Episode 8x20 - "Backfire" - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I came into this episode skeptical also, but they pulled it off really well! This is the first episode all season where I actually played it back and watched it again before going to bed. Best episode of the season! Good amount of screentime for Ryan, and he is looking very hot indeed! Eric/Calleigh relationship was tastefully done. Emily did a very nice job of convincing us that it was actually happening without insulting our intelligence. AAAAAAAA+
Backfire was one of my favorite episodes so far in Season 8. I'd been reading the spoilers and watching the previews for this episode for weeks in advance, but I still found it to be an engaging show, with a couple of unexpected (& pleasantly surprising) twists. I thought that the whole hovering-between-life-and-death theme was handled well, and Emily Procter did a fine acting job with the material.
It was quite funny to see Calleigh freaking out when she realized that she could see and hear the dead victim!
On a whole, Emily showed really great range throughout the episode. And Ryan's "sprinkler mishap" scene was pure comedic gold!:lol: The only "minus" for me was not enough Horatio, especially considering that his "second-in-command" (Calleigh) was at death's door.

Of course, my Hiphugger-heart was happy to see Eric and Calleigh together again. Very sweet moments between them at the hospital and in the morgue.
IMO, ideally, Calleigh's brush with death could have been the catalyst for a more dramatic/definitive step forward in her relationship with Eric. But what we E/C-shippers did get was very heart-warming. Just enough to keep the Hiphugger-fans satisfied, but sufficiently understated to please the non-E/C-shippers.

Overall, I'd give Backfire a solid "A." Totally entertaining from start to finish.:thumbsup:
I think this episode was my favorite of all season 8 . I was like super excited for this episode and it didnt dissapointed me at all . The performance of Emily was amazing , she was so funny and she was on her car freaking out bc she saw a ghost :D and i really love the storyline , i was shocked at the end when they find the person who did it..

My EC love just kind of die of hapiness with all those beautiful scenes . They were so cute and Horation totally know now that Eric and Calleigh are together , it was so obvious and he gave them a smile :D and the last scene of EC was trully one of my fav

So i think i can say that Backfire definitively just make me love Csi Miami again after this boring( for me) season and i really hope for more EC :D and now i'm going to rewatch it for the second time :D
Ryan tells Cal it's too dangerous for her to go in there cause of her lungs. But she wants to anyway and so he gives her something to put over her mouth. Ryan was very sweet and worried about his friend. :adore:

Calleigh kicking in the doors. :lol: I knew there'd be some kind of action shot somewhere. :)

Loved the camera being behind Ryan as he's running up the stairs. :drool:

The scene with the kid looking at his own body is a little weird. :lol:

:lol: at Ryan all playfully asking Tom for a sample "do you think you could find it in your heart to give me a sample?" Tom just smiled and handed him a sample and Ryan thanked him. Now THIS is the way scenes between the two of them SHOULD be written as opposed to that stuff last week. :lol:

Is purple the only color ties Jesse owns? :lol: He wears purple ties as much as Calleigh wears all black. :lol:

Walter feeling a draft and saying the place is weird and Jesse telling him he has been watching too many Rob Zombies movies. :lol:

Apparently the place creeps Ryan out too. "I'm gonna go with Walter". :lol:

Poor Calleigh thinks she's going crazy cause she can see/hear the dead kid.

Jesse (to Walter): A feather's not gonna scare away a ghost. :guffaw: Jesse was hilarious in this episode.

Vic's Neighbor: That saw... that buzz thing.
Nat: Buzz saw?
Vic's Neighbor: Thank you. :lol:

Ryan getting soaked. :lol: at the look on his face. Too bad he wasn't wearing a white t-shirt. :D

The grandfather caused the fire? I didn't see that coming. But at least he didn't think the kid was there. By the way, I didn't need to see the tobacco spitting scene. yeck! My cousin's always spitting that crap out. Makes me sick every time I think about it. Spit in general does. And contrary to what Sara Sidle once said, smiling does NOT stop the gag feeling. :lol:

What's that song at the end of the episode, anyone know?

This ep was much better than I expected. The ghost thing/out of body thing was still a little weird, but still much better than what I was expecting.
]Vic's Neighbor: That saw... that buzz thing.
Nat: Buzz saw?
Vic's Neighbor: Thank you. :lol:

I loved that too! And Nat's face was hilarious.

