Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:NY

Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

Hmm, interesting. ;)

Personally, I don't really go for who looks 'cute'--people did that when I was in high school, and it always made me cringe. I guess that's why. :lol: Personally, I want a couple that sparks when it comes to interaction and personality. How they look together comes in way behind that. :p

I was never a Flack/Aiden fan when she was on the show (mainly because I didn't ship during season one :p), but lately I've started to show a bit of interest in it. (Darn you Rhonda! :lol:)

For me, the chance that it could happen on the show has no effect on whether or not I want to ship it. :lol: Hell, the more I ship, the more I go to the complete opposite of you dutch_treat. :lol: The idea of a ship going canon is appealing to a point, but for me the best parts of shipping are the fics and discussion, which are so much more in depth when the ship stays in fanon. ;) I won't turn down a few shippy moments on the show, but that's all I need. :lol:

Edit: Typing at the same time, Rhonda. :lol:
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

1CSIMfan said:
If the writers could do it good, then it might be ok.

The bigger question dutch_treat is this: If Danny/Flack did go canon, would you ship them? Me, I don't care if there's a chance any ship can become canon. If I see something between them, I can make up my own story. :p

What you see cute, I see nauseating, forced, and just not there. :confused:
I don't think the question is if the writers can do it good (although after they made Lindsay say "it's not you, etc." I even have doubts about that :D ) but if they ever will do it.

And I don't care so much if a couple goes canon (I too can make up my own stories) or not it just the idea that it might happen on the show.

And I'm just as confused as you are that you don't see, what I see, but that's a discussion with no end. I just think it's great that we all can have our own opinions here.

Faylinn said:
For me, the chance that it could happen on the show has no effect on whether or not I want to ship it. Hell, the more I ship, the more I go to the complete opposite of you dutch_treat. The idea of a ship going canon is appealing to a point, but for me the best parts of shipping are the fics and discussion, which are so much more in depth when the ship stays in fanon. I won't turn down a few shippy moments on the show, but that's all I need.
Well as much as I do like the fics and discussions for me they are more an addition to the show.

And it's not needing shippy moments, but just liking them. :D

And Faylinn I meant that I thought they looked good together oppose to just being cute.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

:lol: It's funny that people watching the same show can have such opposite opinions. :lol:

Well as much as I do like the fics and discussions for me they are more an addition to the show.
I didn't even really consider shipping until after I'd come on Talk and started to join in the discussion for Danny/Flack. I've never been the type to watch a show and pair up characters, and the sorts of shows that regularly have romance aren't really my thing. :p So for me it started with the discussion and fics (still not sure why D/F stood out to me, of all the ships there were) and then I watched the show and saw things differently--not necessarily with new eyes, but with focused vision, if that makes sense. :lol: So it's almost that the show is in addition to the other stuff for me. :lol:

And Faylinn I meant that I thought they looked good together oppose to just being cute.
Um, I still don't really see the difference. :lol: This is a show full of attractive people, so I think they all "look good together." :p One more difference in the way we see things, I guess. :lol:

You know, it really is interesting to see such different opinions here. Even if I don't agree with what someone says, it almost helps to further define my own opinion, if that makes sense. ;)
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

Faylinn said:

:lol: So it's almost that the show is in addition to the other stuff for me. :lol:
That is funny :lol: . And it indeed really proves how people differ.

Um, I still don't really see the difference. :lol: This is a show full of attractive people, so I think they all "look good together." :p One more difference in the way we see things, I guess. :lol:
And that's indeed another difference between us. I don't think the're all attractive. To me Stella and Flack are way too perfect. I like Danny and Lindsay because they're (imo) not the prototype of "beautiful people" but they have something that makes me like them and like them even more together.

You know, it really is interesting to see such different opinions here. Even if I don't agree with what someone says, it almost helps to further define my own opinion, if that makes sense. ;)
You're totally making sense. I always find it nice to know what other people think even if it's the complete opposite of what I think. I think respecting another person's opinion is the one thing that we have to have in common to get along (sometimes I scare myself :D )

turning in (01.00 AM here) enjoy the show tonight and talk to you later
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

Hell, if everybody agreed with me, discussion would get really boring really quickly and then I'd just stop coming altogether. Where's the fun in constantly going "I like that," and "me too!" and "really?" and "yeah, really!" :rolleyes: Yeah, not too fun. :lol:

Meh, I see what you mean about Stella and Flack being oh-so-damn-pretty, but I think they're all attractive anyway. ;) Of course, I thought Danny/Carmine was ratty-looking and just plain annoying at first--the character of Danny and then the actor himself grew on me, so maybe it's not so much that he's attractive as that he does have a certain something that draws you in...but he's still pretty. :lol:

It's almost 1 am here now. :lol: Loved the episode, saw a few good D/F moments for some nice in-depth discussion. :lol:
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

The NY ships for me:

I like: Stella/Danny, Danny/Maka, Flack/Stella, Hawkes/Stella, Mac/Lindsay.
The past: Flack/Aiden

The above ships have me wondering if they should become more than confidantes who work together, because of the bubbling chemistry that's underneath the surface which is simple and not overplayed.

