Agreed with your comment about Eric. While I've always been fond of Eric, I do have to say I've never really had a lot of respect for him. So I didn't really have much to lose. But here's a question. What kind of guy lets the woman he's supposed to love take the blame for his serious issues? Eric let Calleigh take the hit for his "cheat sheet". He let IAB force her to retake her proficiencies, and I'm going to assume that the reason she was forced to retake them appears somewhere in her personnel records.
You can't even imagine how I enjoy reading this comment about this particular scene. It's the first time I've seen someone brave enough to expresse his/her idea (sorry I don't know whether you're male or female :lol

When I first saw it I got really pissed off with Calleigh since she decided to help Eric with that cheat sheet. Sorry, but I'm not able to justify her choice even if she really loves him. Think about what that piece of paper caused to her. It helped Cooper create his hilarious/creepy website and we all know what happened because of it.
So I don't think there's any way to say her behaviour in that moment wasn't stupid. I know she's much smarter than she showed in that moment (sorry I don't want to offend Calleigh since I still enjoy seeing her in that lab, but it was stupid, IMHO. And I'm talking as a Calleigh's fan

So if Calleigh's behaviour was pretty odd/stupid, I do think that Delko's one was even worse. We all know that she told him not to go to Stetler, but if he had been a real MAN, he would have gone to Stetler's office and would have faced his own responsibilities. His injury put her in danger. No matter if he's not ok, he has to face his responsibilities especially in this case. I mean if his injury can put people in danger, he should be the first one to resign and leave the lab so that he can recover properly, something he hasn't done....never!!!
I really don't care if she said it was alright and she didn't mind. He needed to be man and step up! Eric has a record of wimping out in the last couple of seasons that seriously calls into question his ability to command any level of respect.
You couldn't express this idea in a better way!!!
I really loved Eric in the first 4 & 1/2 season b/c you could see that he was a real man even with every man's lacks!
Right now I can't recognise him anymore. I do understand it's all part of his injury (I don't think you can't deny it affected him a lot not to mention that it kinda changed his personality), but I just can't deny I'm tired of his puppy dog eyes whenever he's with Calleigh.
She the chief in that couple. Not to mention that she's much older than him. I don't have anything against age differences, but when a woman is older than a man (IDK in this case, but I'm pretty sure it's at least 7 years older) it's pretty difficult, IMO.
I may sound feminist with this comment, but when 2 people (1 man & a woman) are the same age, the woman is much more mature than the woman. So you can't even imagine how the situation can be with a woman who's 7 years older than her man.
I've always said that Eric is way immature & some of his actions (toothing, jealousy & his fear to reveal his feelings for Calleigh) showed it in a pretty good way.
So I just don't see any future for this couple considering Delko's maturity, Calleigh's age and Delko's puppy dog eyes. I mean that's not the man I'd love to be together with :lol:
Calleigh says "jump" and Eric cowers, whimpers and says, "How high, honey?". {puke!}
I have to say that Calleigh is way too dominant for Eric. He's passive whenever he's with her.
I know that women, recently, are much stronger than they used to be, but I wouldn't enjoy Calleigh whiping him just to give him some orders.
Ok that she's a bullet girl, but hey, after all she's still a woman
Wasn't Calleigh and Eric's friendship the most perfectly sweet and caring relationship? They've completely destroyed that beautiful connection. I sincerely miss that now that I can barely stand to even watch a scene with them any longer.
As much as his confession about his toothing habits to Calleigh was pretty disgusting, I enjoyed that moment b/c you could see she wouldn't be too shocked by a revelation like that 'cause she was his best friend.
Now I can't even picture these 2 together with the idea that, before, he changed his girlfriend every week and he used to tooth :lol:
Well, with the ratings in, it looks like the over-hyped E/C "moment" wasn't of sufficient interest help with the numbers. CSI Miami came in second, quite a bit behind The Bachelor. The Bachelor beat CSIM by 65% with the target demographic 18-49. There are qualifiers for DVRs, so a look at the article itself may be helpful.
I don't watch reality shows and actually find them kind of a plague on TV. But apparently this one was much more interesting to a majority of the target demo than E/C kissing.

Which is really sad when you consider that, to all appearances, the the E/C relationship was designed to bring that demo in.
Think TPTB got any message from this?
Well I can't deny that I'm happy to see these results 'cause yes they kinda confirm my theory that E/C is not helping the show at all.
People will always say that Bachelor's episode was the last one, but gosh this was supposed to be the best E/C episode EVER!!
Once we've got it, we don't have the right results. I think it kinda prooves my theory that E/C is not good for the show.
Not to mention that I'll always say the majority of us are bored with this storyline since it's been more than 2 years!!!
So I'm happy for this result, though I'd love another result for a show I learned to love!
I mean, I think it's wrong to say that E/C doesn't have chemistry, I mean, you MUST be blind not to see that!

you are allowed to have different opinions, and I respect them
Well as far as I know people are free to express their opinion and whenever someone says he/she doesn't see any chemistry, it all should be free.
Not to mention that chemistry is something subjective. You can see it as I can't see it. But the fact someone doesn't see what you see, it doesn't make you blind as you said. Not to mention it's kinda unrespectful towards the people who don't see what you do. I mean it's kinda saying "you don't have my opinion, so you shouldn't express it". Well that's not my idea of a forum