CSI Level One
IDK whether there are some behind the scenes issues or not. I'm pretty sure they exist, but we can't speculate on them and, unless we have a confirmation, nothing happened behind the scenes.
I agree that speculation inherently counter-productive.
BUT, this can't justify Horatio's total absence from this scene.
I do have to respectfully disagree here. As a purely hypothetical exercise, if there are circumstances beyond the control of an actor happening behind the scenes that prohibits him from taking part in a scene, it's neither his nor his character's fault.
Better say this can't justify Calleigh behaviour who didn't trust him.
I do think he knows something about this stuff, but he's more worried because of his family.
Actually I don't think they've shown any indication at all that Horatio knows about Calleigh and Eric's "extra curricular activies". And I don't necessarily find that to mean that Horatio is somehow at fault for not knowing. Calleigh has made a habit of distancing herself from Horatio.
I had a supervisor once who had every reason to believe that two of my co-workers who were married (not to each other) were going to start an affair. He tried everything - even followed them a couple of times trying to stop it before it started. They got by him anyway and it turned into a company nightmare.
Possibely Horatio is the only one who can't be blamed for the whole E/C going on especially this particular moment.
Calleigh is a normal CSI, she's not a lieutenant. She may have more power than Eric, but still when something happens to her she should face her problem with H.
Calleigh is senior to Eric and it is my understanding that she is Horatio's second-in-command. That makes her Eric's supervisor when she is there and Horatio is not. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
In 7x19 someone is going to attack her and will take her gun off. She'll tell everything to H and H will help her to track down the mob guy and to get her gun back. So I don't think it's that difficult for her to talk with H when she has a problem 
Thank you. The interaction this promises is nice to anticipate.
I've always said that I'd love to see Delko fired because of everything he has caused to Calleigh, the team and Miami.
As a person with a bullet still lodged in his brain (also Diddy's character mentioned it in the last episode) he shouldn't be working. Not to metnion that he shouldn't use Calleigh to cover all his mistakes. Of course he's not doing it on purpouse, but once the other CSIs will find it out, they'll be pissed off along with me, Stetler and lot of Miami citizens (some of them were put in jail because of him and I'm quite sure that some of them aren't that guilty....especially Kurt Rossi b/c,IMHO, he was the only one right in that episode)![]()
I don't really want to see Eric fired. But I do want to see him get whatever help he needs to do his job without Calleigh having to constantly cover and hide his struggles. It is just one element that is destroying the integity and ethics of the characters.
He's always pictured like the prince charming he's not, like the perfect guy who every woman should get engaged with. Quite honestly, I wouldn't get together with a guy like Eric Delko, especially the one from "Man Down".
Not to mention that he's pictured like the guy you have to pity. Gosh I don't want this Eric Delko :scream:
Well, Eric wouldn't be my first choice. I want someone who would be an equal partner and not someone who is a dependent boy. To be fair there have been instances in the past when Eric has been a support system for Calleigh. The current Eric, however, seems content to just follow Calleigh around like a little boy.
I'd better stop or the moderators are going to kick my butt for spamming!