to all the newbies :thumbsup:
Florry86 said:
It's not just a tiny step bacwards, it is a huge one especially if consider their solid friendship.
Agree with you, for Cal and Ryan it's huge step back. Calleigh always call him Ryan (except 7x19), but she still calling Eric "Delko" sometimes. Now they dating and he still Delko, weird, if you ask me. Then, Calleigh didn't know Erics sister, but she buy iPod for Ryans niece. For me it's show how close she was with Ryan, even more then with Eric, IMO. And this step back is very sad.

Florry86 said:
I do feel that by the end of the show Eric will kill Ryan or viceversa :lol:. IMHO, there's no way they're gonna rebuild their friendship, something I've never seen quite honestly
No, they never become friends and what they had before wasn't friendship, they just respect each other, but i didn't see true friendship there. If show ends with murder, i hope Ryan kill Eric :lol: :p
mjszud said:
All in all, after two very long years of being stuck in the same dreadful E/C arc - it's just time to get this ball rolling into something else.
I'm hope so and ASAP.
I'd be quite disgusted if anyone killed each other on this show (teammembers that is), & I don't see it happening anyway.
Of course at the rate they're going with all the bedhopping we could wind up having a series finale with all 4 of them in a childish catfight & they all just off each other. :lol: I kid, I kid.

Anyway, on topic....*cough/hack*

Part of the problem I have with e/c is that I can't for the life of my see where or how they're compatable outside of the enviroment we always see them in, which in this show is always work. To me, that's part of selling a romantic couple on this type of show, & in part why I have an incredibly hard time buying them as a couple. They are both attractive, & have one thing in common - their job. That's it!

A great duo on the field & in thier job? Sure - but outside of the lab? No, I don't see how it's even possible. The twosome don't seem to match in any way shape or form - from thier appearances, to thier likes/dislikes, & wants/needs in real life outside the lab.
All I can imagine now is these 2 out in the country so Calleigh can ride her horses, & Eric hauling ass across the field in fear that the horses will eat him. :wtf:
They can change Calleigh all they want, but to me I will never see her as the type married & spewing out babies left & right, either. This is what I see that Eric wants, but they have yet to convince me that this is what Calleigh would ever want or need - & quite frankly they could tell me she's this way now & I will never be able to buy it! IMO, it would be completely OOC for her to be reduced down to being the "wife/mother character" on this show. So, having said that, I have a hard time imagining how this couple would last when Miami still has some years ahead of them before the series ends.
I can imagine now is these 2 out in the country so Calleigh can ride her horses, & Eric hauling ass across the field in fear that the horses will eat him. :wtf:

:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:Sorry, I just got that image in my head. The image of Eric running from horses cracks me up for some reason. Like Ryan with the dog in "Target Specific". :lol:
All I can imagine now is these 2 out in the country so Calleigh can ride her horses, & Eric hauling ass across the field in fear that the horses will eat him. :wtf:
They can change Calleigh all they want, but to me I will never see her as the type married & spewing out babies left & right, either. This is what I see that Eric wants, but they have yet to convince me that this is what Calleigh would ever want or need - & quite frankly they could tell me she's this way now & I will never be able to buy it! IMO, it would be completely OOC for her to be reduced down to being the "wife/mother character" on this show. So, having said that, I have a hard time imagining how this couple would last when Miami still has some years ahead of them before the series ends.

Ok, the comment about Calleigh riding horses and Eric running away made me laugh. I could definitely imagine that :guffaw:

I agree with you about not seeing Calleigh as a baby factory. I could see her married, maybe with a kid, two kids at most, but definitely not the next Michelle Duggar (for those of you who don't know, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar have a show on TLC called "18 Kids And Counting"- they're Evangelical Christians that don't believe in birth control, and have decided to let God bless them with as many children as He sees fit. They literally have 18 kids, and who knows if they'll have more). I think she likes kids, but would definitely be somewhat scared of having her own. That's totally normal, even for people that do have kids and end up being great parents, but I can see her being a bit apprehensive considering her upbringing.

