Difference between Vegans and Vegetarians??

the things you see in those activist videos are the minority of cases. there are huge penalties if a farm or slaughter house is found to be treating their animals cruelly. ive never seen any large scale farms (like in alberta or saskatchewan) but there are lots in southern ontario and the cows live in very good conditions. their fields are clean and they have access to fresh food and water. there are also guidelines as to how animals are to be slaughtered to ensure there is the least amount of pain and suffering. which is more than can be said for the wild animals living in fields who are shot, poisoned, electrocuted, and maimed by farm equipment in order to grow and harvest fruits, vegetables and grains. the sad fact is, unless you personally know every farmer that grows your food you cant be sure of what they are really doing.

and as for the protein thing, as long as you are careful and combine the right foods you can get adequate protein without eating animals ;)
i'm a vegetarian. i don't drink milk by itself, i don't eat eggs. my weakness is cheese and dairy products. it' really hard to completely get away fromthem, theyre everywhere!! you should definitely check out peta.com and peta2.com, it's more youth oriented. sorry if that's been mentioned, i just scanned the other posts
I've been a vegetarian since I was around five years old, I eat both eggs and dairy products but I want to stop eating eggs. it's really hard because there are eggs in a lot of things I eat. I'm not too worried about dairy, becuase no animals are really harmed for it, at least I don't think they are... I know that I would never be able to be a vegan, I eat a LOT of cheese and other dairy, I don't think I would survive very long without it.
I went out to diner to a Chinese restaurant last week with my parents (which is a surprise to begin with!) and I ordered some veggie stuff and suddenly my mom went like "I find it impressive you've managed to hold on for so long"

Impressive? I find it more impressive she can still eat all the stuff she eats without thinking about it.. but anyway..
SaraSidle_girl said:
I went out to diner to a Chinese restaurant last week with my parents (which is a surprise to begin with!) and I ordered some veggie stuff and suddenly my mom went like "I find it impressive you've managed to hold on for so long"

Impressive? I find it more impressive she can still eat all the stuff she eats without thinking about it.. but anyway..

Well said. :) My friend said that to me, I let it go. Shouldn've said something though, dammit! :devil:
LemonJelly06 said:
SaraSidle_girl said:
I went out to diner to a Chinese restaurant last week with my parents (which is a surprise to begin with!) and I ordered some veggie stuff and suddenly my mom went like "I find it impressive you've managed to hold on for so long"

Impressive? I find it more impressive she can still eat all the stuff she eats without thinking about it.. but anyway..

Well said. :) My friend said that to me, I let it go. Shouldn've said something though, dammit! :devil:

My usual response to something like that is Hope you enjoy your heart attack on a bun or slow reaction time that the meal you are eating will leave you with.
My sister is a vegetarian and my cousin is a vegan and every time they get around each other my sister decides she is going to become a vegan. She will go home and go strong...for about a week. She really likes cheese. Whenever my cousin comes over(which is a lot) we always make a lot of different kinds of dessert and we always make most of them vegan if possible by using egg substitute and soy milk. It looks a little different but it really tastes pretty much the same. I find that vegan stuff is a bit heavier and thicker in the texture. But I really appreciate the fact that when the rest of us are eating meat and stuff they dn't act all annoyed or snooty or anything. They respect our choices and we respect theirs.
I want to become vegan, but I love cheese. I think i'm gonna try and become Vegan because I do want to. I was speaking to one of my friend's who's just become vegetarian and her parents are giving her grief for it, it really makes me realise how cool my parents are for accepting it and stuff. Does anyone else have trouble with their parents concerning this? I told her to try and get as much info about it and just talk to her, sucks that her mom doesnt accept it though.
^ Well that depends on the type of vegetarian and the view of the person.

I personally eat fish because I'm not for eating pigs, cows, chickens etc. Fish was one of the first foods that people ate when they needed something, ad it's rather harmless in the fact that it's rare to have diseases in fish.
I'm vegetarian at the moment, but I dont eat fish.
I don't eat anything with a face, but I dont have a problem with vegetarians who do. =] But yes it depends on your opinion and your reasons for beign vegetarian I guess. =]

Vegans dont eat ANY meat, fish etc... or any products from animals, for example... eggs, milk etc.

Hope that clears things up a bit. =]
So I went to this vegetarian restaurant last night. And I was amazed how good vegetarian food can taste. I had this little veggie burger and loooaads of vegetables, combined with a few baked potatoes and all.. Anyway, it was really good, but it got me thinking. Why would anyone become a vegetarian?

So here's the question: What's YOUR motive to be a vegetarian/vegan? (And if you're vegan, why not just vegetarian?)

Just to be clear, I have nothing against vegetarians/vegans. It's just a simple question from a curious omnivore :)
It's really interesting to me how a lot of people's parents wouldn't/won't let them be a vegitarian. My parents never really had a problem with it, and they cut way down on meat, my sisters and I didn't eat it, so there wasn't much point cooking it.

I ate fish for the first couple of years, but then I stopped and now I don't eat any kind of animal, which includes fish, pultry, etc.

_Hush_, that's not the first time someone asked me that. In fact, once they said it exactly like that. "Why would anyone want to become a vegitarian?" they used the exact same words. I don't remember everything, I was only five at the time, but I remember that my dad was cooking hamburgers and my sisters and I were talking about the cows or something. Then we just decided not to eat meat anymore. I'm not sure what I ended up eating for supper that night... I think a lot of people on this site (or a few anyway) became veggie because they really admiore Jorja Fox, and she's one.