Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Eric might be just as scared as Calleigh. As confident as he is around women, he's never really been in love or this serious about anyone (that we've seen).

I think the difference is this: Calleigh wanted to date Eric, while Eric saw a serious relationship. So he wanted to take his time and court her like you do when you're courting someone you're serious about: slowly and proper. While Calleigh is pretty retarded when it comes to relationship, so she didn't get that. She waited forever for Eric to kiss her or something, and when Jake did instead she instantly started dating him, without giving their bad past a second though. It was very, "oh, he kissed me, so I guess I better date him, cause this other guy isn't going to make a move."

I wasn't really mad at Eric for not making a move when he did. Remember that this all happened in the span of a few weeks, and he was probably trying to make sense of it. He didn't wanna jump into it with his eyes closed because this is Calleigh, not some bubble headed floosey. It needed to be done right. Calleigh gave him a window, but it wasn't at a time when he was comfortable or felt confident. I think it was just a lack of communication. They were so busy playing eye-footsie with each other that they didn't stop to think, wait, what is this? I think Eric did, but while he was trying to figure it out, Jake came in and then it was too late. Of course, by then he wanted Calleigh and was ready to make a move, but then she got scared.

This is very OTP-ish behavior, which is why I'm not too worried. Look at all the big couples - Mulder & Scully, Ross & Rachel, etc - it's the same song and dance.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Calleigh = retarded :lol: people really become very slow when it comes to love.

Hehe...all our big couples from tv, and eric and calleigh are the hottest :D

I like your point, skylar. That makes me feel so much better. Now that you mentioned courting, I really want to see Eric try to woo Cal when Jake's out of the picture.

I wish CBS starts releasing Miami bloopers already!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

hiphugaholic said:

I like your point, skylar. That makes me feel so much better. Now that you mentioned courting, I really want to see Eric try to woo Cal when Jake's out of the picture.

Exactly. If they'd hooked up last season, it would've been too soon and easy, and not too satisfactory. But imagine how great it'll feel when they finally get together in a year or so, after everything they've been through these past few seasons. It's gonna be awesome.

Look at Eric/Natalia. One night of sex on the couch and their relationship was completely devoid of emotion, communication or understanding, hell, sometimes even caring. Just a bad relationship all around. I don't want that for Eric and Calleigh. They're better than that.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I think I need to see more episodes before I can make any decision b/c what we got last night is not helping is only confusing me. I mean know this show is not one for continuity but last night only made their ability to show lack of continuity greater.

I mean go from last season when she kissed him and said his name in Burned to the finale, which was still on our favor until jackass kissed her and things made sense, you could see the angst. Now all I see is a complete 180 on the writers parts as far as she is is soo confusing.

But I do agree that she was kind of putting off going on a date with him until he made the move in the lab and then all of sudden she is like "ok, sure lets date and go to Antigua" :confused:

This whole scenario screams to me of that age old high school crush. One girl with two guys who like her. She likes them both but one more than the other and the one who she really doesn't like as much asks her out and she says yes and they begin dating. And then the left out guy asks why she chose him and she says "because he asked me" Eric needed to make a move when she said the trust line and he didn't so Jake kisses her and makes the decision for her...therefore Cal really hasn't chosen anyone she is just going with guy who made the first move or asked her.

Look Cal made her so called decision and now she has to live with it and deep down she probably realizes she has made the wrong one but again she has to go with it now b/c she stepped in it.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I enjoyed watching pesky-pain-in-the-ass Eric. It looked like it made Calleigh feel bad. But not that I want Cal to feel bad...but I kinda do. Anyways, we are so going canon, sometime this year or next year. I just hope that the writers know where they are going with this triangle. I can't wait to see how Eric deals with his PTSD.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

And then the left out guy asks why she chose him and she says "because he asked me" Eric needed to make a move when she said the trust line and he didn't so Jake kisses her and makes the decision for her...therefore Cal really hasn't chosen anyone she is just going with guy who made the first move or asked her.
I totally agree Jackie! I don't like it, but that makes total sense! It's not smart and definitely not the right decision on Call's part, but I can totally see that being her reason...or part of it, cuz I still think she sees Jake as the "safe" option...she doesn't really love him so since she hasn't given him her heart he can't really hurt her...whereas with Eric he already holds her heart so the possiblity that he can hurt her (though he TOTALLY won't!) is there way more!

I just hope the writers don't decide to go against everyone (Emily and Adam included) and screw over E/C and stay with J/C cuz that would suck and be totally anti-climatic and retarded!! :p
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I just hope the writers don't decide to go against everyone (Emily and Adam included) and screw over E/C and stay with J/C cuz that would suck and be totally anti-climatic and retarded!!