I definitely always saw Eric as wanting a family, so I can see how him and Calleigh might clash a little over the issue, should they reach that point in their relationship. But I could also see Eric willing to give up the idea of having his own personal baseball team for just one or two kids if that's what his wife wants (whether it ends up being Calleigh or someone else).

Now, a little more on-topic, I'm hoping that by the end of this season, the Eric/Calleigh romance will really fade into the background. Even though I'm an obvious E/C shipper, I really don't want to see their relationship take over the show. I can't say I haven't enjoyed seeing hints of their relationship in most of the recent episodes, but I don't want every episode for the rest of the series to be like that. I'd like to see more Natalia, Ryan, and the amazing Frank next season. I'd like to see the team really come back together as a unit. A hint or two of their relationship every once in a while is fine, but not the constant reminder of it in every single episode.
To me, that's part of selling a romantic couple on this type of show, & in part why I have an incredibly hard time buying them as a couple. They are both attractive, & have one thing in common - their job.
msjzud, I tend to agree with you for the most part. I have a very hard time imagining these two meshing well with regards to personality, temperament, approach to life, etc., to survive as a long-term couple. To me, nothing about them has ever screamed: ‘perfect for each other’ and ‘meant to be’. And it’s not only because I see no romantic or sexual chemistry between them (although I can appreciate that others see what I do not). While I won’t go so far as to say their job is the only thing they have in common, we haven’t exactly been shown very much to the contrary. Calleigh has certainly never given off an ‘I can’t wait to get married and be a mother’ vibe, at least to my eyes, while Eric has been very open about what he wants. He wanted to “settle down” with Calleigh before she had ever shown any romantic interest in him. He made it clear he wants kids, and that he has no need for a nanny since he’ll be a great dad - which leaves me wondering who he thinks will be home taking care of those kids of his? His wife? Now maybe tptb will decide that Calleigh is just that woman, but I find it a stretch since that’s not who she’s been for the past 7 yrs. While Eric and Calleigh have always been shown to be friends on the job, there’s never been any indication that they were close outside of work (besides the fact that once in season 1 he crashed on her couch). I’ve never understood why so many fans refer to them as ‘best friends’. The two grew closer after Eric’s shooting and all the subsequent dramas tptb created for them, yet that was almost out of necessity since tptb made it clear they were planning to engage the pair in a romance after Ereic got shot; tptb had to draw them closer in order for that to happen. But best friends and a romance that’s been building for 7 yrs? Not to my eyes. Had my best friend’s closest sister been suffering with cancer, I imagine I’d have at least been able to recognize her if I ran into the two of them at the hospital. And if she’d been murdered, I wouldn’t treat that news as casually as Calleigh did. However, all that is in the past, the pair are now in a romance and I don’t see it going away any time soon. Even if it did, I doubt it would be permanent, tptb have put far more time, effort & hype into this couple than they have with any other arc.
I'm hoping that by the end of this season, the Eric/Calleigh romance will really fade into the background. Even though I'm an obvious E/C shipper, I really don't want to see their relationship take over the show. I can't say I haven't enjoyed seeing hints of their relationship in most of the recent episodes, but I don't want every episode for the rest of the series to be like that. I'd like to see more Natalia, Ryan, and the amazing Frank next season. I'd like to see the team really come back together as a unit.
More in the background would be appreciated, as would more Natalia & Frank (Ryan, at least got a story this season). But the team coming back as a unit? I think that’s going to be hard to pull off without something drastic happening. This team has demonstrated tendencies that make becoming a cohesive unit hard to imagine. For one, they are quick to jump to negative conclusions about one another; for two, they engage in a fair amount of secret keeping; for third, they haven’t functioned as a cohesive team in some time; and lastly, two of the team are now their own separate unit - complete with secrets, loyalty to each other first & foremost, and demonstrating a united front, as we saw last week against Ryan. EC had every reason to be upset, disappointed & angry with Ryan’s actions, however, while Eric getting heated about it was very much in character, Calleigh’s behavior at the end was not. Nothing about the Calleigh we’ve known for 7 yrs tells me that she would simply dismiss Ryan & not question him about his “extenuating circumstances” - even if his answer wouldn’t change her opinion. Calleigh’s much too curious to let something like that go, especially after her own brush with being on the other side of doing what’s right. If Calleigh had been alone with Ryan in that scene, I suspect it would have played out differently, but she was with Eric, and together, they presented a united front. Calleigh has stated in the past that she doesn’t like being put in the middle between Eric & Ryan, and Eric, on at least one occasion, asked why she was sticking up for Ryan instead of taking his side. Is it possible that in this situation, even if she wanted to further question Ryan, she chose not to because of Eric? Would Eric have questioned her loyalty if she had? If Eric wasn't present, would she have dismissed Ryan without allowing him to explain, just as Eric did?
Of course at the rate they're going with all the bedhopping we could wind up having a series finale with all 4 of them in a childish catfight & they all just off each other. :lol: I kid, I kid.
No kidding!! I so could picture a scene like this!! :lol:

