Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

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New spoilers posted in the spoiler thread for episode 713

Unfortunately, there was some stuff about a trainer who Calleigh seems to share "chemistry" with :rolleyes: . Read the spoilers to fully understand but Cal goes to the stable to see if there is trace on the horse and the trainer is totally smitten with her and they flirt a little.

As she is walking away he blatanly stares at her and she knows it but refuses to turn around.

According the spoilers she doesn't give into the temptation of turning around yet she feels good about the attention.

In his interview, Adam said it should happen sooner rather than later!

Its disappointing news, but remember there were similar script notes for the episode You May Now Kill the Bride. That stripper was supposed to have a "connection" with Eric and flirt with her, and I believe he was supposed to be delighted by it, and the last scene had him wondering about his connection with this stripper. The episode aired without any "connection" being mentioned and with Eric being totally put off by the girl's advances.

As for what Adam said in the interview, he didn't say that Eric and Calleigh would get together "sooner than later", but said he thinks its time to "deliver the goods". The distinction being that he doesn't know for sure if and when Eric and Calleigh will get together.

Hiphugger17 - that My Jenny reference made me smile too. Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies. Although Eric & Calleigh didn't know each other since they were kids, they do have that deep bond that Forrest and Jenny had.
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Personally, I don't think there is anything to worry about when it comes to Calleigh and this one guy she supposedly has 'chemistry' with. Y'all remeber the episode Grand Prix in season 2? The same thing kind of happened with her and that one race car driver guy who seemed to have a thing for her and while she might have seemed somewhat interested, nothing happened. We all know she likes Eric.:)
Its disappointing news, but remember there were similar script notes for the episode You May Now Kill the Bride. That stripper was supposed to have a "connection" with Eric and flirt with her, and I believe he was supposed to be delighted by it, and the last scene had him wondering about his connection with this stripper. The episode aired without any "connection" being mentioned and with Eric being totally put off by the girl's advances.

Yeah I thought about this too. I guess that what pisses me off is the fact that the writers keep bringing third parties, even if it's just to flirt or say "she's cute" when we're right in the middle of EC. Can't they use those moments in reference to EC and not other people? Ugh I'm in a crappy mood and not really loving the writers right now :shifty:

Hiphugger17 - that My Jenny reference made me smile too. Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies. Although Eric & Calleigh didn't know each other since they were kids, they do have that deep bond that Forrest and Jenny had

Yeah they do :thumbsup:
Its disappointing news, but remember there were similar script notes for the episode You May Now Kill the Bride. That stripper was supposed to have a "connection" with Eric and flirt with her, and I believe he was supposed to be delighted by it, and the last scene had him wondering about his connection with this stripper. The episode aired without any "connection" being mentioned and with Eric being totally put off by the girl's advances.

As for what Adam said in the interview, he didn't say that Eric and Calleigh would get together "sooner than later", but said he thinks its time to "deliver the goods". The distinction being that he doesn't know for sure if and when Eric and Calleigh will get together.

Hiphugger17 - that My Jenny reference made me smile too. Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies. Although Eric & Calleigh didn't know each other since they were kids, they do have that deep bond that Forrest and Jenny had.

Definately agree and it was nice to see Adam refer to E/C's friendship as such. You've always known they were friends throughout the course of the series but over the last two seasons, we have really seen that friendship flourish into the 'best' friend category. And I think in order for E/C to happen on the level the writers seem to want it to (IMO it is a deep one) they have to show us the "Forrest and Jenny" aspect of it first. So I think that is what Adam might be referring to when he described the friendship between Eric and Cal.
Its disappointing news, but remember there were similar script notes for the episode You May Now Kill the Bride. That stripper was supposed to have a "connection" with Eric and flirt with her, and I believe he was supposed to be delighted by it, and the last scene had him wondering about his connection with this stripper. The episode aired without any "connection" being mentioned and with Eric being totally put off by the girl's advances.

As for what Adam said in the interview, he didn't say that Eric and Calleigh would get together "sooner than later", but said he thinks its time to "deliver the goods". The distinction being that he doesn't know for sure if and when Eric and Calleigh will get together.

Hiphugger17 - that My Jenny reference made me smile too. Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies. Although Eric & Calleigh didn't know each other since they were kids, they do have that deep bond that Forrest and Jenny had.

Definately agree and it was nice to see Adam refer to E/C's friendship as such. You've always known they were friends throughout the course of the series but over the last two seasons, we have really seen that friendship flourish into the 'best' friend category. And I think in order for E/C to happen on the level the writers seem to want it to (IMO it is a deep one) they have to show us the "Forrest and Jenny" aspect of it first. So I think that is what Adam might be referring to when he described the friendship between Eric and Cal.

You're right. We always knew that they were friends, but in the beginning Calleigh was closer to Speed. Her friendship with Eric really began to flourish after Speed was killed. In the last couple of years they have gone from being friends to being "best friends". When they finally make the transition to lovers they will be together forever...;)
I found something, it's nothing big, so don't hope too much.

