Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:NY

Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

That's why I like Danny and Stella, or even Stella and Flack--it would be unexpected, something that's allowed to develop naturally. Danny and Lindsay are all formula--there is not one ounce of originality and creativity in that storyline. It's by-the-book scripted sexual tension, with a bit of the "oh we want each other but can't be together" cliche thrown in. Please, give us something better than that.

My seminents exactly Top41. :)

1CSMIfan, good points you raised. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

i noticed there hasn't been much talk of peyton... whaddya think, folks, just a little fling to momentarily shock us viewers, or can you see it going anywhere? i've never seen any first season episodes, so i'm still kinda clueless about some of the characters.... what do they say about mac's wife? claire, right?
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

I see no chemistry whatsoever and the fact that Danny actually used that word made me cringe.

It makes me cringe when TPTB have to spell it out to the viewers that a couple have 'chemistry'. To my mind, if the chemistry is there, then it'll be obvious for all to see. But if TPTB have to resort to telling the audience that this is the bestest couple ever - Sid telling Lindsey that Danny had a crush on her, Danny saying they had chemistry - If the writers have to spell it out like that, then it's just not working.

If D/L really were a natural pairing, we should be able to see it without the writers having to point it out to us every five minutes.

Personally I wish they'd just let it go, not just D/L, but any pairing. If I want to watch a show to see who'11 end up in bed together, I'll watch Grey's Anatomy. CSI shows I expect to focus on the case.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

1CSIMfan said:
This is where we will NEVER agree
I know that. And I don't mind at all ;). I just think it's funny to read someone else's reaction to that first D/L scene and find that it's completely different from mine.

Faylinn said:
I indeed am one of those people who saw it from the beginning. And although I did, I think by now it's clear we all have a very different perspective. I see chemistry that started at the background with some teasing, touching, looking, etc. and watched it slowly evolve. I personally didn't need to hear Danny say it or have it spelt out to me like Ceindreadh said, because I'd already picked up on it a long time ago. And if the writers put that conversation in to convince people I think they did a poor job because to you (and many others) there mere two people that happen to work together and these conversations can obviously not change your mind(s) and only annoy you :(.

And for the F/D I think it's just the other way around. You picked up on little things that over time, to you, made them more than just co workers. You go beyond friendship and make it something romantic, but that's something I don't see there. To me they have the same kind of really special and warm friendship that I also see between Mac and Stella, but I think it will never become anything more than that. Not because of the "friends should never become lovers"-cliche, but because I don't see any progress in the relationship(s). To me the way they act around each other does not differ from the way they did in the beginning. And the fact that they do share more scenes together does not convince me that there is more of anything else.

I still cannot get over the fact that so many people can see things so different. When I first started reading on these boards I was amazed by the variety of pairings here. The best way I think I can explain that is by compairing all of us with the guinnea pigs in these science projects were they put 10 people in a room and let them all watch the same event. When they are questioned afterwards all 10 of them give a different description of what has happened. :lol:

fly_casual said:
i noticed there hasn't been much talk of peyton... whaddya think, folks, just a little fling to momentarily shock us viewers, or can you see it going anywhere? i've never seen any first season episodes, so i'm still kinda clueless about some of the characters.... what do they say about mac's wife? claire, right?
I think there is little talk about Peyton because she hasn't been around that much (same as Jennifer Angell), but I don't think it's a little fling; at least not to Mac. During the first season he is clearly still hurt by Claire's sudden death and seems not to be ready to date at all.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

I believe the character description for Peyton said that she and Mac had been dating for a year. So it's meant to have been a long-term relationship that only recently had difficulties due to Peyton switching jobs and working in the ME's office. ;)

I don't really discuss that pairing here because I don't really ship Mac with anyone else, so it's not something I'd debate. :lol: I've read a few Mac/Stella stories, but I don't ship them seriously, so there's not much for me to say. :lol: I like Peyton well enough though. :)

I think perspective is ultimately what it comes down to, dutch_treat. :) We can sit here going back and forth for months and I don't think we'd really get anywhere. :lol: We'd learn more about what other people think, but we're certainly not going to change our own opinions. :p I like hearing what people have to say, but I think I've about exhausted everything I can contribute at this point. :lol:

I see Danny and Flack having chemistry, but I don't see it with Danny and Lindsay. There is more than one kind of chemistry, because I do think Danny and Lindsay get along, etc, I just don't think it's strong in a romantic sense, and certainly not to the extent that I think would explain why the writers put the relationship on the fast track. It's clear, looking back and knowing what other people see, that the writers intended for us to see Danny/Lindsay from the beginning. I have to say it's kind of sad that they probably sat there coming up with Lindsay's character and thought 'she can be Danny's love interest.' :rolleyes: In doing so, I think they limited the character in her own right. But that's neither here nor there.

