Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by keiko:
Ecklie is the worst ever.
But I think his name suites him since it is pronouced like äcklig, that means disguisting (spelled how?) in swedish :lol:

couldn't agree more with you :lol: :lol
So do you always call him "Äcklig" when you see him? :p
Re: Dislike A Character?

Yes, and since you don't pronounce the g very often in äcklig it sounds just the same. my mom didn't get it when I told her :mad:
Re: Dislike A Character?

Post II - after more thinking, I realized that in one of the shows, I don<t know the episode name, but the mother that kills her son and his girlfriend so she would be the one to raise the baby... she's sick! I did dislike her a LOT.
Re: Dislike A Character?

hmm generally all the characters are likeable
but I do dislike Sara at times, she acts so helpless sometimes its annoying. and getting drunk? cmon! xP
And Ecklie for being just plain mean :mad:
And.. Sophia for being CSI wannabe
Re: Dislike A Character?

*clears her throat*


*sighs* ok... now that's off my chest ^_^ ...
and it's because he's an evil self-righteous jerk... not that I feel this really needs any explaination but...

Oh, Yes!... I think that Sophie & Cathrine should be the ones to do the great deed (or atleast lead it); It would atleast make for a few good couple of eps! :D

and no I'm not bitter about the split ... I just can't stand Ecklie...

*goes back to her quiet hole*
Re: Dislike A Character?

Sarah can be soooo annoying at times, but I like her anyway.. I don't like anyone that isn't from the original cast. like the new girl. urk..
Re: Dislike A Character?

Ummm okay guys lets not wish characters nasty deaths, remember they are kinda attached to the stars, and well that's not nice ;) you can wish Ecklie to have a hammer land on his characters foot.. :D

Okay all is going good, and rememeber you don't have to stand up for, or defend a character, just who you dislike and why.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Yes, I agree with Destiny.

Echlie gets on my nerves but there is always someone like him in a office. Hodges I truly dislike. There is probably always someone like him in an office as well but he gets to me most of the time.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Careful all or a mod could have an ego trip here :lol: just kidding, ;) :D :lol:

BTW i have to applaude the actors you really really dislike, because they really caught your attention, some aimed to be disliked (means their doing their jobs correctly and its sort of a kudos to them), and others it means they have hit the right nerve, you might dislike them but you still noticed them, so their job is good.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by Destiny:
Careful all or a mod could have an ego trip here :lol: just kidding, ;) :D :lol:

BTW i have to applaude the actors you really really dislike, because they really caught your attention, some aimed to be disliked (means their doing their jobs correctly and its sort of a kudos to them), and others it means they have hit the right nerve, you might dislike them but you still noticed them, so their job is good.

That's a good point. Hopefully if we see them in other roles we can seperate them from their CSI counterpart.
Re: Dislike A Character?

My apologizes Destiny. I didn't mean to get out of hand...

And your right! Playing a disliked character must be fun but very hard too. I mean to know that your charcter is a "bad guy" has to be hard cuz most all people want to be liked & be one of the good guys. It's certainly something that takes talent...

And agin I am sorry...