I apologize for the delay in adding my impressions of "Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing" as it relates to E/C's relationship. RL has been a little trying lately.

If anything I'm about to say is a repeat, again I apologize. I've only been able to glance over what everyone else has said - and what I've read has been interesting and very much in keeping with my impressions.
I didn't enjoy at all having to try and focus on what was happening to Ryan while having E/C's morning wake up ritual edited in. No way to avoid it, was there? That is what I mean when I say that E/C is shoved down our throats. If you want to see what is happened to Ryan, you HAVE to watch the E/C ship.
Not only is the E/C ship again a strong, in-your-face story throughout the episode, it is a united front - us against them type partnership. It's E/C against the world. More and more I'm feeling that way.
Also, Calleigh gives the impression of being two steps back and taking all lead from Eric. She is quiet with her head down and almost physically appears to be subservient to Eric as he is yelling at Ryan to get out.
She has forever been placed in the middle of the numerous little arguments between these two guys and has always been honest and up front about her position. She stays neutral when it's petty and she confronts the one who is wrong when it's appropriate. But she has always shown empathy, compassion and fairness.
That was the old Calleigh. The new Calleigh sits quietly by and just supports "her man".
I agree with everyone who has questioned where Eric has any right at all to tell Ryan to get his head back in the case. Wow! That was a moment!
All the dislike and lack of respect I've felt recently for Calleigh was felt in equal part for Eric with this episode. To say I didn't like him is an understatement. I'm not sure where Eric and Calleigh developed their superiority complexes, but they're both very sure that they are far above everyone - at least far enough above to comfortably pass judgment. Something that I feel neither have the right to do with the things they have done in the last couple years.
While I felt like Calleigh was making an attempt to try and find out what was going on with Ryan, I just didn't feel that her heart was in it. I felt the old Calleigh would have been much more insightful and wouldn't have alienated Ryan by accusing him of gambling again. I didn't blame Ryan at all for being angry. Compassionate inquiry is different that accusation. At some point you either forgive and get past someone's mistakes or you don't.
Calleigh and Eric both seem to be teflon coated. Nothing sticks to them, but everything sticks to Ryan. I have no doubt that Ryan feels like Eric and Calleigh don't consider him as "one of them". While I think that Calleigh and Ryan have had moments when they seem to be moving toward a closer relationship, I guess I'm not like the majority. I don't see this close friendship that a lot of people see.
Where Calleigh has always treated Eric with kid gloves and has been kind and supportive, to the point of hiding Eric's faults, she has always been very much in your face and bordering on harsh most of the time with Ryan.
I guess I see Natalia as more the kind and comforting friend for Ryan. Much more comforting, compassionate and supporting than Calleigh.