and why are we calling her that again? I like it Im just curious
:lol: I'm sorry, I take responsibility for the concept - I couldn't (still can't) bring myself to type her name so I started referring to her as 'She Who Must Not Be Named' which then led to the natural evolution of Lady Voldemort (Major Harry P nut over here - books that is).
I'm a little warped! :guffaw:
Liffy!!! You are more warped than me - I completely and utterly freaked!! Screaming 'WTF!!!?!!' then having to explain to those within a five mile radius that it's all ok can make you a l'il bashful.
Danny holding a panda cub makes me swoon (even though I am mad at him
Yes that is because for some weird reason he is still Sexy Man Messer.
I know I know. He is a bad man!
celebrates the multitude of posts even the momentarily scary ones. Liffy!*
Back again cos I watched the DL clips from 4.16. Well, that was bleugh (can't think of a word) the stuff with Danny & Lady V at the beginning had my stomach churning but it would appear to be a one off. Lady V made some form of sense - she knows they're only doing what they're doing to block out what's going on. They know it's not going anywhere. Yay our Linds for standing up and telling it like it is - this kinda confirmed that they were more than a one night stand. He didn't try to deny that this was a relationship when she told him not to make her out to be a clingy gf (good girl!). I've always wondered how you tell a guy to get to **** without doing so. Now I know, classy all the way. Anyone else think Lindsay is looking really good these days? (digressing, I know)
Never thought I'd say this but I felt kinda dirty seeing shirtless Danny since he was with Lady V. Couldn't appreciate it. What I do appreciate is that the whole breakfast thing wasn't a 'hey you're my new gf, f*** buddy and I can't bear not to be with you' it was more of a 'if she leaves then it makes it official, it shouldn't have happened and when she leaves it won't happen again'.
Messed up as it sounds, it was the worst thing that could happen to our ship but it was not the seedy I've got a gf and I don't care. I've seen bad men & if they feel no guilt, they don't get paranoid and defensive. They can just roll with it.