Yeah, But getting stuck in an elevator is a kinda predictable stoy line. They need to come up with something new and differant that leaves them stranded somewhere for a good while. Maybe Calleigh can be injured for a change and she would have to depend on Eric to take care of her until help arrived.:thumbsup:
Hmmm. Wonder where they could get into trouble at? Maybe thay could get stranded out in the glades overnight and have to fight off the wild animals and she could fall and hurt herself or something.
Or, maybe get stuck out on the ocean somewhere on a diving crime scene, or maybe Calleigh gets wounded on a crime scene and it can be Erics turn to stay with her at the Hospital.:thumbsup:
I don't know, but I think their should be something happen that they are totally alone together,and have to face there fears with eachother before they get together.
Hey! Mabe in Eppi. 7X13 She could get on a horse and it runs away with her like in the westerns and Eric has to jump on a Horse not knowing how to really ride and try to save her! LoL!:guffaw: Now that could be both entertaining and funny at the same time to see him try and ride a horse! Lol!:guffaw: Of course knowing the writers:devil: they would have H.

come out of nowhere and shoot the Horse in the head and stop it dead and then have some rediculous on liner and disappear! Lol!:guffaw: