Ryan tells Cal it's too dangerous for her to go in there cause of her lungs. But she wants to anyway and so he gives her something to put over her mouth. Ryan was very sweet and worried about his friend. :adore:
Calleigh kicking in the doors. :lol: I knew there'd be some kind of action shot somewhere.
Loved the camera being behind Ryan as he's running up the stairs. :drool:
The scene with the kid looking at his own body is a little weird. :lol:
:lol: at Ryan all playfully asking Tom for a sample "do you think you could find it in your heart to give me a sample?" Tom just smiled and handed him a sample and Ryan thanked him. Now THIS is the way scenes between the two of them SHOULD be written as opposed to that stuff last week. :lol:
Is purple the only color ties Jesse owns? :lol: He wears purple ties as much as Calleigh wears all black. :lol:
Walter feeling a draft and saying the place is weird and Jesse telling him he has been watching too many Rob Zombies movies. :lol:
Apparently the place creeps Ryan out too. "I'm gonna go with Walter". :lol:
Poor Calleigh thinks she's going crazy cause she can see/hear the dead kid.
Jesse (to Walter):
A feather's not gonna scare away a ghost. :guffaw: Jesse was hilarious in this episode.
Vic's Neighbor: That saw... that buzz thing.
Nat: Buzz saw?
Vic's Neighbor: Thank you. :lol:
Ryan getting soaked. :lol: at the look on his face. Too bad he wasn't wearing a white t-shirt.
The grandfather caused the fire? I didn't see that coming. But at least he didn't think the kid was there. By the way, I didn't need to see the tobacco spitting scene. yeck! My cousin's always spitting that crap out. Makes me sick every time I think about it. Spit in general does. And contrary to what Sara Sidle once said, smiling does NOT stop the gag feeling. :lol:
What's that song at the end of the episode, anyone know?
This ep was much better than I expected. The ghost thing/out of body thing was still a little weird, but still much better than what I was expecting.