Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY
Er...could you explain what that means, because my concept of 'ghetto' doesn't exactly apply to Danny...
I agree that I don't think any of the various ships on the show should go canon. Yes, NY is meant to be more character-driven and personal, but there's so much more to that than just romantic involvement. Hooking everyone up with everyone else is a cheap cop out, in my opinion. The friendships between the characters, the relationships that the characters have with their families, etc. would be more of what I'd like to see--and it would still fall under the realm of being 'character driven.'
However, for the sake of the debate, here are my thoughts on the various possible ships for NY:
I am a huge
Danny/Flack shipper, and I make no bones about it. If you've seen me around the board, it's pretty obvious. CSI:NY is the first and only show I've actually shipped. Generally speaking I'm much more intrigued by the slash ships than the het ones. Maybe it's because it's something you don't see on tv and the idea of developing the relationship is more interesing...*shrug* In any case, I like to read fanfiction for various pairings, D/F being the most common one. Initially I might have been very gung-ho about having this ship go canon, but time and serious thought (along with discussion amongst fellow shippers) has made me realize that, as much as I love the ship, it's really much better in fanfiction. On-screen relationships, for me, are better if implied.
I don't know what it is that makes me love D/F. Maybe it's the fact that the two characters are so different and yet have a lot more in common than they realize. Maybe it's the contrast of their upbringings and the conflict that can bring to the table. There are countless reasons that this ship intrigues me and keeps me interested, and I'm sure I've said them over and over in the Danny/Flack threads. :lol:
As a slash fan, I'm all about the subtlety and subtext. Maybe that's part of the reason why the
Danny/Lindsay relationship just rubs me the wrong way. The only 'chemistry' I can see between these two is as co-workers who can get along, and maybe a hint of the friendship that I saw between Danny and Aiden (more on that ship in a minute

). Danny, to me, is someone who just flirts. Period. Whatever I see between Danny and Lindsay I also see between Danny and just about anybody he's in a scene with. I can understand why people would be interested in the pairing (however cliche it may seem at this point), and I can see why the writers would want to pursue it, but that doesn't make me think it's a good idea. In the end, I don't see anything more in that relationship that I could see if I switched on a soap opera in the middle of the day, and I don't particularly think that's a positive thing to add to the show. I've given countless reasons against that at one point or another, as have other posters, and I'm sure you're all well aware of them and don't need to read them again.
I've read one or two stories for
Mac/Stella and I could see that relationship in fanfiction, but on the show I'm not so sure. I love the deep friendship between them, the sense that they've been there for each other through a lot. I just don't think that, at this point, it would work on the show. Maybe in the future I'll change my mind, but right now I have to say no.
The only character on the show I could really see Flack in a relationship with (other than Danny, of course

) would be Aiden. There was a certain something there with
Flack/Aiden that didn't need to be featured on every episode or specifically pointed out in a scene to be obvious. I don't know that I would have wanted a canon relationship out of the ship, but I liked what happened in season 1.
Danny/Aiden, on the other hand, I just don't see. They flirted (and Danny flirts with everyone) and they had a great dynamic, but I could never actually see them together. Aiden's line about being out of Danny's league at the end of "Crimes and Misdemeanors" sort of sums it up for me--they had definite chemistry and a great relationship, but I couldn't see it getting romantic. I've read a few excellent fanfiction stories for the pairing, so in fanfic maybe, but I never saw the right situation for it on the show.
The idea of
Flack/Stella is interesting to me, but I really just don't see it. I view Stella as more of a friend to Flack, someone he can confide in, and the opposite is true as well. The scenes in "All Access" were wonderful between them, but it really just felt like a very deep friendship to me, not remotely romantic.
Mac/Lindsay has amazing chemistry. The scenes between these two are great to watch. But maybe it's the fact that he's her boss, I can't see it becoming romatic. If I read the right fanfiction I might change my mind, you never know.
Poor Hawkes, I can't pair him with anyone on the show. The man has chemistry with a brick wall, but when it comes to the people on the team, it doesn't cross into romantic territory for me. I'd love to see him in a relationship, but I can't see it with another member of the team. In fanfic I like to read pairings of him with Mac or Danny, but on the show we'd be seeing a het ship, and I can't imagine him with Lindsay or Stella. Well, that's not entirely true--sometimes there are hints that make the idea of
Hawkes/Stella intriguing, and maybe some more scenes that showcase their chemistry could make me a shipper.
Danny/Stella I just can't see. Friendship yes, romantic relationship definitely not.
Flack/Lindsay, for me, isn't even a viable ship at this point. There have been what, two or three scenes with them? They've only spoken to each other once or twice. In fanfiction maybe (and I've written two stories for the pairing, so I have to agree with that :lol

, but on the show I can't even begin to imagine a romantic relationship between them.
I have to admit that the idea of
Stella/Hammerback is too funny not to be intriguing. Hammerback is such an interesting character, you have to admit. :lol: Even though it might have started out in jest, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's thought, "well, maybe..."
Mac/Flack is an interesting dynamic on the show, but I don't see it as anything more than friendship. In fanfiction, it's one of my favorite ships to read, but that just illustrates my preference for ships in fiction rather than canon.
Mac/Danny is a ship I've never really jumped on board. I love slash, and I've read a few fics for the pairing, but I just can't get into it. Maybe I haven't been reading the right fics.

For these two, I don't think there's a real equality between them. Mac is in charge, Danny is the subordinate, and that doesn't really intrigue me as far as romance goes. I think Danny needs someone who he feels is on a level with him, and maybe it's just me, but I think that Mac refuses to be in that position. In my opinion, Mac sees Danny as someone he cares about and wants to protect, but also someone that he needs to keep in line. There's a certain tension there that I can't get past, and it prevents me from seeing this as a real pairing.
Mac/Aiden had a great dynamic, they worked well together, they were comfortable with each other. But I don't see it as a romantic relationship (although I don't even know if there's a thread for this pairing. I think I'm just trying all of the combinations right now :lol

Another pairing that I don't think I've seen much of is
Aiden/Hawkes. That could have been interesting, but I didn't get a good enough feel for their dynamic to say one way or the other whether I could see it as a real ship or not. Right now it just seems like a missed opportunity with Aiden gone, as do the other Aiden ships.
Let's see, what did I forget? Well, there's femslash, for one. It's never been something that intrigued me, I have to admit, but I might read some fanfiction for it at some point. I have to say I'd see
Stella/Aiden more than
Stella/Lindsay, but I did read a story that had Aiden and Lindsay in a relationship and it was written in a way that makes me more likely to accept femslash with Lindsay in it.

On the show, I don't see any of these pairings realistically, but in fanfiction it can work.
I think I've mentioned just about every possible pairing on the show. :lol: The only thing left to mention might be the
Mac/Peyton relationship, but that one I'm waiting to see. I like the idea of Mac in a relationship with someone outside the team, but since I know next-to-nothing of this woman right now, and we haven't actually seen thim in a scene together, I'm going to hold my judgment on the relationship until the start of the season.
Edited to bold some ship names for clarity.[/b]