I thought for sure that Calleigh being in this situation (again) would make Eric wanna I don't know say I love you? Or something like that. Although the scenes by her bed were adorable, he was so cute telling her to calm down and not talk. And when she flatlined, I had tears in my eyes. Watching Eric and when the dr gave her that shot and she sat up and Eric was holding her face telling her to look at him... that was so sad. And loving at the same time. I wish they would just say I love you already.
Delquesne said:
The only "minus" for me was not enough Horatio, especially considering that his "second-in-command" (Calleigh) was at death's door.

I actually liked that he was somewhat detached. It was a nice constrast from when he visited Eric in the hospital after he was gravely wounded. This time around, Horatio seemed more like the leader watching over from afar and I thought it was sweet -- it sort of reminded me of the scenes in 'Dead Woman Walking' when he was observing the dying patient through the glass as she was getting tests. He was sort of there in an "I'm here for you" capacity but not crying by anyone's bedside.

Some may not have liked it, but I thought it was nice. :)

nsynckal said:
I thought for sure that Calleigh being in this situation (again) would make Eric wanna I don't know say I love you? Or something like that.

I was half expecting him to say an 'I love you' as well, thinking maybe this was the 'defining moment' episode, but I liked how their scenes played out. It didn't overwhelm the episode (at least from my stance), which was great.

GregNickRyanFan said:
What's that song at the end of the episode, anyone know?

It'd be great if we could find out at some point, I loved the song. In fact, aside from season 2, this season was my favourite for music so far.
I have been a fan of CSI Miami from the first episode. Not that that matters to the creators. They never care what fans think. For me, CSI Miami jumped the shark last night. It's done, it's over, it's no good anymore. It's been slipping for a couple years, but last night it completely jumped the shark.

So Calleigh sees dead people, eh? Now ghosts are real. This show was about scientists, people of logic and reason. There are plenty of shows like Medium and Ghost Whisperer for those who like fantasy. The CSI franchise was created about SCIENCE, not fantasy. These writers don't care. They probably don't know what science is or that ghosts are fantasy.

And what's with the Ryan character becoming more and more of a jerk? Do the writers think if they ruin every character, we'll still like the show?

To combine my two points about Ryan and logic -- in the episode, Ryan says, "If we find trace of turpentine, we'll KNOW the kid started the fire." Really? How will you KNOW this? Not evidence or logic. If the ghost agreed with you, the writers could say you got your knowledge from beyond. Science must be boring, right? Can't wait for the unicorns and wizards episode coming soon.
Corny, Pedestrian.

Those are the only words I can sum up about this episode. I really wanted to like it but there was nothing that really got me hooked. Occasionally there'll be some funny banter to keep me going but not tonight

-When Calleigh ran into the flaming building, I imagined Yoda saying "You are reckless!!" and again when they showed her in the hospital :lol: As I said elsewhere, if this show was a comedy, this could be a running gag.

-Since when are ghosts able to use recording devices or drive without anyone noticing? The only explanation is that the whole episode was a figment of Calleigh's mind.

-I was bummed when it was revealed Grandpa was the villain

-The end scene was corny

-Nice to see Frank, Natalya and Ryan taking the lead. However Horatio continues to fade into the background but him watching over Eric and Calleigh was one of the few things I liked about this episode.

Sorry to be the wet blanket but I consider this to be the weak link of this season's episodes and I actually gave it a chance.
Rating 2.5/5
If we want to be hyperrealistic, science in the CSI franchise has never been perfect. From the first season we have seen so many things that are absolutely out of any scientific perfection that if we wanted science we should have started watching another show from the beginning.
I love science but I am conscious that I am watching a TV show, so, if things are not extremely evident, I really don't care that much!

As far for the episode it-self, even being a scientist myself, I did not find the "out-of-body" thing that terrible:
First, because we can rationally think that what was showed was simply what Calleigh was dreaming in her state of coma, in fact our mind can record a lot of clear images of the environment surrounding us even if we are not aware of it, so her mind could have been simply processing what she had seen at the scene (with a bit of television exageration, of course..).
Second, it was not that bad to watch! Everything was mixed together quite smoothly and it was actually really interesting to try to understand what was reality and what wasn't.

I want to enlight that fact that the episode was really well done. From the effects to direction. Actors did a fine job, and, as always, I loved Emily Procter acting. I have seen the interview where she says it was difficult for her to play the scene where she was reacting to the defibrillation and she had been doing some research to understand how to do it, I want to say she did a damn good researching job!

