Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

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From Review
Once Beth has stepped away, he asks Calleigh if she's okay and she answers with a very frank and honest, "No." Calleigh usually plays her cards close to her chest, so her straightforward answer to Delko is indicative of two things: how much this case has gotten to her, and how much she does trust Delko. When Ryan asks her later about the altercation, she shuts him down by saying, "You should know I don't want to talk about it." Even though she doesn't get into specifics with Delko, she's at least willing to open up to him enough to tell him she's not okay.

As we've been saying this was a very significant moment for EC in this episode. I love how on target Kristine is always when it comes to EC :).
hiphugger17 said:
As we've been saying this was a very significant moment for EC in this episode. I love how on target Kristine is always when it comes to EC :).

I love reading Kristine's reviews, especially if there was an EC moment in reviewed episode because she always points it out.

CSISDFlash, thanks for posting those pictures... :drool: I had to have a cold shower after those :adore::devil:
Oh I have a few of them I found last night, But on cold shower is enough for today I will share more of them later! lOL!
There's an interview with Adam Rodriguez on YouTube (link is in the Spoiler Lab).

He kind of said that we will see Eric and Calleigh get together. At least I think he said it. Go check and tell me if you got the same impression.
There's an interview with Adam Rodriguez on YouTube (link is in the Spoiler Lab).

He kind of said that we will see Eric and Calleigh get together. At least I think he said it. Go check and tell me if you got the same impression.

What he says is that he thinks the fans have been waiting a long time to see Eric & Calleigh get together, that "...she's saw it a lot, my Jenny" (a Forrest Gump reference), that they've been friends, buddies and during the course of the show the characters have started seeing each other in a different light. He said he thinks E/C have been moving in that direction for a long time and he thinks "...sooner than later it'll be time to actually deliver the goods to the fans that have been waiting to see that...".

In reference to his "My Jenny" comment, I'm not sure if the "she" he referenced was Emily or Calleigh, but he was talking about himself and Emily at the time, and what they themselves thought the fans wanted to see.

As for whether or not this means they will get together this season, I don't know how much Adam really knows about the future scripts, so he could just be guessing.
There's an interview with Adam Rodriguez on YouTube (link is in the Spoiler Lab).

He kind of said that we will see Eric and Calleigh get together. At least I think he said it. Go check and tell me if you got the same impression.

What he says is that he thinks the fans have been waiting a long time to see Eric & Calleigh get together, that "...she's saw it a lot, my Jenny" (a Forrest Gump reference), that they've been friends, buddies and during the course of the show the characters have started seeing each other in a different light. He said he thinks E/C have been moving in that direction for a long time and he thinks "...sooner than later it'll be time to actually deliver the goods to the fans that have been waiting to see that...".

In reference to his "My Jenny" comment, I'm not sure if the "she" he referenced was Emily or Calleigh, but he was talking about himself and Emily at the time, and what they themselves thought the fans wanted to see.

As for whether or not this means they will get together this season, I don't know how much Adam really knows about the future scripts, so he could just be guessing.

They don't often see too far ahead with the scripts and the writers don't always tell them what they intend to do. But more than likely, considering he stars in the show, he gets that feeling not only from the scripts, but from the writers as well.
At first, thanks for info about AR interview and explicating it.

After reading Constant Replay from Jessica237 I have even more clearly imagined Calleigh's low-spirit, when this scene repeats before her eyes again and again.
Someone should give support for her after all. Any member of the team. But, as Eric was there with her, it would be more logical that he comforts and calms Calleigh.

You are right, Audrey2419, in review for story. Writers show big drama, but they don't wish to pay deserving attention to human feelings.
Sorry I've been... elsewhere for a while, guys. I've not given up on you all.

I've just read the review for Wrecking Crew... Aww, at it. I know we know how poignant it was to have Calleigh be open enough to answer 'no' to Eric, but to read it is even more cute.

Actors can get scripts anything from the week before, to a few months before. I've had a script three days before a show before, so I wouldn't count on him knowing details. Obviously, they discuss possible storyline's and stuff before the seasons starts so he may have *some* gossip he's slipping out for us. I hope so... I can't wait for them to 'deliver'.
those pictures of Adam were rather *sigh* lovely. haha

i was so sad when Eric went to put his hand on Calleigh's shoulder and then had to stop because someone else came up. At least he is respectful and understands the "job relationship". I kinda like the 'waiting' Eric, because it shows that he really cares because he isn't pushing Calleigh to make any immediate decisions about their relationship (even though we all wish she would!!) you can tell she's getting closer to him, as mentioned with the straight "no" answer.

does anyone have any heads up on the next episode?
Sorry I've been... elsewhere for a while, guys. I've not given up on you all.

I've just read the review for Wrecking Crew... Aww, at it. I know we know how poignant it was to have Calleigh be open enough to answer 'no' to Eric, but to read it is even more cute.

Actors can get scripts anything from the week before, to a few months before. I've had a script three days before a show before, so I wouldn't count on him knowing details. Obviously, they discuss possible storyline's and stuff before the seasons starts so he may have *some* gossip he's slipping out for us. I hope so... I can't wait for them to 'deliver'.

Hey Jodie! It's good to see you back here again. We've missed you.

I for one hope that Adam was giving us something to look forward to. He and Emily both are totally for Eric and Calleigh getting together, so let's keep our fingers crossed that the writers will show us some love soon!;)
Sorry I've been... elsewhere for a while, guys. I've not given up on you all.