I like the developing ship, Mac and Peyton. Mac appears to be relaxed and free with her.

I don't care for: Danny and Lindsay. I like them individually. I feel more of a teasing sibling vibe between them.

Mac and Stella: I enjoy them as just friends who support each other.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

I have to admit I'm a Stella/Mac - shipper although ... well I'm not sure that something will happen between them... I mean not in the near future... :rolleyes: But I'm open for surprises. :D
I haven't seen Peyton yet so I can't say anything about her. :confused:
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

whoa... :eek: stella/danny never once crossed my mind... i'll have to think about that one...
after pondering this startling new way of thinking, i still don't know what i would think about stella/danny. someone help me out here, please! :confused: :D :( :devil: :rolleyes: ;) :p i don't know what to think about them being together!
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

^Stella/Danny was my first ship--I loved the passion each character had, and thought they would have been explosive together. I'd still like to see it, though the show moved far, far away from the sexual tension I saw between the two in the beginning.

I never saw Flack/Aiden in season one--I'd have to rewatch to look for it. I guess my problem with shipping Flack with anyone but Danny is the way Flack stares at Danny, and treats him differently than anyone else. He's more gentle with Danny in "On the Job" than he was with Stella in "All Access," where he treated her as much more of an equal. I can see other Danny pairings, but Flack just seems so smitten with Danny.

I like the idea of Stella and Flack, but it seems to me that they're just really, really close friends. I love how they joke together and tease each other.

I'd love, love, love it if NY would be brave and explore how it would affect everyone if Flack came out and admitted he was in love with Danny. Even if they went for the one-sided angle, it would make for a daring, original and interesting plotline.

Oh, and fly_casual, love your banner! Go Bears! :D
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

I'd love, love, love it if NY would be brave and explore how it would affect everyone if Flack came out and admitted he was in love with Danny. Even if they went for the one-sided angle, it would make for a daring, original and interesting plotline.

Wow Top, I never thought about that. It would be interesting to see Flack come out and admit his love for Danny or at least to have it done in a way that the audience finds out at first before he openly admits it to Danny. Wonder how Danny would react? Would it freak him out or would he finally realize his love for Flack?

As for Stella/Danny...that's one ship I never thought about. I think I'd have to read some fanfic before I could visualize that.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

1CSIMfan said:
Wow Top, I never thought about that. It would be interesting to see Flack come out and admit his love for Danny or at least to have it done in a way that the audience finds out at first before he openly admits it to Danny. Wonder how Danny would react? Would it freak him out or would he finally realize his love for Flack?

I think if the show were to do it, it would almost certainly be one-sided on Flack's part (which probably wouldn't make too many of us D/F fans happy). Again, part of the reason it's a good thing ships don't go canon is because they are often mishandled...or don't play out how fans would like to see them done.

But, for discussion's sake, I think were it to play out on the show, Flack would gradually realize he has feelings for Danny and eventually it would come out, probably in a tense situation, or if Flack put himself in danger to save Danny and Danny asked him why he did it, and Flack wouldn't have a response, but of course, we'd know why, and Danny would realize it, too, in that instant.

It wouldn't be the happy couple thing a lot of us would enjoy, but I think it would make for one hell of a powerful story. What would Danny do with it? Danny's not a homophobe at all from what we've seen, but I'm not sure how he'd react to his best friend being in love with him. It sure would explain a lot of Flack's behavior though (his constant staring at Danny, his willingness to do anything for Danny, his support of Danny, etc.).

But, it would probably be sad. So, maybe it's best left to fandom, though I wouldn't object if they waded into those waters, if just for the interesting storylines it could present. But, if it was unrequited my heart would break for poor Flack!

As for Stella/Danny...that's one ship I never thought about. I think I'd have to read some fanfic before I could visualize that.

There's not a lot out there unfortunately, but there are few stories from the early days on, I believe.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

I don't hold much hope that TPTB could handle a Danny/Flack relationship. :( Now, if one of us DF fans were to write it, it would be awesome. I don't like ships going canon either. It's much more fun to speculate and make up our own conclusions.

I like the idea of Flack's feelings coming out in a tense situation. I'm thinking at first Danny would just think it was because they were such good friends but it wouldn't take long for Danny to figure out exactly how Flack feels. In my shipper mind Danny would feel exactly the same way and all would be right in the world. :p

But on the show, I have a feeling he wouldn't feel the same way and their friendship would somewhat be compromised. Danny would feel a little awkward working with him at first and of course, Mac would pick up on the fact that something wasn't right.