So, the episode takes an A from me. This show still entertains me and I am one of those who does not believe it is going to its end.
I'm glad you guys liked the episode :) I was expecting EC 'dislike' thread to go up much more frequently today ;) pleasently surprised, especially by some of you who don't like EC admitting, that it didn't bother you this time :)
I wonder what the ratings are - anyone have a clue? I can't find anything...
I thought this episode was awesome! :)

A gut feeling told me that something was going to happen to Calliegh when she ran to that burning house and started kicking down doors--which I found hot, by the way. ;) I just couldn't believe I didn't see the Calleigh-coma-imagination thing coming. Like, back at the lab when I thought she was talking to Ryan. The logical thing that came to my mind when Ryan didn't speak to her was because he was mad that she "almost" lost her life. But she was already hanging on for dear life. :shifty:

I laughed when I saw Calleigh at the crime scene wearing all white. I mean, come on. I know CSI:Miami takes fashion seriously, but I was like, 'Calleigh, you're wearing white to a burnt house. It's black everywhere. If you fall or slip, you're off to the drycleaners.' :rolleyes:

I loved how Emily portrayed the whole seeing the dead-shock kind of thing. I actually enjoyed how freaked out she was. :lol::lol: I'm also glad that Eric and Calleigh are still going strong. I'm an avid HipHugger fan. :adore: I almost died when the lines went flat and they were trying to revive her because I thought that was how they were going to kill her off for some reason. Phew. Glad they didn't. All the E/C scenes were just so sweet for me. Especially near the end. I wonder if they said I love you to each other yet. If not, then this episode would have been a good time. :)

Oh oh oh, and I can't forget Jesse! He was soooo funny in this epi. :guffaw:He had me laughing the whole time. Hmm. Makes me wonder now if he has any plans with Natalie romantically. ;);)

Yeah, I agree with the other posts that Horatio just sort of faded into the background in this episode. But it gave the other cast members a chance to shine, so it was pretty okay. :)

A++ :thumbsup:
I'm glad you guys liked the episode :) I was expecting EC 'dislike' thread to go up much more frequently today ;) pleasently surprised, especially by some of you who don't like EC admitting, that it didn't bother you this time :)
I wonder what the ratings are - anyone have a clue? I can't find anything...

For the record, I am neutral in regards to the "unwanted romance" mumbo jumbo and I thought I wouldn't mind this episode but found it underwhelming for the reasons I mentioned above...

Seems like CSI Miami won this time against 'Castle'!I love it!Almost 12mln viewers!

Sorry for double posting.

To qoute Bruce Wayne after Alfred told him he got an envelope saying he won a million dollars:

That's nice :)

lusiana88 I don't mind the hyper science as the argument can be made that the majority of the forensic work on these shows is stretched. Perhaps I can stomach it more than others as I often dabble in fantasy/sci-fi/superhero fare.
The turpentine thing made perfect sense to me. I didn't find anything wrong with Ryan's line about it. They thought at first that the point of origin for the fire was in that room... and that's the room where the kid was. The kid had turpentine on his hands, so naturally one would think with all of those clues that he probably started the fire whether intentional or unintentional.

And this was one episode where Ryan was himself. He wasn't all mr. attitude toward Tom. He was actually playful with Tom like he is with Frank. I like it when his interactions are like that rather than last week which was way out of character for Ryan.

And I'll say it again, I love the three musketeers. Ryan, Jesse and Walter. They are like brothers. It's just really cool to have that dynamic on the show. :)

Jesse's lines to Walter were just so very big brotherly teasing. Loved it. :)

To me, although it was odd with Cal seeing the ghost boy and all... the weirder parts of the episode were where the kid's spirit was standing around reacting to everyone else even when Calleigh wasn't there. That was the weirdest part for me. :lol:

My main complaint was that Eric was allowed to be in the room, right at Calleigh's bed (in the hospital staff's way) as the docs and such were working on Calleigh. That is so far from reality. :lol: If they didn't make him leave the room, they would have at least made him go to the back of the room. There is no way they would have let him stay right up against the bed and them having to work around him. :lol: That part was a bit ridiculous.

Episode Grade: B (would have been higher if not for that unrealistic hospital scene that I mentioned in the paragraph above).
So happy that CSI:Miami beat Castle in the ratings battle!!!

I hope that it continues this way as the finale approaches.