Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

At least we'll get some angst, I guess. If she's not too angry at him, maybe Calleigh'll end up calling Eric for help instead of Jake (maybe it's at this point they're cooling off?)
I smell a fan fic. But not written by me. I've reached my EC quota for the month. Besides, aside from a small handful of people, nobody's writing stories for this pairing, and I get bitter easily, so I'm putting my WIPs on hold for a bit to try some Ryan/Valera.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I so had a feeling that this is how the writers would work's a bit cliched sadly, and not as spontaneous as we'd for sure like, but I think y'all are right I think this could be the turning point...I see Eric being insanely worried and coming to her side as quick as possible and then Jake coming along later and being Jerky and dumb about it!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I've written so many stories lately I'm up to here, but every time I say "fuck all this fanfiction" I get another plot bunny, so alas. It would be nice, though, if other people wrote, because honestly? Who reads their own fanfiction? Not me! So even though I'm providing for a lot of the fanfiction out there, I'm reading none of it :/

Something important is going to happen in this episode wrt the triangle. I think it would depend on what happens between here and then. If we get some sort of confirmation that Calleigh has feelings for Eric, then we're a shoe in. We did get it last season, during Natural Born Killers, but we need to hear it from her again in the new season.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Ok you guys are fast!! Well as far as J/C appears and I use this word strongly b/c I don't see everything that in some manner shape or form Jake makes Cal mad as far as the situation goes and at one point he even says he is trying to make amends by telling her her version of events was correct by taking her to the scene and showing her evidence and that the suspect who is trying to blame Calleigh for the confrontation on the street was lying. I didn't see any E/C interaction but that doesn't mean anything as we all know.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Wait, so Jake doesn't believe Calleigh but believes the suspect? What a wonderful, supportive guy. God, go away already, idiot.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Skylar, regarding fan fics, exactly! I don't read my own stories, so I have to settle for re-reading old favorites over and over again. Not that I mind reading those, but there aren't nearly enough active writers for this ship.

I've written/updated 6 stories for EC this month and that's counting all three new chapters of Time Tells as one update. According to, there have been 26 new/updated EC stories this month (and let's be honest, at least two of them don't count as stories). Ignoring that, I'm still responsible for almost one out of four fucking EC stories this month. This makes me mad. I love writing, but I love reading fan fiction, too. It should be a give-and-take type of relationship, but it's not. The more I think about it, the more I want to stop sharing my stories, because no matter how selfish or immature this sounds, bottom line, it's unfair.

And lurkers. Holy shit, fan fiction lurkers piss me the hell off, but that's for another day.

Wow, I'm totally PMSing. Sorry about this, you guys.

Anyway, venting aside, I said a few weeks ago that I was willing to watch six episode with Jake or mentions of Jake/Calleigh in them, but I can wait until the end of the season for EC to actually start. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

How soon after JC ends do you think EC will start? I mean, really start, none of this eye-sex stuff.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

wait, wait..I didn't say that! :lol: I said it appears that for some reason she is mad at Jake and he says he trying to make amends...idk why but if you want to infer that then fine. But idk if that actually happens....just want to clarify on that. ;)

I think it will be a while before we see any E/C hot scenes after Jake leaves. Cal is not the type of person to jump into bed with someone else sooo soon after she breaks up with someone. But I am confident we will get something by the end of the season.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

The devilish part of me wishes very much for a scene where Jake is one side and Eric is on the other and Calleigh is between them and she looks from one to the other and with a sneer/smirk at Jake, walks straight into Eric's arms...kissing him like she's wanted to for the last 5 years! :devil:

Of course I don't really think that'll happen...but some part of me would love to see that! I hope they don't wait too long after J/C is done before making E/C happen. I mean it doesn't have to be the same eppy (although I wouldn't complain! ;) ) but not to many eppy's after that for sure! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I don't mind doing all the writing. It's something I enjoy and it's the only reason why I do it. It is frustrating, especially lurkers because holy crap, guys, if you like a story leave a freaking review, but what are you gonna do? I'm doing what I can for this ship, and that includes going to all the Miami message boards out there to up the E/C enthusiasm. I dare anyone in here to go to and post in their message boards. They're what hell must be made of. Holy crap. But, as corny as it sounds, we have to spread the E/C message everywhere.

So really, if I have to write all the stories I will for the good of the ship, but it would be nice to get some help (same with visiting other message boards).

Well, Calleigh being mad at Jake is good, and if he's telling her, "hey, you were right after all, how about that?" It kinda sounds like he didn't believe her before? It doesn't surprise me. Didn't Calleigh say that the most important thing in the world for Jake is his job? It wouldn't surprise me if he chose his job over her again. And I'm not feeling too sympathetic for Calleigh because she went into this knowing Jake will always put his job before her.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Sky you freakin' rock! With your spreading the E/C love and writing your ficcies...And I would totally write fanfics for this ship but I swear everytime I get an idea I get performance anxiety cuz those of you who already write for E/C are flippin' ficcie genius' and I don't think there is anyway I could live up to you all!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

If she is mad at him..i don't think it is b/c he is choosing the job over her but that he doesn't "trust" her enough to believe her. Trust is important with Calleigh .
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

That makes total sense Jackie I could see that being the reason for sure...that he didn't trust her and that she knows, deep down she can't trust him...whereas we know she can and does trust Eric with her very life!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Okay, before I even post this, I'm going to clarify something. at, I'm Lemon Green...for some reason, it wouldn't let me have that name here. Anyway, many of you here who write at are wonderful writers, and I love reading your stories, but I'm sure it gets old not having anyone else's to read. However, in defense of slow writers/updaters (like me) it takes a lot to get a quality story. For example, if I didn't take a whole crapload of time on the stories I have, they would be complete and utter crap...granted, I don't know how good they are now...
But the point is, more fics would be great, but what can we do to make it happen? We could do prompts, maybe write stories together...I don't know. I should probably stop now. Sorry
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Okay, I just wrote out another huge rant but I'm done being a big bitch for the night so I erased it all and decided to spare you guys.

Skylar, I don't know what other boards you visit, but I'm sure many of them are unbearable. I'm not sure I could handle it, and really, if they can't spell on the boards, it's not likely they'll produce quality fan fics, anyway.

Jackie (Jacks/Lemon Green), visit for prompts.

Hey, if you're going to hang around, can we get some way to distinguish between you and delkolover when we say "Jackie"?

It's really sad that the writers have made it so that it's hard to sympathize with what Calleigh's done. There's nothing so far that indicates Jake has any qualities Calleigh (or anyone for that matter) would find attractive. I hope they make him less incompetent and not make it so blatantly obvious that he's the bad guy.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I think they desperately need to address why Calleigh is with Jake. Because right now, we have no idea. Yeah, they have a history, and he's a good guy sometimes, but Calleigh has issues that need to be addressed, and if they don't then it just looks like she's with Jake because... well, we have no idea. We, the obsessed fans do, because we know she's kinda fucked up, but the regular audience doesn't. Once they address her issues, then the regular viewers will see why she's with Jake and not Eric, etc. The writers are trying to make it vague because they don't wanna give it away, but the problem with that is they're not showing us Calleigh's intentions, and that's bad. If it's a love triangle, you need to see the object of the two guys' affection struggling with her emotions, and that's not happening with Calleigh because the writers are crap.

I go to and God, 90% of the people there can't spell for shit. It's so annoying. But the good news is, the majority of the posters there are overwhelmingly pro-E/C. And that's important because it's the CBS message board.
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