I'll have to check on for some Stella/Danny stories. I'll start at the back and work my way to the front (just ask Fay, I do everything backwards :rolleyes:). I've read a couple Flack/Stella but didn't really like them. Maybe it was just the stories or maybe it's the fact that I can't really get into Danny and Flack being with anybody else. I do like Flack/Aiden probably because I read them before I got into Danny/Flack. There's a few authors that have quite a bit of FA fics.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

Top41 said:
^Stella/Danny was my first ship--I loved the passion each character had, and thought they would have been explosive together. I'd still like to see it, though the show moved far, far away from the sexual tension I saw between the two in the beginning.

I never saw Flack/Aiden in season one--I'd have to rewatch to look for it.
Now, D/S, that's one ship that has never even crossed my mind. Expecially the first season she just seemed so much more mature than him. And although they are both very passionate people I never picked up any sexual tension between them. But you, too, did give me a great reason to rewatch the first season again during the winter stop. :lol:

Flack/Aiden I liked because they just seemed to be having so much fun together. They were so at ease when they were around each other; like they been together for a very long time.

I'm curious to see Flack working together with his new colleague Det. Angell. But that's just because she looks a little like Aiden. She could have a totally different character. They would make a pretty pair though.

1CSIMfan said:
I like the idea of Flack's feelings coming out in a tense situation. I'm thinking at first Danny would just think it was because they were such good friends but it wouldn't take long for Danny to figure out exactly how Flack feels. In my shipper mind Danny would feel exactly the same way and all would be right in the world.

But on the show, I have a feeling he wouldn't feel the same way and their friendship would somewhat be compromised. Danny would feel a little awkward working with him at first and of course, Mac would pick up on the fact that something wasn't right.
I don't see this happening. There's no way that either one of them is gonna confess his feelings for the other on the show. When they (TPTB) are brave enough to do that they may as well make the whole relationship canon. And I'm sorry for all you D/F shippers but (even after this week's ep) I still don't think that is going to happen.

Although I must admit that your talking about it made me notice several (funny to me/shippy to you) things in this week's ep. And I spilled my drink laughing when I heard Danny calling "(I am right) behind you, Flack" :D, when they were chasing that guy down the alley.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

I don't see this happening. There's no way that either one of them is gonna confess his feelings for the other on the show. When they (TPTB) are brave enough to do that they may as well make the whole relationship canon. And I'm sorry for all you D/F shippers but (even after this week's ep) I still don't think that is going to happen.
Well, there's always a possibility ;), but none of us really see it happening either. It would be interesting, but I don't honestly expect writers who are happy with cliche, been-there-done-that romances to even consider the idea. *shrug* This is tv, they try to appeal to the masses, and slash, however much those of us who follow might love it, isn't going to appeal to the masses. It would make for intriguing plotlines, and would definitely give the show an edge over other similar programs, but CBS is going for number of viewers, not intensity of programming.

Stella/Danny wasn't a ship I ever really considered, but in the hands of the right fanfic writers I could see it being very interesting to read. :)

I really like Detective Angell so far, I hope she comes back for more episodes. :) However, I don't think her only value as a shippable character is that she supposedly resembles Aiden. I never considered Danny/Aiden a likely couple, but I'm quite intrigued by the idea of Danny/Angell. Nor did I ever think of Hawkes and Aiden in a relationship, but Hawkes/Angell could be nice. Of course, I'm talking fanfiction here, because if they never capitalized on the heat between Danny and Maka on the show, I sincerely doubt that they'll utilize the chemistry between Angell and another character, since she's in the same position as Maka...
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

but CBS is going for number of viewers, not intensity of programming
Sad, but true. It's all about the money :(.
I really like Detective Angell so far, I hope she comes back for more episodes. :) However, I don't think her only value as a shippable character is that she supposedly resembles Aiden. I never considered Danny/Aiden a likely couple, but I'm quite intrigued by the idea of Danny/Angell. Nor did I ever think of Hawkes and Aiden in a relationship, but Hawkes/Angell could be nice. Of course, I'm talking fanfiction here, because if they never capitalized on the heat between Danny and Maka on the show, I sincerely doubt that they'll utilize the chemistry between Angell and another character, since she's in the same position as Maka...
My mistake. I skipped through "People with money" again and she had a lot more screentime than I remembered. She does sound nice and seems to like a bit sarcastic humor. So I'm with you on the fact that she deserves more screentime.
After all there are (with the exception of this week's ep) almost always two cases so they could use an extra detective. That (just occured to me) also means she will probably never be working together with Flack 'cause there never seem to be multiple detectives at the same scene.

It looked like she got along with Danny very well, but as long as Lindsay is around the poor girl doesn't stand a change :D. But Hawkes seemed to like her a lot ;) too so maybe they should be sent to a couple of crime scenes together, see what happens.