Difference between Vegans and Vegetarians??

My boos tends to give me greif about ebing a veggie and I keep telling her that it's a personal choice. I'm not going to go in the freezer and destory all the meat we have to sell to people, if that's what someone else wants to eat that's fine it shouldn't be on my plate. She tends to calm down after that but starts up again when I come in to get food; more out of not understanding. I'm tempted to typre up stuff about being a veggie or a vegan and post it in the break room to highten awareness.
Is it just me or did anyone else notice that since they became a veggie they lost weight? Its not much (yet?) But I can definitly see and feel it..
Does ths have anything to do with a different diet?
It has to do with getting rid of most of the porcessed entaties that come in food these days. Switching to a freaher diet helps with how the body functions and uses the food for energy.
hello guys. I´m vegitarian for instance. This means I don´t eat meat.
However I´m not a vegan.

Because vegans don´t even drink milk. They don´t eat cheese or eggs. I also think this is little extreme, but also constant in some ways.
I've lost a fair bit of weight which I have to say i'm a tad happy about But havent lost a huge amount.
I have lost none, in fact I have gained a little. :rolleyes: This is mosly because I still eat too much junk food :rolleyes: I have to be one of the few people that gain wight while being a vegetarian.
chocolate_bunnys said: (...) I have lost none, in fact I have gained a little. :rolleyes: This is mosly because I still eat too much junk food :rolleyes: I have to be one of the few people that gain wight while being a vegetarian.

Vegetarian junk food? What are you talking about? :confused:
There are man products that are vegetarian and vegan friendly such as vegan marshmellows and chocolate. There are plenty of candys that are geltain free such as Sour Patc Kids and Laffy Taffy. If you go to peta2.com and look around you can find lists of foods, beauty products, and clothing that are animal free. :)
I eat "Jelly Tots" because they are veggie, they have fruit pectin (I think) to make them jelly like, rather than gelatin. I can find some pretty unhealthy vegetarian things to eat, :).

Also, vegsoc.org has some really helpful stuff on there, under the "lifestyle" section. Also, in the UK, if you see their logo on anything it means they've certified it's 100% veggie. :D
peta.com has loads of resources for vegans and vegitarians, i'm gonna see how much stuff there is available in my local supermarkets and talk to my parents about it, I do want to turn vegan but at the moment i'm gonna leave til at least after my exams are finished. I love jelly tots as well, they're great! :D
I'm a vegetarian since years ago, however in school I'm a vegan. The reason? The vegetarian school food sucked. Seriously sucked. Lukewarm and icky. We do not have our own kitchen so we order from another school. That is when I asked them for vegan food. And instantly my food was better and I actually ate it! Then after the summer, of course they had switched purveyor. :(

Now I'm back at square one again.

I'd love to eat more vegan food. As a matter of fact, I haven't drink a glass of milk for over half a year. Then of course, I have lots of it in my coffee, but at times I have tried to switch to oat or soy.

I do not see my self as a meat-eating person in 10 years. I've never liked meat, it was just ok to me. Don't miss it at all.

But I still eat fish. The reason to that is, that in other case, I'll have to eat cod-liver oil apsules. and I think it is better to eat the fish that eating something that comes from the organs.
I don't eat fish, I don't take cod liver capsules either, I just get what I miss out on from other things. I drink soya milk too, I prefer it to normal milk and i managed to persuade the place where I work to stock it too. The food at college was shit, but I just went into town to get food, most of the college did anyway, but yeah they had very few vegetarian and vegan options and the ones they did have sucked. I'm actually thinking about raising it as an issue before I leave, for anyone else around college, there should be more vegetarian options available there.
The only time I've tried soya milk was when I got given a free sample of chocolate flavoured stuff, so I didn't actually taste it. I don't like normal milk that much anyway. Does anyone know if you can get like, a vegan substitute for cheese? I like cheese, I could probably give it up, it would be cool if there was a substitute though.

The vegetarian food at school isn't very good, they have like "meals of the day" but some days the "vegeterian" option is fish, which I don't eat. I normally take a packed lunch though.
I wanan find a vegan subsitute too, I mean as you said I could probably give it up, but if there was a substitute then that would be good.
I don't eat red meat. My parents try to lump me as a vegetarian, but I eat chicken so I'm definitely not that.

I don't see someone as a vegetarian if they eat ANY type of meat ... fish, eggs, chicken, etc. I can't stand it when people claim to be vegetarians yet they still eat fish.