Apparently that guy's name is Terrance Chase. Calleigh and Eric are working together. There's this girl, Colleen, and, apparently, Calleigh and Eric have some evidence about her. Maybe there's still hope for a moment, as long as they work together. I keep thinking Eric will hear that that guy is interested in Calleigh and that he will say something about it. I would like to see something like that.

What do you think, what are the chances that Eric and Cal will get together between the episodes and that we would just find out out of nowhere from a conversation?
I found something, it's nothing big, so don't hope too much.

Apparently that guy's name is Terrance Chase. Calleigh and Eric are working together. There's this girl, Colleen, and, apparently, Calleigh and Eric have some evidence about her. Maybe there's still hope for a moment, as long as they work together. I keep thinking Eric will hear that that guy is interested in Calleigh and that he will say something about it. I would like to see something like that.

What do you think, what are the chances that Eric and Cal will get together between the episodes and that we would just find out out of nowhere from a conversation?

I don't think they'll get together between episodes, at least I hope not. I'd like to see it. These baby steps are going to kill me. For the love of God, can we please see a giant step forwards?!

The more I think about it, the more I'm not concerned about the flirtation between Calleigh and this other guy, because this other guy is just a guest star... at the end of the episode he'll be gone. We may see Jealous Eric though... but the bad part about that is, we've seen Jealous Eric, it's time to see Jealous Calleigh damn it!
I found something, it's nothing big, so don't hope too much.

Apparently that guy's name is Terrance Chase. Calleigh and Eric are working together. There's this girl, Colleen, and, apparently, Calleigh and Eric have some evidence about her. Maybe there's still hope for a moment, as long as they work together. I keep thinking Eric will hear that that guy is interested in Calleigh and that he will say something about it. I would like to see something like that.

What do you think, what are the chances that Eric and Cal will get together between the episodes and that we would just find out out of nowhere from a conversation?

I don't think they'll get together between episodes, at least I hope not. I'd like to see it. These baby steps are going to kill me. For the love of God, can we please see a giant step forwards?!

The more I think about it, the more I'm not concerned about the flirtation between Calleigh and this other guy, because this other guy is just a guest star... at the end of the episode he'll be gone. We may see Jealous Eric though... but the bad part about that is, we've seen Jealous Eric, it's time to see Jealous Calleigh damn it!

Oh no doubt...Jealous Cal is something we definately need to see but it is something we would never have seen in the past and might never see. The baby steps are becoming apparent in the sense that the writers have built the Calleigh character to be this strong, self protected woman who puts on a strong outward appearance and protects everyone around her but now we are seeing that that personality is starting to crack in places. So the baby steps, IMO are us seeing the cracks in Calleigh's armor and in order for E/C to happen on a deep level we have to see Calleigh's emotional walls breakdown. I think that is what makes this ship that much more real. She has to need Eric, not just b/c they are friends and share an emotional bond. She has always been the type of person, and puts that front out, who doesn't really need anyone. So in order for her realistically to need Eric we need to see why. We need to see the emotional Calleigh. So the baby steps are necessary, IMO. Agaonzing yes, but necessary.
I found something, it's nothing big, so don't hope too much.

Apparently that guy's name is Terrance Chase. Calleigh and Eric are working together. There's this girl, Colleen, and, apparently, Calleigh and Eric have some evidence about her. Maybe there's still hope for a moment, as long as they work together. I keep thinking Eric will hear that that guy is interested in Calleigh and that he will say something about it. I would like to see something like that.

What do you think, what are the chances that Eric and Cal will get together between the episodes and that we would just find out out of nowhere from a conversation?

I don't think they'll get together between episodes, at least I hope not. I'd like to see it. These baby steps are going to kill me. For the love of God, can we please see a giant step forwards?!

The more I think about it, the more I'm not concerned about the flirtation between Calleigh and this other guy, because this other guy is just a guest star... at the end of the episode he'll be gone. We may see Jealous Eric though... but the bad part about that is, we've seen Jealous Eric, it's time to see Jealous Calleigh damn it!

Oh my!! that sounds exciting!! i tell u what, when we get to episode 13 and theres still no E/C im going to get really frustrated!! i mean come on, how long do we have to wait!?

And i agree with who ever said that i think its time for a jealous Calleigh, it would be great coz she might be forced to tell him how she feels. Anyways im very excited about that eppie...b/c maybe they get together...just wishful thinking...:lol:
I agree Calleigh was very close to Speed. If Speed hadn't got killed it may have had a Talleigh Ship sailing by now. But who am I to complain I think both guy are hot so ether one would do! At least we get to Rory on 24 this year. I'm think that they are going to drag us till the end of the season and leave us hanging off the cliff at the end with E/C. I really though that maybe we would have a big shift in 7X10 no tell Motel, but I don't see anything much happening now sence they have sent out the spoiler for 7X13 where the trainer is flurting with Calleigh.

We might get a moment, but popabley like the rest of them, enough to piss us all off!
i'm curious to see if we get anything in Feb. Sweeps. They will probabley give us another tiny tease and drag us on down the road.

Can we really stand this sexual tension for another season before the wheel runs off the wagon? I hope that Adam was trying to tell us something in his enterview.

