First off,
Mo darling...I wish you the best of luck. Know that we all love you and that we have not forgotten about you. I hope to hear from you in the future

*lots of hugs*
clears throat and steps on soapbox*
For the record, DR did it in an old-fashioned bed. DL had pool table secks
Oh, and Anna kicked ass last night. Again. Her monologue was fantastic (I was actually a bit surprised it was so short!) and I could hear her voice breaking near the end. Kudos to Lindsay for taking a stance against her cheating boyfriend (BTW, I believe she knows something is up) and Anna for doing such an amazing job on it. Bravo!
I believe that Danny cheated. Why? Because I believe that DL have dated since SOOH. I find it totally bizarre how Danny can show more grief towards a kid whom the audience barely knows than towards his own brother, but whatever. Not our call. Anyways, I regard Danny as a cheater now. I don't give a crap about the fact that we have gotten barely anything this season, but I'm not about to step across the line and say DL are not dating. Lindsay deserves better than his cheating ass. If she takes him back, I won't hate Lindsay (I cannot begin to even imagine that), but I'll be irked. Cheaters should *NEVER* be given a second chance, because the temptation is always there and the trust has already been broken. But of course, we have no idea what goes on in the minds of TPTB. I just find it very difficult to believe that last night we saw a completely different Danny. Think about it: this is the guy who a) chased the same girl for two f***ing years, b) charged into a room filled with blinding smoke and searched for her with a blatant disregard for the suspect, c) waited patiently for her while she sorted out the demons of her past, d) flew across the damn country for her to hold her hand in the Montana courtroom, e) took her shift to let her sleep in, and f) got severely beaten up in the process. I'm sorry, but I find it incredibly hard to believe that all of a sudden Danny would do this random 180 after all that.
Danny is nothing to me now. I will still watch, but only for the rest of the cast and cases. Don't get me wrong, I love Carmine. He's a fantastic actor. I just...I can't look at Danny the same way anymore. He's a scumbag to me.
HOWEVER...part of me still holds a bit of hope. While I pray to God that Lindsay will not take his lying ass back, I think TPTB have her do just that. Something still smells rather fishy about all this - methinks the writers have more tricks up their sleeves.