Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

I like most of the characters I just do not like ecklie!
Re: Dislike A Character

I love the character of Ecklie, because he makes me want to smack and kick him! And not much actors make me wanna do that to their characters, so I'd say, good job! :cool:
Re: Dislike A Character

I wanna see one of the main cast members punch Hodges or Ecklie. I suppose that means the actors are doing a good job?
Re: Dislike A Character

LOL you two, yeah alf if their suppost to come out being the "Person you love to hate" and you do then they are doing their jobs and doing them well lol, i would guess you would have to judge on a personal scale 1-10 how much of a good job, where they would need work and like that for you to fully love to hate them.
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by Fabian:
I know it is stated in the 3rd rule that I can't use the S-word, but it is what I mean ;)
;) But notice you just said "The S-word" but you didn't say the word itself, you kinda censored yourself (i so need a clapping smilie right now) good job! :D

Oh and fourth of all, she is way too overused. She used to be a great personality, but the writers totally ruined her in my eyes.
I have to agree they did start her out as this person who was trying to pull her life out of strip show lifestyle to give her daughter a better life, and totally took her in another direction that i have yet to figure out how they got from point A to point B.
Hmmmm flirty twin? :lol: so there we go a csi mystery who is the real Catherine? :D :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character

also note i did edit the first post alittle bit.
I left the edit mark off i have no clue why lol.
But thought you should know.
Re: Dislike A Character

I dis-like Sara. I just wish that she would smile more often and not hang off of Grissom. I think it's more the fact that she seems obsessed with him that bugs me, it's just kind of irritating. This season has started to change my opinion on her a little bit, she's starting to smile a little bit more and she doesn't act like a lost puppy around Gil all the time anymore...*knock on wood*
Re: Dislike A Character


How is Sara obsessed with him!? True, she may love him. But I dont think it was Sara that pinned herself down and nearly kissed herself! And Sara didnt certainly force grissom to act the way he did in Butterflied. None of the CSI team acted like that but only Grissom did!
I wonder why..It might be because He loves her too!

And...I didnt realise she acted like a lost puppy, I was too busy looking at Grissom. :D
Re: Dislike A Character

i like that she smiles more too! but ya gotta understand she was a little depressed IMO. how would yu feel if yur mentor barely looked or talked to yu, cant stand to be around yu, its hurtful coming from someone yu consider a friend(maybe more) and can make yu sad after a long time. i understand cuz my bestfriend of many years stopped talking to me and seeing me, makes yu really sad and can drive yu to drink and not smile
Re: Dislike A Character

Sara and Grissom are very alike in the sense they have very few social skills. They're science geeks, through and through. It seems neither have had a good track record with relationships, so they're timid. Grissom a bit more than Sara, because she's still got her stubborness to keep her in the game. I mean, when her and Hank were an item, Grissom seemed to be rather preturbed, and a bit of a cranky pants. I think there's mutual attraction, its just hard to unearth.

Back on the topic of disliked characters; most definitly Sophia. I laughed so hard when Grissom snapped the "Do you always process like that?" comment at her. Oh, and Ecklie. Because he's a royal ass kisser.
Re: Dislike A Character

:lol: U know i found that funny to but then i found that he tried the habit, then when Cath asked him it was working he said "I don't know" :lol:

There are times when you don't care for a character that you just can not get why they are like that.
for instance at one point Sara got on my nerves, but when she was joking around she wasn't so bad and i liked the character.
I guess for me its like the switch off's are a little hard to figure out (Gee last week person was laughing like the not a care in the world, this week person is extremely depressed hope they address why!) thats what i am talking about with switch off's and it bugs me sometimes when they Wait 2-3 eps to discuss why said person was depressed, hint it out or something but don't do the (Its nothing) thing.
Re: Dislike A Character

totally!! cuz if yu dont atleast hint at it, it makes yu think the character is moody or bipolar, runs hot and cold, or something like that. i mean we know something causes ppl to act like that so TELL us what made that person act that way, dont just pretend it didnt happen cuz we know it did and the more yu dont address it the more it sticks in our heads and bothers us! :lol: sorry i rambled on
GRRRR!!Ecklie! :mad: Hodges has his annoying moments
Re: Dislike A Character

Sargris breath... lol your not rambling but dang i started (hearing a voice as i read that) and i swear the voice was going 90 mph.

Not only does their actions stick in your head, if its not addressed it makes you want to dissect it to find out why, and then just when you think you have it... they up and change something in it, so that it goes a whole new way. :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character

:lol: sorry ive just discovered my taste for coffee, i used to only drink cappachino's or other fancy things, now its reg coffee for me :D
i always do that, if i dont get the given info from a show, i analyze everything until ive come up with what i think is the perfect answer :lol: then years later or something they tell us their version and im forced to forget my version :lol: that make sense? i hope so :lol: