I have been a fan of CSI Miami from the first episode. Not that that matters to the creators. They never care what fans think. For me, CSI Miami jumped the shark last night. It's done, it's over, it's no good anymore. It's been slipping for a couple years, but last night it completely jumped the shark.
So Calleigh sees dead people, eh? Now ghosts are real. This show was about scientists, people of logic and reason. There are plenty of shows like Medium and Ghost Whisperer for those who like fantasy. The CSI franchise was created about SCIENCE, not fantasy. These writers don't care. They probably don't know what science is or that ghosts are fantasy.
And how do you know ghosts are fantasy? How do you know ghosts are not real? So just because you believes those things that makes it a fact? Does that make all those people who have experiences with paranormal liars? I'm sorry but that is a rather subjective statement, so please don't make it sound like ghost not being real it's a fact.
This isn't Calleigh's first out of body or near-death experience, I don't even get the logic why this episode would be jumping the shark when pretty much same thing was done in previous episodes. And besides, even if it was a ghost, it's not like there was no investigation, it's not like everyone just listened to the ghost and didn't use evidence and science to back it up. Even with paranormal there are science and evidence. It's hardly that farfetched.
And let's talk about science on CSI, anyone with a decent science degree will tell you that CSI science is a boatload of crap. It's nothing like real science, it's pretend science used for entertainment. Half the technologies that are used in CSI are years beyond what today's equipments can even do. CSI may have been about science at one point, maybe in the first season, but now it's basically futuristic technology.
And what's with the Ryan character becoming more and more of a jerk? Do the writers think if they ruin every character, we'll still like the show?
I don't see how Ryan was a jerk in this episode, in fact, he was more Ryan than he was in years. He and Tom didn't even butt heads. They haven't ruined Ryan, if anything, they actually brought back the real Ryan for this episode.
To combine my two points about Ryan and logic -- in the episode, Ryan says, "If we find trace of turpentine, we'll KNOW the kid started the fire." Really? How will you KNOW this? Not evidence or logic. If the ghost agreed with you, the writers could say you got your knowledge from beyond. Science must be boring, right? Can't wait for the unicorns and wizards episode coming soon.
Real science and forensic analysis, yeah, it is darn boring alright. Real crime solving is nothing like what the CSI franchise made so popular and cool, real CSIs will tell you that.
And I'm sorry but if you're gonna pick on every word and every minute detail, then maybe you shouldn't watch the show because not everything has to be taken so literally or seriously. Just because Ryan said they'll "know" doesn't mean he believes who heartedly that they will know for sure, it's most likely used as a figure of speech, normal people do speak that way, not always so literally.
If you were depending a fictional TV show to teach you about science or be so meticulously plot out or be realistic, then you're in for a rude awakening. CSI franchise is there soley for entertainment purposes, this isn't a real life documentary or some educational video about science. It's a fictional TV drama that will no doubt veer into unrealistic worlds.