Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY
Hill really gave me hope when he said in the interview that he'd seen no evidence of any long term relationships in the show. But to answer the question, no, a ship that I hated going canon wouldn't make me stop watching the show, nor would a ship I enjoy never going canon have any effect. There's more to the show than that for me.
I guess with D/L I don't really see the same opposites that others do. I think Danny is the sweet one. I know Lindsay's physical appearance is "cute" but aside from the scenes in "Stuck on You," I've seen nothing cute about her personality. She's brittle and snappish, and just generally unpleasant overall. She doesn't strike me as a very nice character, which is probably part of my problem with her. I thought Stella was pretty tough and harsh in the beginning of the show, but since then Melina has showed us deeper layers to her and I've come to love the character. Anna hasn't done that with Lindsay.
I don't think Danny's a player; I think that label gets applied to him because he's attractive and flirty. He actually seemed very shy in "Risk" when approaching the girl on the train who was looking at him. And as others have said, he's polite to the women he works with.
I think in the Danny/Lindsay duo, it's actually Danny who is the sweet one. He's the one who gets involved in cases and concerned about the victims and the survivors (like in "Dancing with the Fishes" or "Super Men"), whereas Lindsay only gets emotionally involved in a case that directly reminds her of herself ("Stealing Home").
If Lindsay were a more pleasant or warmer character, I might like the pairing better. But I find her so self-involved and unpleasant that I can't see any reason why Danny would like her in the first place, and that makes it unbelievable for me. Maybe this season will remedy that, but I'm not overly-optimistic. The chemistry between the two would have to improve a lot as well, because that's really just not there at this point.