Part of the problem I have with e/c is that I can't for the life of my see where or how they're compatable outside of the enviroment we always see them in, which in this show is always work. To me, that's part of selling a romantic couple on this type of show, & in part why I have an incredibly hard time buying them as a couple. They are both attractive, & have one thing in common - their job. That's it!
Well honestly I can't imagine these two going to the same bar or something like this. I also can't picture these 2 having the same hobbys.
I mean Calleigh loves guns & he's against violence (even if he's always in an useless fight), can you imagine these 2 at a shooting range? No I can't.
We also know she loves mimosa as a drink, can you imagine Delko drinking mimosa?
He,as a latinoamerican guy, will love dancing...sorry, but I just can't see her dancing, at all. All I can see is Delko trying to teach her dancing & her treading on his feet every minute.
No I really can't picture these two having fun w/ possibely the same hobby outside the lab.
They live & they know eachother in the lab, not outside. She doesn't even know his family!!! Gosh I can't get over the idea she thought Marisol was one of his toothing girls :rolleyes:.
You can't pretend I didn't see this kind of thing, not to mention that when Marisol she was highly shocked :rolleyes:. Come on except for the appropriate condolances, she didn't do & say anything to that poor guy. Thank god they have always love each other ;)

A great duo on the field & in thier job? Sure
I have to say that I have some doubts also on this. I mean they're becoming unprofessional in every episode & let's say that when Calleigh doesn't understand he's the one helping her & viceversa. I woudln't define them as the best team, at all :lol:

but outside of the lab? No, I don't see how it's even possible. The twosome don't seem to match in any way shape or form - from thier appearances, to thier likes/dislikes, & wants/needs in real life outside the lab.
The only thing they have in common is that they're both hot.
I mean Emily is a gorgeous & you can't deny that Adam is hot. Still that's the only thing that makes you believe they'd be a great couple w/ hot kids :lol:

All I can imagine now is these 2 out in the country so Calleigh can ride her horses, & Eric hauling ass across the field in fear that the horses will eat him. :wtf:
:guffaw: possibly throwing some carrots to that poor horse to convince him he's a good guy! :lol:

They can change Calleigh all they want, but to me I will never see her as the type married & spewing out babies left & right, either.
I can imagine her w/ maximum 2 kids, not more just b/c of one reason, she's always been too much concentrated on her job & I just can't see feeding her children in the lab or changing nappies to her babies in the lab w/ the help of Natalia or Valera, I just can't see it.

This is what I see that Eric wants, but they have yet to convince me that this is what Calleigh would ever want or need - & quite frankly they could tell me she's this way now & I will never be able to buy it! IMO, it would be completely OOC for her to be reduced down to being the "wife/mother character" on this show.
IMHO, they've already tried it w/ the whole horse guy stuff in "Target Specific". It is clear he wants her to be the perfect (house)wife, but that's not what Calleigh Duquesne wants. Once they've done all this process to her, I'd be more than convinced they have destroyed my Calleigh.

