Difference between Vegans and Vegetarians??

chocolate_bunnys said:
The way I think is: if it can look at me, im not eating it.

Another thing that anoys me is how anorexia is often asociated with vegetariansim. When I first became a veg some people where like: How can you not eat meat? Are you anorexic?

I had someone in my english class and ask me that, I got kinda annoyed by it cause it's such a typical steriotype that everyone just believes. I made it very clear I wasn't and why I don't eat meat. And as for the comment about if it looks at you dont eat it, that's a great way of putting it. ;)
I agree with the face looking not eating comment. It's hard to be anorexic with all the yummy veggie and vegan junk food out there.
wolfegamergirl said:
I agree with the face looking not eating comment. It's hard to be anorexic with all the yummy veggie and vegan junk food out there.

Exactly! Veggie food can take on meat any day! :D

People often tend to ask me "Why are you a vegetarian?" And I hate it because I didn't chose to become a vegetarian because of the animals at first. My friend was a vegetarian and I wanted to try. That is how I became a vegetarian. It had absolutely nothing to do with the animals. And I freel ashamed of that.

However, now I think that the animals is wht kept me a vegetarian. I despise the fact of eating a corpse.
LemonJelly06 said:
I totally understand if you feel your cows are pets, if you live on a farm, I can imagine them becoming pets to you.

What I meant by 'cows are not pets' is the fact that they need to do the cow stuff and have a chance to live so cow-like life as well as they can. We have 70 heads of cattle and no, I cannot be there when truck comes to get them to slaughterhouse. Few times I had to be, because no one else at home and I just cannot take it. I just cry and cry while getting 'em to truck. But keeping cow 'as a pet' just for it isn't ... they are not meant to be that. No matter how much you like them.

posted by ElinWaffle
DaWacko , you are finnish right? as a fellow Nordician (is that a word, let alone spelled correctly) I can only agree with you.

Oh yeah, I am a Finn :D

Others would be amazed if they saw all the rules we get and what kind of systems look after that :rolleyes:

Here schoolfood is also free up to Upper Secondary school and if you need special food (like diabetics can have their snacks) and yeah, that's it. One year that I studied away, we always laughed at vegetarians that "have you noticed how your food comes... first it's in our food as a salad. Next day it still there, because there was so much left. On third day they mix something to it, make it look like food and then put it to your side" :lol: Actually they had noticed it too :p

I guess when not eating meat, you have a chance to get anemia, if you don't eat right. So when you want to be one, you need to find out where you get all the stuff you need. And not just "i'm just eating veggies"

My ex's little sisters stopped drinking milk when they were on 4th grade. We asked why (he wasn't ex then :p ) and they just said "because it's 'in' " :rolleyes:

What comes to PETA. I'm not saying those bad things don't happen, but first you have to remember it's a extreme organisation and second, even if they have vids from some country, it doesn't mean your country is the same. There's a horrible, horrible video from farm in YouTube and it's from USA.
I don't keep the cows in the house, they are quite free to do cow things as you call them. They get treats of carrots and oats once and a while and we let them play in sprinklers when it's hot out. It's all about the treatment of an animal that is how they become a member of the family.

PETA is not extreme, they are simply showing the cruel situations that animals have to go though and not just in here in the USA. There s Burberry in England who use the hide of small dogs to make coats, bags, etc and PETA members protested to let everyone know what really goes into their clothing. Many countries hve slaughter farms they just aren't advertized like they are here, it's a way of alerting people that not everything is done in high and safe standards.
PETA is extreme when it comes to this, yes it is. Same with the language they use (perhaps it's their goal, to shock). And always remember that even they, may leave something off (not that I'm defending animal cruelty, it is horrible) So always be critical what you see ;)

Oh well, I'm glad my country is strict with this stuff and we don't have problems. Of course there is individuals who should never have animals.
Ah I get what you mean now DaWacko. I've found PETA is really quite extreme with stuff like this, but I can see where they're coming from and I agree with a lot of things they stand for. They're also really helpful, provide lists of food, help for unsupportive parents and recipes etc.
Informing the public of wrong doings is not extreme, in fact using the tactics and images that they do helps to draw people into the causes they are fighting for. PETA had never been quite or left thing out of thier stories or protests, that is the charm I fnd in them they aren't afraid to say what is on their minds. I support the way that they are running their campagins and the intersting ways they get people involved.
In my personal opinion I find they can be quite extreme, with my own personal experience, but I have nothing against PETA, like I said they're helpful and I agree with what they stand for.
i would never support peta. its no secret that they have in the past given a lot of money to groups that burn down buildings, as well as kidnapped and tortured people. thats not the way to get your message across. not to mention the extreme hypocrisy. one of the vice presidents takes insulin (animal testing anyone?) and they killed thousands of animals taken from shelters for no reason.

yes some farms treat their animals horribly, yes fur is pointless and cruel, and yes it has to stop. but there are other animal rights groups out there fighting the same fight but they arent getting the bad rap peta has. there are better was of doing things.
I know PETA have done some pretty messed up things, and I don't associate myself with them, when I say I agree with what they stand for, I mean about animal cruelty, and what they don't like I don't like. They are helpful but I know they're done some horrid stuff, like digging up the body of a deceist owner of a guinea pig farm. I totally dont agree with the ways they sometimes try to get their messages across. I know I may have contradicted myself, sometimes I don't get myself across very well >.<
I get what you are saying, the things they stand for are what you like, just not the actions that they take. That's how I feel as well, yes things can get out of control but it's more about informing than distruction.
I went out to diner last Sunday. And I was kinda nervous and curious cause it was the first time I went out to diner since I became a full veggie. The friends who made the reservations had checked if they served veggie food so that wasn't a problem. But its still a surprise to see what you're getting..

But it was good. I really enjoyed it. So no more worries about going out for diner. It will be fine. Just not going to a steakhouse with friends cause I just know I won't be able to get a veggie plate there.

The friends I was with asked if its just the meat I don't eat or anything else. I told them I eat no meat, no chicken, no fish, no shells.. anything with animal in it. That understood that and let me be :) No funny questions.
My friend through a burger at me once, then remembered I was veggie and felt really guilty, she was only doing it as a joke, but yeah, I guess looking back it was quite funny. I don't know why she threw a burger at me but, yknow. My friends just ask why I am, I tell them and they accept it, they're really cool and always make sure to pick me up veggie food for my lunch if one of them goes and gets it for us cause the rest of us can't be arsed to leave college. :D
One of my friends used to be vegan (she's just veggie now) and she used to make me go to the pizza shop and order her a pizza with just the tomato sauce on it.. I got strange looks for that request!
I've tried being veggie purely for the health angle, but I do like chicken & fish too much to give them up...
On the previous page someone mentioned weight loss? I'm not sure it works for everyone.. my colleague at work is veggie due to religious reasons and complains about her bum all the time... Although she eats a lot of nuts etc that I think are high in protein (and fat?)
Another one of my friends is Vegan and has a really strict diet (again she isn't a skinny person) because the slightest thing can cause her eczema to flare - she has to avoid sugar and caffeine as well!
Have to say though I do like quorn/soya based products... but the veggie options at work suck... it generally comes down to veggies smothered in cheese (not really healthy?)etc..
Sorry went off on a bit of a rant there :)