Hmm...I like the idea of D/L growing old together *sigh*. It's sweet. I'd prefer thinking seeing the just a *little* older, with Danny bouncing their little baby girl in his lap, whilst she plays horsie (too small to be on his back). And he'd be grinning right along with little cutie.
Maybe they'd have an older son, and Lindsay's fussing about him saying how much he's like his father...zooming off here and there...possibly breaking things in transit

Goodness - that needs a fic! *types up ideas*

It's impossible to paint a bad picture of them, and whoever tries gets a snogful of pink fog. :devil:
They'd be a pret-ty darn cute domestic couple
Aud revealed:
[Mo] used to be a good little puritan
*Liff blinks and eyes Mo suspiciously, turns back to Aud, and then back to Mo before shrugging with a grin* Really? I'd have never thought...

I moved into the gutter when I was 6. Don't ask anymore questions - I'm takin' the answers to the grave.
Can't you just see Linds with a bit of gray sewing and Danny, with the "combover" thing going on , taking his blood pressure medication while complaining about our society and how it's goin' straight to hell with this 'new generation'.
Danny with a combover and Lindsay sewing? Err - hehe :lol: No matter what, they'd make the sexiest old couple around that's for sure. *cringes* bad mental picture...oh dear. But I can see Danny sitting on his lazyboy rockin' back and forth complaining about how badly the Giants were doing compared to 'his' time.

Ahh dear dear Danny. Linds would still roll her eyes at him - that's a given.
There's something alluring about a man with lipstick stains on his collar and lipstick kisses on the mouth and cheeks.
And a woman with dishevelled hair, smeared lipstick and oddly buttoned shirts

Possibility of a bra-strap hangin' out somewhere. Danny would go red at THAT sight.
So cold weather is upon us---at least it is in the U.S. What will D/L do to stay warm? Be creative now!! Hmmmm....ponders...
I still very much like the idea of them spooned together on their couch, facing a large window and just watching the snow or rain fall... There's just an air of domesticity, comfort and peace to that

Maybe they can talk about paying the bills and getting a working heater and Lindsay's just gonna say w/e and snuggle in deeper cos she's warm enough as it is.
Mo asked:
You busy planning there Liffer, cuz I'm excited!
Haha, I pretty much knew Boom! was going to win so I prepared some small tiny thing for the opening. Will try'n figure something else out along the way
Spikegal, that song's
Boom, Boom, Boom by the Vengaboys

I haven't heard them in quite a while now. :lol: But those lyrics are definately what's Danny's humming along too when he's bored. hehehe. :devil: