Difference between Vegans and Vegetarians??

:lol: I've been there! I live in Alberta, basically the meat capital of Canada, so I often get the "You're vegetarian?" look. :rolleyes:

If you're looking for more information on being vegetarian, PETA has some really great resources, like recipes, tips, and lots of other stuff. The recipes are what I go there for - they're delicious. ;)
Wow, I had wondered this to myself lots of times before, too. Interesting thread, Vanessa and the dogs ;)

I don't think I could became a vegetarian either, not mentioning vegan. Simply because I am not exactly fond of vegetables or different tastes. So, no, I don't think I could get used to it :rolleyes: but I admire you and all people that can do it ;)
I've been a vegetarian for three years now (I still can't spell "vegetarian" though!) I want to become a vegan, but my parents have made it clear I'm not allowed :(.

I haven't had tofu in ages, my local supermarket doesn't stock it anymore for some reason. I don't know if anyone's tried Quorn, I don't really like the products that taste allot like meat, but stuff like chicken substitutes are really usefull in cooking.

Glad I could help! I'm learning a lot. Oh, and thanks for the links you guys. I forgot to mention that in my last post. They have been very helpful.
Thanks guys! I had no idea there were different types of vegetarians.
There is even fruitarians who basically only eat fruits, nuts, oils etc.

Also there is raw foodists, not to clear on what that is exactly. :confused:
Not that is something I could never do.Curently I am an lacto-ovo veg. someday I would like to be a vegan, but at this age, it would be dangerous to my health.

Can you not just buy the iron and protein suppliments? I have and take one table for B12 levels, and one for everything else i'm missing out on and that keeps me going.
I used to take a multi-vitamin, but one day I looked at the ingredients list and it said fish. :eek:
Vitimans say they are all natural...and saldy they use nature including fish oils and other weird stuff. I feel better by getting my vitimans from food that way you know where it's coming from and what goes into the dish.

Raw foodists are people who eat everything in a raw form. There are different types of rawists, some eat everything even meat in the raw and others eat totally vegan.

Hope that helps explain everything better for you. :)
wolfesgamergirl said:
Raw foodists are people who eat everything in a raw form. There are different types of rawists, some eat everything even meat in the raw and others eat totally vegan.

And oh all the cute little bugs that you can get from raw meat! Ok fine, I do eat raw fish quite often, but very strict about it. And I mean, like the high risk of salmonella when eating/handling raw chicken or other... birds.
Exactly, that's why when places make sushi they have to do it a certian way and keep everything at the right temp. I can't imagine eating raw meat, my mom does it once and a while and I think she's off her rocker. But to each their own.
I'm a vegitarian too. I'm ovo-lacto. I do eat dairy stuff and cheese. I could never give up cheese. I can cut back on anything else but never on cheese.

I have only been a veggie for a very short period of time but for months I have been learning and reading about it. I started with stopping eating meat on my bread. After holding on to this for months I recently stopped eating any kind of meat.
My parents don't understand. I tried explaining to my dad but he's not very open to it.
But I think that once I made it clear this is what I want and what I believe in, they will support me.
I'm lucky that my parents are so supportive about me turning vegitarian. I have friends who have and their parents really haven't been that happy and it's just made it harder, which isn't fair, but I guess not everyone understands.
Most people where I live here in Wisconsin see meat as a way of life because of all the local farms. So I know how it feels to not have people understand that I don't eat meat. Many have tried to stick meat in my food but I am smart enought to notice, an example of this happened in high school and the person got suspended because it was a form of harassment.

Some times people don't understand what is important to another until they try it as well, though not many will try new things.
I talked with my parents last night. I practically threw it in front of their feet. I AM VEGGIE. And they seem to accept it now. They said they´d buy special food for me now but they don´t plan to cook differently all the time because of me. I don´t mind. I am happy eating a sandwhich if they want meat..
Sticking meat in your food is so uncool, I feel for you. Not everyone believes in the same thing, but just because you dont feel the same way about something doesnt make it wrong, some people are strange. <_<
Most are scared of differences with vegetarism being that, though now a totally new idea. Sadly lessons are still taught that differences aren't a good thing and many stick to this idea.
one guy on the peta2 board was saying how he went to get his vitamins and protein shakes at a health food store he regularly visits where he knows all the staff, a new girl came and asked if he was just trynna get annorexic or cover it up or something... something along those lines and it realy got to him. I think it would get to me too, people can be pretty ignorant sometimes. I know where I go to get my vitamins they're really nice and supportive and check everything for me to make sure i'm getting what i'm meant to and nothing is in it that I can't have. I've gotten a bit of the anorexia lecture from some people in my classes at college, but after some explaining, they do get better. I guess it's just a stereotype you gotta live with maybe. :S