Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY
The idea of feelings between two of the male characters, unrequited or not, would definitely be an interesting plotline. However, I don't think there's a Danny/Flack fan on this site that actually expects the pairing to go canon--that doesn't make it any less interesting to discuss.
I don't think the writers will take a chance with a slash pairing, but I've never thought the comments on TalkCSI were any kind of indication for how
every CSI fan feels. I know that some of the more vocal posters on this site like slash, and for NY fans, that tends to be D/F, but I've never thought that meant a lot of fans would like it. I'm sure oodles of NY fans love Danny/Lindsay and want to ooh and ahh over their relationship on the show, but I'm still going to stand by my opinion that it's not a good idea. The writers have done absolutely nothing to convince me that it's necessary or that it's going to be good for the show.
I'm sure that there are people who only tuned in to CSI:NY because of the rumors of romance, but I also know that the people who've been into the show since the beginning liked it because of the science. Is it worth alienating some viewers to gain others? Do TPTB think that the only way to entice people to watch is by trying to snag viewers from shows like Grey's Anatomy? Consider the positive reception to this week's episode of NY. There was no romance, but it was an excellent episode. That's the kind of show I hope to see when I turn on CSI:NY. I cringe at the very idea of having to sit through more scenes of Danny and Lindsay's so-called 'chemistry.' I shouldn't dread an episode because two characters are working a case together--and yet, part of me is dreading "Oedipus Hex" for that very reason. Danny and Lindsay are supposed to be professionals, but I can't believe that the writers would be able to resist some sort of line where Danny grovels and Lindsay pushes away.
If they want to further Lindsay's backstory, here's a novel idea--use Lindsay to do it.
Danny and Lindsay are all formula
Very true. That's how I see it as well. Formula romance works, that's the whole idea, but sometimes it pays to step out of the box. When CSI first came out, it was an interesting take on a popular idea. Why couldn't the franchise use that same idea here? This is a scientific show, can't they mix things up and come up with a
new formula?
I think Danny and Lindsay are a cute couple. I like the fact that they are so different. And not because he is a "player", but because he's more brass and open while Lindsay is more quiet.
I hear that, over and over again, to justify why this ship is so great. I'm not saying it's wrong or that people can't feel this way, it's just...Is that all it is? They're attractive people who look cute together? They come from different backgrounds, so they must be opposites and opposites attract? A relationship like this doesn't offer much chance to really push the characters, do develop them in an interesting way. What's going to happen--Lindsay will deal with her demons, she'll tell Danny she's ready to try the relationship, and their personalities will rub off on each other and all that jazz? Seen it. Repeatedly. I'm not sure it's even possible to leave this relationship to the imagination. It doesn't seem to stand on it's own beyond the shaky scenes that the writers include in the dialogue.
In any case, I have the utmost respect for differing opinions. I don't think anybody in this thread or forum or board is
wrong. I just don't agree. *shrug*
I know, I think that's great too. Just wish that more were coming here to discuss the many ships that are sailing in the NY waters.
Some people don't like to discuss or debate, or to hear negative opinions about what they love. I'm clearly not one of them, but I know that a lot of the members here feel that way.
I do admit that D/L are a bit cliche. But not every relationship has to be unexpected or original.
No, but if a show is going to go with a romance between two main characters, why not make a bit more effort and do something interesting? Or, better yet, scrap the main-character romance and acknowledge that relationships are there but concentrate on the non-romantic feelings? A friendship like that between Mac and Stella is something that I'd love to see more of, and I think it would be much more intriguing to see their friendship develop than to see them fall in love and drive off into the sunset.
It's true that a more unconventional relationship is uncommon on American tv, but I'm more concerned that the two characters involved are truly compatible, regardless of their gender. Danny/Flack on the show could be interesting simply because it's not typical, but that's not why I ship it (and I've given those reasons countless times before, so I'll spare you
Ultimately, I prefer that ships aren't on the show. The idea of Flack having feelings for Danny would be interesting, but I have no faith that the writers would do the storyline well or continue to do it well over time.