Ok, so I've just seen Like Water for Murder. Anyone wanna know my take on it? Here goes
Firstly I'll get the off topic stuff outta the way (Mac)
Lindsay - aww bless, she is actually the only one who hasn't had her a** kicked by him even when she makes a mistake
Reed - again, aww. Mini ass kicking but ultimately their interaction is sweet especially when Mac tells him he's just like Claire. Also implies that they tend to see each other/talk even though we don't see it.
Quinn - Quinn?! Mac, WTF? Though nice work shooting her down when she was flirting
So - the stuff we're all interested in - the DL interaction. Don't know why you're all confused cause I only seen a positive light on that scene. Besides the obvious, they aren't dating (for the time being!).
Danny saying that they should rent it is
not a casual remark that just slips out. I rewatched to confirm but he looks at her as he says it. Really looks at her to watch her reaction - is she gonna agree? Can I get back in there? Then when she walks out - I dunno I think he looks like he's thinking, she still has feelings for me, yes! Look at the way he bites his lip, not to mention that he checks her ass out as she leaves! :lol:
I thought it was a very cute scene and definately looking forward to more DL interaction of that kind. Providing it ends up all snuggly on the couch.
Yes Sherry, it will get better, I've seen Right Next Door and it made me feel icky & sick but watching this one I'm holding out for Happy Ever After! I know what you mean though - I will watch it again and start shouting and throwing things at the TV. *
note to self - buy marshmallows!* Oh well, at least I can enjoy him doing the 5iveUS advert and it zooms in to his awesome blue eyes.....
More Snuggles!!!! It's gonna happen people, we just need to accept it! xx
Edit - ah yes, time passing in NY. If by their recent theories with time passing 4.15 should've been technically Dec but we'll say Jan so as not to split hairs, 4.17 people wanna go swim in the ocean in winter? Not American as you know so I could be wrong but I thought NY was frozen through winter!?