I've just read the review for Wrecking Crew... Aww, at it. I know we know how poignant it was to have Calleigh be open enough to answer 'no' to Eric, but to read it is even more cute.

Actors can get scripts anything from the week before, to a few months before. I've had a script three days before a show before, so I wouldn't count on him knowing details. Obviously, they discuss possible storyline's and stuff before the seasons starts so he may have *some* gossip he's slipping out for us. I hope so... I can't wait for them to 'deliver'.

Hey Jodie! It's good to see you back here again. We've missed you.

I for one hope that Adam was giving us something to look forward to. He and Emily both are totally for Eric and Calleigh getting together, so let's keep our fingers crossed that the writers will show us some love soon!;)

I am not losing the faith. If he (Adam) has an inkling or feeling about where E/C might be going and it looks positive (which he iterated it might be) then my faith in them is even stronger!

I've said it before and I will say it again, it is sooo nice to see the two actors involved in a possible between their characters sooo happy and excited about it. It is rare and that, along with other evidence, tells me we will prevail!! ;)
:drool: Too bad it wasnt blonde hair on the other person in the picture.

I know that all of us would probably pee ourselves from excitement.
(and yes i know i refrence peeing alot, but its something that i feel i am going to do everytime i see a cute Cal and Eric moment.)
New spoilers posted in the spoiler thread for episode 713

Northing really E/C related which leads me to believe that NOTHING has happened yet. Unfortunately, there was some stuff about a trainer who Calleigh seems to share "chemistry" with :rolleyes: . Read the spoilers to fully understand but Cal goes to the stable to see if there is trace on the horse and the trainer is totally smitten with her and they flirt a little. We find out that Cal grew up around horses as a kid. He offers to let her ride the horse but she turns him down, saying she is on duty. As she is walking away he blatanly stares at her and she knows it but refuses to turn around.

According the spoilers she doesn't give into the temptation of turning around yet she feels good about the attention. :rolleyes: My opinion on this is she is excited about feeling sexy and having the attention of a seemingly good looking man and of course there is always flirting and attractions with everyone on this show but this is what leads me to believe that E/C has had NO PROGRESSION up to this point.:rolleyes:

I am starting to get a little frustrated but refuse to give up hope. More and more, I think Feb sweeps is our time but who knows with this show!!!

I mean we have seen this sort of thing before with Natalia and her shooting instructor who seemed to disappear. The girl Eric questioned last season who was in the orange juice carton, Tara....So I think it is just flirting and we won't be seeing him again but c'mon already. In his interview, Adam said it should happen sooner rather than later!

And yes those pics are yummy and I totally can't wait for when we get a scene like that in our show!! ;)
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Jodie, welcome back! We've missed you.

Delkolover, thanks for the spoilers... It's making me mad to think that Calleigh will flirt with someone else, but maybe he is going to flirt with her and she will feel good about it but will not respond. I can see something like that happening.

Delkolover said:
Northing really E/C related which leads me to believe that NOTHING has happened yet. Unfortunately, there was some stuff about a trainer who Calleigh seems to share "chemistry" with :rolleyes: . Read the spoilers to fully understand but Cal goes to the stable to see if there is trace on the horse and the trainer is totally smitten with her and they flirt a little. We find out that Cal grew up around horses as a kid. He offers to let her ride the horse but she turns him down, saying she is on duty. As she is walking away he blatanly stares at her and she knows it but refuses to turn around.

According the spoilers she doesn't give into the temptation of turning around yet she feels good about the attention. :rolleyes: My opinion on this is she is excited about feeling sexy and having the attention of a seemingly good looking man and of course there is always flirting and attractions with everyone on this show but this is what leads me to believe that E/C has had NO PROGRESSION up to this point.:rolleyes:

I am starting to get a little frustrated but refuse to give up hope. More and more, I think Feb sweeps is our time but who knows with this show!!!

I always wondered if Eric would be a jealous man in a relationship. What do you think how would he react if, once he and Cal got together, some man tried to flirt with Calleigh? So, maybe writers are trying to explore something like that. I'm glad we are going to find out something about Calleigh's childhood, though. It could be interesting.

I wonder if that rift in the team caused by prank has something to do with Eric and Calleigh. As far as I remember, that's the episode where Tara is supposed to ask Eric that they go out and get some drinks (or Eric asks her). What do you guys think is going to happen there? I really hope we get something. I'm dying to see an EC moment.
awwww I just saw Adam's interview :)

The Forrest Gump reference really made me smile. I think he was talking about Cal and Eric and not Emily and Adam, though. I really hope the writers are taking notice of how desperate the fans are getting about seeing them together or at least a little closer to, cause every interview the cast has EC is mentioned and it's pretty obvious a lot of people are waiting for this to happen. So even though they might think it's good to keep draging it out cause it'll keep people watching it also might come to that people get tired of waiting cause it's been two years now and the baby steps are just so freaking small. Sorry this is my moody, pessimist side speaking. I do hope Adam's words are true (sooner than later they'll deliver) and that it happens this season. I mean they don't have to get together but at least there should be scenes of Cal realizing that she has feelings for him, them flirting or gazing a little longer at each other, them having an almost kiss... something. Ok now I'll stop.

I won't even comment on that new episode and the horse guy... :shifty:
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