Difference between Vegans and Vegetarians??

Yeah veggie options anywhere like at college and work i've found aren't great, which is a shame. Since I became veggie i've never had meat cravings personally, I didn't eat much to begin with anyway, I was brought up on rice and pasta mostly because my family are very health conscious, so I didn't really miss meat and still dont. I think weight loss through vegetarianism depends on how you maintain your diet really, and the difference between how your diet was and is now. When I began I lost a fair bit of weight, but that's because I was living off salad and rice mostly and fruit and veg and nuts for snacks, where as I used to eat loads of fatty food and snack on crisps and chocolate, which i've cut down on loads as I now snack on veg and fruit. As for not being able to become veggie because you like chicken and fish too much, how about trying tofo or 'korn' tofo kinda thing, tastes better than chicken, (which you can buy in sainsburys and tescos - noticing you're from the UK.) I had a stir fry with korn in once, thought it was chicken and had a bit of a stress at my mum, but thankfully it wasn't, and it was really nice. yum. :D And if the veggie products at work suck, take your own if you can afford it, time and money wise. :)
Guys, who do you experience dining out as a veggie? I know that the first time I found it rather hard. You look at the map and than you have to discuss with the cook about the veggie food. When I am dining out know I make sure they have at least a veggie menu.

Do you guys walk into a McDonalds or anything at all since you're a veggie? I haven't and I plan not to cause it just kind of makes me feel sick. I already feel sick when I am at work and people stand at my cashdesk carrying meat. It just freaks me out!
I tend to frequent vegetarian restaurants (there's a really great one not far from my house), but fast food restaurants...guh. Don't get me started. McDonald's, for some reason, is the worst, and I don't know why. I'm not really grossed out by the sight of others eating meat - I just keep my comments to myself ;) - I just choose not to eat it myself. But I'm not going to lie, it's tough to find vegetarian cuisine and be able to take other people (who are non-vegetarian) with you. I don't really mind eating at a normal restaurant with my family, even if they're eating meat. I just like it better if we're not at a steakhouse! :lol:
My dad made quite a valid point recently. He said that if you feel like you could kill it, them you can eat it. Because of this, my dad only eats fish, any other animal he wouldn't be able to kill, so he doesn't eat it.
In the caveman days (lmao) they only ate what they could find and kill, so I bet the majority of what they ate was non-meat. At the moment people are eating way more meat that is 'natural', if you see what I mean.

Sorry if someone's already mentioned this, I haven't gone back and read. :rolleyes:
Woaaaah, Egg... that sounds so similar to an aspect of my psychology work, damn you for bringing that up again!! :p *huggles* Yeah, your dad's got a good idea, that's a nice way of putting it. :) I don't eat at fast food places, i didn't before i became veggie... if my friends wanna go there, i'll go with them, but I don't eat there, never really have as I said, my family is health conscious, and I really dont regret it at all. ;) As for vegetarian options when eating out at restaurants... I dunno about where you go, but in my experience, when my order's being taken I ask them if they have vegetarian options, and if they have something I cant eat, a few places will make something for me. :) And the restaurant/pub I work, the chefs there are happy to do the same. A restaurant should have at least one vegetarian option. You just gotta find the places that are good to eat at, which can be hard but... gotta be done.
Why when anything comes up wo do with different kinds of food that people feel the need to attack Mc Donalds? I work there, yes I am a vegetarian and there are plenty of options. Get the salad without the chicken, get any regular menu sandwich without bacon or chicken or burger, and the same goes for breakfast. Many resturants are willing to make anything the way you want it. And if you don't know why something is gross then please don't say anything about it since the process, functions, and special orders aren't known.
People attack McDonald's for multiple reasons. They're not exactly animal-rights activists or eco-friendly - they do what they can to increase their profits and draw attention away from how they do their business. And it's not just McDonald's, it's most of the fast food chains out there.
Fastfood makes me feel uncomfortable at this moment. I don't know how or why. Maybe its the image or anything. I have no clear explanation. What I do know is that the smell is making me sick to my stomach.