When it comes to Danny/Flack, it's not necessarily that I think the interaction onscreen has progressed or anything, although I think D/F fans can argue that the shippy moments have become more obvious (at least to our eyes) as the seasons have progressed. I don't think an increase in D/F scenes indicates that the show is moving in that direction, I think it just shows that the writers are at least conscious of one non-romantic pairing that works great on the show.

Danny/Flack would be interesting on the show, but I don't want it on there, not really, because I'm content with the ship as it exists right now. I don't like the idea that all chance of it would be ruined by canon, but I like the ship and will follow it regardless, even if it means twisting canon to fit my own preferences. After all, canon is subjective. I can discuss the idea of a canon slash relationship without actually wanting it to happen. *shrug* To echo what Ceindreadh said a few posts ago, I don't want to see any sort of main-character ship on the show. The characters can have romantic relationships without dating a co-worker, and these interactions can be in the background and not require a scene in every episode.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

Think Danny/Flack have elemental chemistry. They get each other and can see through each other without them having to say so much. Danny and Linday look out of place, and every time through their interactions they act like a fish out of water and act like they have no grasp of what makes the other tick.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

Think Danny/Flack have elemental chemistry. They get each other and can see through each other without them having to say so much.
That's a very good point. When they're in a scene together, the unspoken communication is great. An episode like "Run Silent, Run Deep" in the hospital is a good example of that. Don said they weren't going anywhere, and he and Danny shared a look that spoke volumes. Whether you saw it as one friend supporting another or more than that, it was clear that they communicated with that look. It's wonderful. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

My favorite ship is Lindsay and Danny. Their chemistry and attraction is absolutely undeniable. Their bantering and joking around. Their teasing is absolutely genius and so adorable! That's what real love is like. Some teasing, some fun. I like how they're not getting together straight away, because honestly... that doesn't seem real. But God, I love their chemistry. It's as if he knows what she's thinking of and how she's feeling even if she doesn't say a single word. Although, I feel bad that Lindsay and Danny's relatinship sorta overshadows other ships...
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

IMO, I see more chemistry between Danny and his glasses than I see with Lindsay. :rolleyes: Lindsay needs to be developed on her own instead of being Danny's shadow. Even with this big secret **cue horror music**, they feel the need to reveal it through Danny. Pairing them up is just taking away from both of the characters. If that's what real love is like, spare me please. :rolleyes:

I'm just hoping that once her secret is revealed, that will be the end of DL.

dutch_treat, you're right. We'll never agree on some things and I don't mind either. :D It's interesting to see how we all watch the same show and see it so many different ways.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

It's interesting to see the differences between all of us on who has "relationship" chemestry and who doesn't. Like I think D/L have awesome chemistry, And I don't really think Danny and Flack do. All respect to those of you who do, (believe me the fan fic is totally awesome). I think Stella and Flack have great chemistry and I can picture them possibly dating. It's just interesting I guess to see how all of our opinions differ. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

while i am a big fan of the idea of the danny/lindsay ship, it seems that whoever danny is working with has chemistry with him, ya know? when he worked with aiden alot, they flirted. i think if they (TPTB) want to make a true connection with danny and ANY other ship, they need to lay more groundwork, other than flirting.

this made sense in my head, did it come out right as i was writing? LOL. :lol:
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

Yeah Cahill_Fan, you make sense (I love your icon). Danny flirts with everybody, I mean everybody. Male or female. :p

Although I like the Flack/Aiden pairing, I can see Flack and Stella too. Of course in the land of fanfic, Flack will always be Danny's. :devil:

Radical, am I reading your post right? Have you read some Danny/Flack fanfic? It's totally awesome. My first slash pairing ever. BTW, I'm loving your banner.

I love how we all see each ship different and how we can disagree but still get along. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

Yea, you're reading my post right, I've read some of Kimmy's work before. Pretty freakin' hot. Glad you like my banner, yours is pretty good itself.. it made me laugh.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

Well I only ship Mac/Stella in New York 'cause I'm still watching s1. I love 'em since episode 1. And I think everybody notice that there's something special between them. For example, my mom doesn't ship at all, so one day I was telling her about the success of GSR and I said: "Sara had her dream come true and blah, blah, love, blah, blah", my mom wasn't paying enough attention and she only said: "Really? Stella and Mac got together?" so I was like what??? did you notice too?
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY

I agree completely with what Ceindreadh posted--if the chemistry is really there between Danny and Lindsay, why the overkill? Why the need to spell it out over and over? If it's really there, it doesn't need to be overwritten in the way it has been on the show between Danny and Lindsay.

I'm a fan of the natural evolution of a pairing--I kind of like it when it comes out of left field. I love it when characters are paired together and I can say, gee, I never saw that coming. With Danny and Lindsay, it's been inserted into the scripts from their first interaction. It might have worked if the actors had chemistry, but the fact that the writers felt the need to keep inserting scene after scene after scene of them interacting suggests to me that natural chemistry wasn't selling this relationship.

As for Danny/Flack, I totally understand some see it as just friendship chemistry, though I do wonder how many guys stare at their buddies the way Flack stares at Danny. ;)