Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

I have a great dislike for Sara. Never liked her from episode one. She is too condesending and always has to be right.. Nerver willing to see the other point of view. For her is my way or the hiway. I am right and you are wrong. Do not get me wrong.. Think Jorja is a great actress. Jsut hate the person she is protraying. If I talked to my co-workers or boss the way she talks to hers.. I would be unemployeed. She needs to smarten up. This whole DWI really made me dislike her more. Better yet the network needs to do something about this. I am suprised that MADD is not saying anything.. an actress who young girls look up too. Drinking and driving... she gets a slap on the wrist.. what is that telling the girls who watch her in the show. They need to see that there are consequences for your actions.. and before you say it is a TV show.. I get it and they are fictional characters. But this drinking and driving needs to be addressed. Kids need to know it is wrong. If more kids realized what will happen.. they might save a life. I have seen way to many kids in the ER as a result of DWI's. The anser.. it always happens to someone else. I always made home before ok.. this time not so lucky. A life is gone in a blink of an eye and someone has to take responsibilty.
Re: Dislike A Character?

LOL, are you serious?, hehehe i love Sara, she is one of my favourite characters lol. Arghh well, i spose we all have differnet opinions, and i respects yours!
Re: Dislike A Character?

You are right ,, we all have differnet opinions.. that is what makes the world go round. I have to say after reading some of these posts.. I am glad to see I am not the only one. I thought I was.. So in some sense I an happy about that.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Yeah Sara is by far my fav character too. She is the heart and soul of the team to me. :)

About the DUI- if this was a "worst moral competition" I guess Cath would win hands down with her stripping and her drugs and Braun check. But I don´t want them to be perfect. I like to see the characters make mistakes, grow and learn from their experiences. It makes them believable.

Doesn´t mean they don´t annoy you now and again though. :lol: But if I REALLY disliked a character that much I probably wouldn´t watch the show. I dunno.

Oh I forgot Ecklie before :) Though I would sort of miss him if he left cause he makes a good "bad guy" so to speak. And I think guys like him do exist IRL.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Well seeing s Catherine stripped before she became a CSI.. and it is not really clear as to whether or not she did drugs.. I look at it as she cleaned her life up. Sara was drinking while on call and then was pulled over for a DWI. That is a big difference. Cleaning your act up and getting yuor life on track. Then there is Sara a professional who works with the police who knows the effects of drinking and driving.. getting pulled over for drinkign and driving and blowing over the legal limit.. but having it dropped due to her job. Now what is that telling the public. It is okay to drink and drive if you work for the police department.
Re: Dislike A Character

I know this is off topic but the reason Grissom said he would give hte promotion to Nick cause he doesn't care whether or not he gets it, is because Nick isn't all about a career and getting ahead by doing nasty things or rushing a case so that he has more cases solved. He knows Nick would go after the evidence and do things right which goes to say that he is there because he likes his job and does it right not because he just wants a promotion so he'll do anything to get it. I'm not really sure how to explain it but that is the best way I know how.
Re: Dislike A Character

You explained it just perfect CSifan222. Very well said . I could not agree with you more.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I know that the character that I dislike was only in the show once, but I really really dislike the principal from the season 1 episode "sounds of silence". She was so annoying
The other character is one of the cop , in all for our country, who was mad at Grissom or something. I really don;t like seeing him
For the main character, I disliked Sherrif Mobley, but he is gone now, and of course, ECKLIE and HODGES
Re: Dislike A Character?

Its for any character, not just main, but alot of people mention them.. so we can expand out ;)
Re: Dislike A Character?

I can't stand Ecklie. He never was a likable character but now his obnoxious. I keep having this little fantasy that come's from Tom Sawyer, where the sign painter's boy waited until the headmaster was asleep and the gilded his head, I so want for someone to paint a rude message on Ecklies head, henna would do nicely. :devil:
Re: Dislike A Character?

I am new to this board...and i just want to stand up for Catherine. I know shes definitely flirty sometimes, but i think thats her way and shes not trying to be a slut. The writers probly put that in there because shes getting older and wants to feel younger. And for the Lindsey thing, she does screw up but what parent doesnt? Especially when your ex isnt even there to help? Anyways, just wanted to say that.
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't particularly care for Eckley (sp??). His blatant disregard and lack of respect for his staff is simply appalling. I mean he really ticked me off when he got rid of the girl on his own team and demoting her in the same breath. AWEFUL just plain aweful. I hope he gets his up-comance soon, I don't think that I could take him for much longer.
Re: Dislike A Character?


The character I dislike the most, other than Ecklie, is Sara. I did like her at first but seeing her evolving, I tend to hate (with the harshness that the word implies) her more and more. Sometimes she smiles, she has a fun line but I feel like she's unhappy and she's planning to stay unhappy the rest of her life. If s man shunned me, I have enough pride to get the hint and fish in another sea.
Also, she's a woman, and women don't have to be exactly like men to be their equal. We can be both feminine and effective. I sometimes thought that Nick had a better feminine side than Sara. That's what I liked about Sophia. Well, she's pretty (and I'm jealous) but she's also competent but she doesn't feel the need to look and act like a man.

I know that there are a lot of Sara's fans out here so I hope I didn't offended one of them.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Ecklie is the worst ever.
But I think his name suites him since it is pronouced like äcklig, that means disguisting (spelled how?) in swedish :lol: