Difference between Vegans and Vegetarians??

I'm totally against eating meat, morally I can't stand it so I dont eat any of it. My friend is vegetarian but occasionally eats fish, I don't understand it but I don't hold it against her. He desision. A lot of people see vegetarianism as just red meat and chicken etc, some people don't see fish as meat i've found talking to people at college and on other messageboards. I don't understand it but, meh.
In all respects fish can be considered seafood and meat, since it comes from an animal. But like you said people see things differently hence the different types of vegetarianism.
It can annoy me when people slander others for not being "proper vegetarians" I believe just because you believe in something and follow something, not everyone should in the exact same way, as you said there are different types of vegetarianism.
I'm speaking about the ones who don't stop preaching to meat-eaters about the injustices of eating meat, but don't stop to think about where their farmed salmon or scrambled eggs came from.

It's the hypocrisy that gets me. Fish aren't swimming vegetables, which is a concept people often seem to forget.
Very true there are many who don't realise that the food they think is vege really isn't. I agree 100% that people can't et in another person's face to tell them what they shold and shouldn't eat since it's a personal choice. I've even had people get in my face about not eating meat to which I reply that I don't eat meat because I grew up on a farm and consider cows, pigs, chickens, etc to be pets not food.
When I first gave up meat (I was 11) I still ate fish for a year, it was kind of a compromise with my parents.

I think sometimes I strike people as weird whenever they apologise for liking meat in front of me, and I'm like : "I don't really mind what you eat". It's just I don't, for me, not eating meat was a personal choice. :D
Showtime said:
I'm speaking about the ones who don't stop preaching to meat-eaters about the injustices of eating meat, but don't stop to think about where their farmed salmon or scrambled eggs came from.

It's the hypocrisy that gets me. Fish aren't swimming vegetables, which is a concept people often seem to forget.

I totally agree with what you're saying, but it's understandable also that sometimes people don't see fish as being meat but rather seafood. I know personally I don't see the different but a lot of people see it differently as said above, and I do totally agree about people preaching when they're not "perfect" themselves. (maybe perfect wasn't the right word, but yknow.) What really gets to me are people who do it for attention, which i've come across, I ask them why they became vegitarian, and this one person in one of my classes said to me "cos my friend did it." So then I asked if it was about morals and how they treat the animals, and she replied "dunno how the treat the animals really." I was like :eek: whaaaaat? I mean she was doing it purely to fit in. :confused: I didn't find that too hot to be honest.
Cows are not pets. Cats are pets. Dogs are pets. Cows are not pets. Even I like cows a lot and I am always so sad when they get injured or had to be put away, but they need so much more than being 'just a pet'.

Anyways, I don't mind vegetarians...or vegans... as long as they don't start to give a lecture to me. And those 'just to fit in' vegetarians annoy the hell out of me. If they have a reason, I'm fine with it but "because it's cool" or "fashion" I am so highly annoyed. Damnit.

As for not eating meat because of treating of animals. I understand it in America. I do. I read lot of about cows in there and it shocks me how free it is there and what is allowed. But here... it's not excuse. We are so strictly monitored that... you don't even believe.
Our cows are like queens. Have to be, you cannot support yourself otherwise.
I've heard some people have given up meat because it's bad for the environment. Like the methane cows produce, or the greenhouse gases produced in transporting them and things. I think that's kind of sensible, although paddy fields which grow rice also produce alot of methane, so it seams like two sides of a coin. I'm not completely sure what I'm saying here.

I gave up meat for a few reasons. One, because we have an abattoir up our road and they have basically ignored planing laws and stuff to build up there, plus they send lorries down our road extremely fast etc. it was my way of protest. Two, I can't stand the idea of living from the death of another animal, the idea of eating the flesh of something that used to be able to move and eat and things disgusted me. That's just my opinion, I would never lecture someone about eating meat. (Not least because a few sentences in I would start to feel self conscious, but also because I wouldn't want to make someone unhappy.)

What I really hate is people (namely my family) going "are you still vegeterian?" it just seams really condescending like "oh, it's only a phase, she'll grow out of it". :D
I'm sorry to say that you can't fault me for how I feel. Cows are my pets they are like family, that is how we treat our pets. Yes, they do take a lot of care but so do dogs and cats etc.

I thought there would be more respect for everyone's decisions and the way they live thier lives on this thread because we all view vegetarism and veganism in our own ways.
I totally understand if you feel your cows are pets, if you live on a farm, I can imagine them becoming pets to you. It's like i was watching Gordan Ramsey's F word, and he had pigs he was keeping before taking them to be killed, and he was really sad at the end because he said they had become like pets to him, he couldn't watch them being slaughtered, although I don't blame him. my friend has goats and pigs too and he refers to them being like pets, so I totally understand where you're coming from.
I was reading on the PETA website how they're boycotting KFC because undercover investigations have shown that their supposed "best" providers have been cruely treating the chickens, and KFC have been advised to sort it out but have ignored it and some of their own advisors have left because they're not being listened to. www.kentuckyfriedcruelty.com is the site if you want to go have a look. It made me feel sick cause my uncle has chickens on his farm and I love them!
I understand all versions of the same history. I'm not a vegetarian, nor a vegan, as I say, I love jamon too much to start eating only green things, but I really accept those whose convictions made them not to eat meat.

I live near a chicken farm, and also I'm right now working in a promotional video for a factory of iberic products (iberic pork). I saw all the controls they had, the way they treat the pigs, and I gotta say they do all they can for the animals not to suffer.

As DaWacko said, I don't think those who are vegetarians becasue is cool, or a new tendency, or even because is a good way to loose weigh (I know all kind of people) should be take in consideration. But those who do it for their beliefs, because they think is their way to colaborate with the enviroment or wathever, just go on, but please, don't tell me to stop eating my good jamon (unless is jamon york, after seein how they made it I'm not going to eat it never again)
In all respects fish can be considered seafood and meat, since it comes from an animal. But like you said people see things differently hence the different types of vegetarianism.
The way I think is: if it can look at me, im not eating it.

Another thing that anoys me is how anorexia is often asociated with vegetariansim. When I first became a veg some people where like: How can you not eat meat? Are you anorexic?
I've read quite a bit about the KFC Cruelty and too feel that they are ignoring the best intrest of the chicken and the people comsume the chicken. No animal should have to be treated so horrible in death. Death is supposed to be a natural function, yes there are times when an animal dies for food, but it shouldn't be because they had legs cut off, eye gouged out, or holes in their skin form fighting. i too feel ill knowing that an animal who can't defend themself was harmed because of huge processing facalities.
I live in Sweden were we are required to eat our school food until gymnasiet (kind of like our high school, but not really since I am 15 and have one year left :D. The school in turn must provide us with food and as a single vegan at my school, they are monotoring me.

Well, not really in the way of checking my eating progress and that I eat the right foods and such. But if I miss or skipp my meals, they report to my teacher who has to talk to me.

A lot of my friends who eats the "usual" food, eats luch out. We go to school outside the city, in the surburbans, so everything here is very cheap by Swedish standards.

DaWacko , you are finnish right? as a fellow Nordician (is that a word, let alone spelled correctly) I can only agree with you.