Lab Technician
Yeah veggie options anywhere like at college and work i've found aren't great, which is a shame. Since I became veggie i've never had meat cravings personally, I didn't eat much to begin with anyway, I was brought up on rice and pasta mostly because my family are very health conscious, so I didn't really miss meat and still dont. I think weight loss through vegetarianism depends on how you maintain your diet really, and the difference between how your diet was and is now. When I began I lost a fair bit of weight, but that's because I was living off salad and rice mostly and fruit and veg and nuts for snacks, where as I used to eat loads of fatty food and snack on crisps and chocolate, which i've cut down on loads as I now snack on veg and fruit. As for not being able to become veggie because you like chicken and fish too much, how about trying tofo or 'korn' tofo kinda thing, tastes better than chicken, (which you can buy in sainsburys and tescos - noticing you're from the UK.) I had a stir fry with korn in once, thought it was chicken and had a bit of a stress at my mum, but thankfully it wasn't, and it was really nice. yum. And if the veggie products at work suck, take your own if you can afford it, time and money wise.