I respect everyone's choice concerning meat and eating it or not. I mean, my whole family eats meat. And they learned to respect my choice to become a veggie. And I will not force my oppinion or beliefs on others (unless they ask for them)
I'm sorry to say but they are quite eco friendly. We recycle cardboard, oil, and plastics that we use. As for animal rights we're careful from where the beef and chicken come from no slaughter farms here. We are co-owned by Disney and they are making sure that all the rules and regulations are being followed to the letter.

Did you know that we are also a very important factor in the dairy industry? We support over half of the dairy industry in Wisconsin alone. There is no attention drawn away from how we run the business and as for profits we don't force the fod down anyone's throat they choose to come there and eat. We simply are there to serve a need that can be as healthy or not as healthy as someone wants.
McDonald's recycles in places that it was demanded of it, but they haven't made the initiative to switch to recyclable containers in much of Europe yet. They've been linked to destruction of rainforests, many of their feedlots have a negative impact on surrounding areas, meat packing industries often breed bacteria, etc, etc.

I'd recommend you pick up Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. It's an extraordinarily well researched, fairly neutral view on the effect that fast food industries have on America/the rest of the world.
McDonalds here in Holland isn't that great. The stuff I hear and see that's going up there... And I won't even speak about KFC...

I was talking to a friend the other day and she was like "you're not gonna hate me now cus I eat meat?" I wonder why people keep saying this? Cause I am active veggie and I support what I believe? I am not a fanatic trying others to go veg too. Its a choice everyone makes for themselves.
There is a huge difference between being demanded of and what the laws say. Here in Wisconsin (USA) everyone is to recycle as many products as possible. Just because one has all the problems that you have listed doesn't mean they all do. The Mc Donalds I work has no problems like that infact we are one of the best places to go in our region.

All of the cardbord containers are from recycled cardboard and we reuse and filter the oil as much as we can to keep the cost of replacing it down. Infact there are many proiducts that we use that are made from recycled products.

I'm sorry to say but that book isn't as great as reviews and people say it is. The findings are biased and have no bearing on what really takes place. Frankly, you will never rally knows what happens at these places till you work there.
I worked at one for about three months and found it absolutely disgusting. I found the book spot on in relation to what happened at the chain I worked at.

Of course I don't mean every single chain out there, as it sounds like the one you work at is fairly progressive. However, overall it's pretty safe to say (judging by my experiences, the experiences of past co-workers & friends, McDonald's in the news, and the 300-400 turnover rate) that your chain is the oddity.

Congratulations, though, on finding such a great job.
I'm not taking a dig at Mac.D's or anyone who works there. From experience I don't like it, I don't like any fast food chains. People are allowed their opinions on places, if they don't agree with the way animals are treated before served as food there, then it's fair enough. A lot of research has been done into the treatment of animals at plants that send animals to chains such as Mc.Donalds and KFC, and because of that I won't go near there. I guess some are worst than others, I believe some chains are better than others, and I don't think any different of anyone who works there or eats there, everyone to their own. Just in my personal opinion, I canna stand it. But hey, kudos to your chain if they're that eco friendly. They have good intentions in mind which is cool to see. :)
I have a question concerning how Canada treat their animals before killing them. I have no idea if it's the same as the USA, so they torture them and they live in horrid environments. But I told my mom I wanted to be a vegitarian because I saw a cow get slaughtered for meat and honestly, what human being can eat a piece after that? She said she doesn't want me to be one until I'm 18 because I need my protien or something. Then she went on explaining to me that Canada isn't like the US and that we treat the cows/chickens/whatever very well and they feed them nice food and they live a very nice life until the people 'stun' them so they don't even feel it. She said the only reason the cows are alive in the first place is to get eaten. I say, then don't let them have a life at all. It's still WRONG. There is no humane way to kill an animal. I'm still dead against it, but I was wondering if my mom just thought that about the animals in Canada or if it's actually true. I hope they do get treated better in Canada but I'm still going to be a vegitarian. I know there are a few vegans/vegitarians on the board so maybe you guys know. :)