I agree with you about not seeing Calleigh as a baby factory.
Exactly, I just can't see it, at all even if they'll do it in the future (b/c I do think that's TPTB's intention), I won't accept it.

I could see her married, maybe with a kid, two kids at most, but definitely not the next Michelle Duggar
:guffaw: Please NO! She would get all crazy & will yell all the time so that she'll be ready to go into a rehab. No I don't want it!

I can see her being a bit apprehensive considering her upbringing.
Not to mention that her job is very dangerous & she can get shot in the line of duty in every single moment. I don't think Calleigh is that kind of person who would have tons of children knowing that they can always become orphan in a moment or another.

Now, a little more on-topic, I'm hoping that by the end of this season, the Eric/Calleigh romance will really fade into the background. Even though I'm an obvious E/C shipper, I really don't want to see their relationship take over the show.
I think it already took over the show, but I agree w/ you. It's time to end all this madness & I want something else from other characters.
I'm still waiting for an interesting storyline for Natalia & yeah I'm waiting for Frank's girlfriend :lol:

I can't say I haven't enjoyed seeing hints of their relationship in most of the recent episodes, but I don't want every episode for the rest of the series to be like that.
I totally understand where you're coming from & I think I may have enjoyed some of them, if I had been E/C, still I think that it was (a little bit) disrespectful towards the non-E/C fans. Not to mention that they could use that time for other poeple.

But best friends and a romance that’s been building for 7 yrs? Not to my eyes.
Not also to mines :)

Had my best friend’s closest sister been suffering with cancer, I imagine I’d have at least been able to recognize her if I ran into the two of them at the hospital. And if she’d been murdered, I wouldn’t treat that news as casually as Calleigh did.
Exactly!!! I can't get over this thing which makes me believe they should have never considered getting these 2 together. How can you be in a romantic relationship w/ a man who just lost his sister & cosider yourself his best friend when you didn't recognize that woman & didn't do anything when he just learnd she had died? That was a way to show they're best-friends.:rolleyes: If they were best friends she should have known almost everything about Marisol, but she didn't. Oh yeah they were best friends & they deserved to get together.

Nothing about the Calleigh we’ve known for 7 yrs tells me that she would simply dismiss Ryan & not question him about his “extenuating circumstances” - even if his answer wouldn’t change her opinion. Calleigh’s much too curious to let something like that go, especially after her own brush with being on the other side of doing what’s right.
Oh thank god for telling this.
She has experience almost the same thing & she had to cover for a murder in order to get out safe from there. So, IMO, she knew perfectly what was wrong, at least she could understand it. Of course, Ryan didn't want to tell her anything, but this Calleigh didn't give him any chance. I'm not saying that w/ a different behaviour from Calleigh, Ryan would have told her something, but surely their friendship collapsed especially if you consider that Calleigh did the exact the same thing in order to save her own skin. There wasn't a kid involved, it was all about her. Of course she had to do what she did, but exactly for this reason she should have understood better Ryan's behaviour throughout the whole episode.
Maybe she understood it, but her behaviour in the last scene told me something else.
As you said, I'm pretty sure that if Eric hadn't been there, she would have tried to talk w/ Ryan. Maybe she still would have been hurt by what had happened, but at least their friendship would have gone on.

I Calleigh has stated in the past that she doesn’t like being put in the middle between Eric & Ryan, and Eric, on at least one occasion, asked why she was sticking up for Ryan instead of taking his side.
And she answered that Ryan always thought she was taking Eric's side. She doesn't want to get involved between these 2 & she has never taken one's side, she's always been impartial, neutral. Right in that last scene, she took someone's side, too bad it was the wrong one, IMO.

Is it possible that in this situation, even if she wanted to further question Ryan, she chose not to because of Eric?
Yeah I think she didn't say anything just b/c Eric was there, unfortunately.

What would have happened, in your opinion, if both Eric & Callleigh had been there while Ryan was yelling in the middla of the lab???
I think it would have been very interesting & yeah I think it could have changed things, too ;)
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