This is Really driving me Crazy!!!
I found something, it's nothing big, so don't hope too much.

Apparently that guy's name is Terrance Chase. Calleigh and Eric are working together. There's this girl, Colleen, and, apparently, Calleigh and Eric have some evidence about her. Maybe there's still hope for a moment, as long as they work together. I keep thinking Eric will hear that that guy is interested in Calleigh and that he will say something about it. I would like to see something like that.

What do you think, what are the chances that Eric and Cal will get together between the episodes and that we would just find out out of nowhere from a conversation?

I don't think they'll get together between episodes, at least I hope not. I'd like to see it. These baby steps are going to kill me. For the love of God, can we please see a giant step forwards?!

The more I think about it, the more I'm not concerned about the flirtation between Calleigh and this other guy, because this other guy is just a guest star... at the end of the episode he'll be gone. We may see Jealous Eric though... but the bad part about that is, we've seen Jealous Eric, it's time to see Jealous Calleigh damn it!

Happy Birthday Jennifer!! :beer:

I agree, poor Eric has been jealous and heartbroken. Calleigh should return the favor for God's sake!:brickwall:

Oh no doubt...Jealous Cal is something we definitely need to see but it is something we would never have seen in the past and might never see. The baby steps are becoming apparent in the sense that the writers have built the Calleigh character to be this strong, self protected woman who puts on a strong outward appearance and protects everyone around her but now we are seeing that that personality is starting to crack in places. So the baby steps, IMO are us seeing the cracks in Calleigh's armor and in order for E/C to happen on a deep level we have to see Calleigh's emotional walls breakdown. I think that is what makes this ship that much more real. She has to need Eric, not just b/c they are friends and share an emotional bond. She has always been the type of person, and puts that front out, who doesn't really need anyone. So in order for her realistically to need Eric we need to see why. We need to see the emotional Calleigh. So the baby steps are necessary, IMO. Agonizing yes, but necessary.

I agree that we need the baby steps. *rolls eyes in frustration* (I don't have to like it though) I understand why it's taking Calleigh FOREVER to break down from all of the crap she's been through the last couple of seasons, BUT (and you knew I was gonna throw that in) she has put Eric through emotional hell. I really think it's time that we get to see Calleigh go through the same for Eric.:rolleyes:
Happy birthday, Jennifer!

I'd like to think that something will happen between them before 7x13. Flirting with someone doesn't mean that you're not in love with someone else. Something like that would be realistic. And it would give us the chance of seeing jealous Eric one more time (there's something about men being desperately in love that makes my knees go week) and Calleigh telling him that he has no reason to be like that because he's the only man she'll ever love. Now, that's so cheesy that I want to puke myself, but at the same time it's so cute... Okay, I apologize to everyone for this post, I'm in the most strange mood ever (it might has to do something with this flue medicine I just took). :rolleyes:
Happy birthday, Jennifer!

I'd like to think that something will happen between them before 7x13. Flirting with someone doesn't mean that you're not in love with someone else. Something like that would be realistic. And it would give us the chance of seeing jealous Eric one more time (there's something about men being desperately in love that makes my knees go week) and Calleigh telling him that he has no reason to be like that because he's the only man she'll ever love. Now, that's so cheesy that I want to puke myself, but at the same time it's so cute... Okay, I apologize to everyone for this post, I'm in the most strange mood ever (it might has to do something with this flue medicine I just took). :rolleyes:

Actually, what you just said was really nice and now after you just said that, i actually woudnt mind seeing jealous Eric again because like you said, there could be a really nice moment out of all of it in the end which i think we all want to see. I love it when guys get jealous :lol:
Oh no doubt...Jealous Cal is something we definately need to see but it is something we would never have seen in the past and might never see. The baby steps are becoming apparent in the sense that the writers have built the Calleigh character to be this strong, self protected woman who puts on a strong outward appearance and protects everyone around her but now we are seeing that that personality is starting to crack in places. So the baby steps, IMO are us seeing the cracks in Calleigh's armor and in order for E/C to happen on a deep level we have to see Calleigh's emotional walls breakdown. I think that is what makes this ship that much more real. She has to need Eric, not just b/c they are friends and share an emotional bond. She has always been the type of person, and puts that front out, who doesn't really need anyone. So in order for her realistically to need Eric we need to see why. We need to see the emotional Calleigh. So the baby steps are necessary, IMO. Agaonzing yes, but necessary.

Dude, I think you hit the nail on the head there. Perhaps that is what is needed before Eric and Calleigh can really be a couple... she has to let down her guard, her emotional walls. She has to see that she needs Eric. Okay, so the baby steps are needed but damn are they frustrating, and yes... agonizing.

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!
Dude, I think you hit the nail on the head there. Perhaps that is what is needed before Eric and Calleigh can really be a couple... she has to let down her guard, her emotional walls. She has to see that she needs Eric. Okay, so the baby steps are needed but damn are they frustrating, and yes... agonizing.

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!

They are needed, but for God's sake, I don't know if my heart will make it until she FINALLY realizes that she needs Eric. Personally, I don't think I'd make him wait if I had that guy there for me the way she does. But, a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do...:p
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