I don't think JW is gonna be signed to be a regular but since this is Miami, we'll never know. I mean Valera is not part of the regular cast but she's been a recurring character since the beginning. But for the sanity of the viewers, I hope they won't go in that direction. Not that I think they would otherwise they wouldn't have started the triangle. If TPTB wanted Calleigh with Jake for long term, I don't think they'll make it a triangle and cause Eric more pain. That would be pointless and unnecessary. Another one is that the longetivity of the tv show. TV shows that make it past 5 seasons usually have 3-5 more, depending on contracts and the like. Sad as it may, time goes by fast these days and CSI Miami will go off the air a couple of seasons from now or so. This season or the next would be the best time for them to go canon with this couple.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I don't think they'll keep J/C. If they were, they would've made Jake more likable in the premiere, instead they made him more unlikable.

The wardrobe was spot on again: Eric was wearing a suit, indicative of responsibility and maturity, while Jake was in his... I don't know what the hell that was, but it was slightly revel-ish, indicating a little immaturity, unreliability, and danger.

The writers also fired Sofia Milos without much thought and completely scratched her storyline out in a matter of weeks. If they'd decided not to go with EC they could've dropped the whole thing during the summer, they've certainly done it before. But they didn't.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Yeah I agree with you 100% but Calleigh is getting on my nerves. Everyone I know is liking her less sadly. Eric is obviously the sweeter better option, Jake is just there to pleasure her sexual needs. I can see that Jake likes her, but I think he is like a dog. You wag something else in front of him, he goes bye-bye. Either that or he is nothing but a bad boy stereotype.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I think what would be interesting would be to show that Jake really does have genuine feelings for Calleigh. I know what we've seen up to now makes him not as much of a good guy as Eric perhaps, but that doesn't mean his feelings for Cal might not be real. I think it'd be interesting (painful for us, yes, but I like angst) to show that both Eric and Jake are serious about being with Calleigh, and for Calleigh to actually have to choose one over the other, not by default, but an actual choice.

I guess what I'm saying, if Jake turns out to be a total jerk as far as Cal is concerned, to me it would feel like a bit of an "I told you so" kind of thing if Jake hurt her and she went to Eric. Not saying Eric would say that, of course since he'd never be anything less than supporting and caring for her espscially if she were hurt, but it might seem like that.

I know none of this is going to happen, but it's just something I think would be interesting. I think it would mean more for Calleigh to choose Eric over sweet Jake, than to choose Eric over jerk Jake. But maybe that's just me wishing for once that Calleigh would get a meaty personal storyline that's completely about her and her own conflicts.

Really though, I'm fine with whatever happens, as long as it leads to Eric + Calleigh + any surface - clothes. :D :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I'd really like to see the internal conflict. If they could find some way of expressing it and the way she makes the choice i think it would b good
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Everytime I come to this thread you guys make my day :lol:!!! Those are some great pics of Eric. Thanks Sky for posting them. You guys all have valid points to where Cal is concerned i.e. the reatardedness. My mother honestly can't believe she would pic Jake over Eric even if it is to avoid dealing with her feelings for him. She thinks Jake's an jackass! :lol:

Although pesky-pain-in-the-ass Eric is love I wouldn't mind seeing something from Calliegh. I mean for her to express some sort of you know something for him. I'm one of the one's who believe the real conflict is between Cal's head and her heart. What she think's is right and what feels right.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Yeah, seeing something from Calleigh's side would be great. And if the writers see fit, hopefully in the end it’ll be Calleigh finally having to make a real decision. But in the meantime, I would love to see them make Jake into a real character instead of having him so clearly marked as 'villian'. Right now the line between good guy-bad guy is so clear they may as well take a page from the Good vs. Evil book of clichés and just dress Eric in all white and Jake in all black (which they kind of already did in Built to Kill).

I wish they would blur that line a little not just so it actually makes Calleigh have to choose, but because the majority of people (shippers and non-shippers alike) have a hard time finding anything likeable about the guy and it’s casting her in a bad light. This whole thing is making her look foolish and I hate to see that. All you hear is “Jake’s a jerk, Jake’s a jackass” and it’s like well, Calleigh’s dating Jake so what the hell does that make her?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

^It makes Cal a deluded fool for two reasons:

1)She is dating the jack ass
2)She is being a coward for not admitting to herself that she wants to be with Eric and that she is ultimately lying to herself (which mind you, never turns out good for anyone)

Cal is just sooo oblvious to the pain she is causing Eric and ultimately herself b/c she has deluded herself into thinking that being with Jake is a good idea and she is fooling herself into thinking it is what she wants. So she pretends to be overly happy, and maybe on some level she is, so she can forget about what she is actually doing. It is like a high for her right now but once reality sets in and/or something happens she will crash down to earth and realize what she is doing is not good for anyone involved. Right now it just feels too good to her to not face the truth; but you can only avoid the truth for so long.

She is forsaking what is true for what is easy.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I think so, too. She HAS to wake up one day. Well, maybe she's scared of facing her feelings for Eric because they've been friends for such a long time and it's always kinda weird to fall in love with a friend. But on the other hand it's the best that can happen to her imo! She doesn't have to hide from him by staying with the jack ass! That's nothing but childish!
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