Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

You're right, the reason was stupid. Though I think he only said that to hide Sara from the truth...which is that he just thought Nick was better for the job. I guess he just didn't want Sara to get hurt.

Of course he was stupid not wanting to have dinner with her (who wouldn't :D), but it's never too late. ;)
Re: Dislike A Character

i think it hurt her more that he couldnt just be honest and tell her the real reason why he didnt recommend her
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by calleighdelko:
grissom said the reason why he wanted to give nick the promotion was because nick didnt care wether he got it or not which i think is kind of a stupid reason and also when sara asked him out to dinner he turned her down with out thinking about it or giving her a good reason why

Actually it's not a stupid reason to give someone a promotion. The promotion should go to whoever's more qualified and would contribute more to the lab's effectiveness. Nick not willing to sacrifice his work ethic (which proved to be effective) over a promotion makes him a prime candidate.

I wouldn't blame Grissom for turning Sara down about the dinner thing. It was horrible timing. The lab had just blown up, and Sara had just made an incredibly stupid move trying to be a hero. Grissom probably was thinking "with everything that just went on, you now want to get dinner?" Plus he's a tad socially inept.
Re: Dislike A Character

The lab blowing up is its self a good enough reason for him to have said yes cause sara was caught up in the blast and she shouldnt have been alone that night you would have thought even grissom could realize that
Re: Dislike A Character

Sarah by far. Nothing interesting about her, she is petty, has a too high an opinion of herself, and really has no likeable characteristics.
Re: Dislike A Character

hello! you know who i really hate..... that hodges dude... hes soooo smarmy! i dont even know what smarmy means, but, whatever it means, he is smarmy!!!!!!!!! sorry, that was a rather odd little outburst...
Re: Dislike A Character

I really dislike Sara! :rolleyes:
She came to the lab at the request of Grissom, and then began to act as if she owned the lab. And then she began to take over cases, syaing stuff like: "you're in my crime scene." :rolleyes:
She's a little too... egotistical...
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't hate Catherine but she's on my short list. She was unneccesarily mean to Sara throughout the series (though sometimes she was nice), we know a little too much about her life :D and she exposes more cleavage than I care to see.

Oh, and Sophia too. Her voice irritates me and as a GSR shipper, I don't like her flirting with Grissom!! :mad:

Nothing against the actresses though...
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't really know why everyone would be so much against Catherine. She's not the most likable character and her storylines might be a bit highly promoted in the show (whereas the others stay behind...do we ever get to see Nick on a date? NO) but I don't think she's that annoying :D I wouldn't know who I dislike. I guess Ecklie isn't high on my list of favorites.

The rest is all cool. Grissoms hot :D and Sara's cool, Warrick is kinda cool and Nick & Greg are also hot :D Brass is cool gotta love his sarcasm.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Sophia can go away FOREVER as far as I am concerned. I don't care for her.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I cannot STAND sophia!! I wish that she would just go back to the day shift so we don't have to see her anymore. she gets placed on the graveyard shift and she thinks she runs the place! :mad: and it gets annoying when she flirts w/ grissom. another person i can't stand is ecklie, b/c he broke up the team. i wish he would just get killed off or something.

i don't hate catherine, but i do think that her personal life is way too overexposed. we know more about her then the supervisor for God's sake!
Re: Dislike A Character?

Hmm I don´t really dislike Sofia-I just find her boring. She doesn´t add anything new to the show. But then again she´s leaving soon so I don´t have to worry about her taking screentime from the originals.

For a while I was really annoyed with Cath- she was such a drama-queen with her office, her promotion and Lindsey and so on. But now that she´s a sup I hope the writers make her cooler.

Sometimes I´m annoyed with Grissom too cause he´s a bit self-absorbed...or should I say work-absorbed. I wish he´d be a bit warmer and a bit more social like in season 1-2.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Grissom irritates me. I dont get why he feels the need to quote books and w/e in every episode also hodges but i dont know why...
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by cathfan:
Grissom irritates me. I dont get why he feels the need to quote books and w/e in every episode also hodges but i dont know why...

Grissom is one of my favorite characters, but that quote sh*t annoys me a lot. Who does that? It's not so bad in small doses, but he does it pretty often. It's horribly pretentious and doesn't make someone any more sophisticated. It'd make a great character development sequence if someone were to just call him on it. I think he/his character does it because he lacks the capability to speak genuinely for himself in a lot of situations. A literary quote is such an easy cop out.
Re: Dislike A Character?

as once stated by catherine in one ep to grissom:
Catherine: Do you get these haikus out of a book, or do they just come to you? :lol: