Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Hmm, this time of year, I think D/L would definetly be cuddling to keep warm. I think the man doth protested too much when he originally said he didn't cuddle!

Anyway, I'd like to welcome CSI_NY_Addict, Firemouse and Rachel, to the thread. It's a great, friendly place in our titanium alloy bubble!
Of course cuddling leads to other things and that's why there are more babies concieved when it's cold.
And that my friend...that, says it all! :lol: Heehee! :devil:

Okay my dears...I have yet another, newer, sleeker poll for y'all and I'm gonna be mean and make y'all just pick one...lol, I know how could I...but hey it's all for a good cause! :lol: (And yeah I AM a dork! ;) )
Okay, Mo, I've done my part of voting for the new thread. So far my choice is in the lead! The last page of this thread just flew by, I hadn't checked it in a day(Iknow, I know, what was I thinking!), and you all pretty much flew threw page 24. Now we are on to the last page. It's been a good thread, and I'm sure Liff will do a wonderful job of opening it.
Lol, I think it's Liff's novels that are making them fly by extra fast! ;) Heehee, but hey it's all good...quick posts mean new threads and that's never bad! :D

You busy planning there Liffer, cuz I'm excited! :D

#19 was good to us indeed, and somehow I feel sure that #20 will be just as good or better! Sweet! :lol:
^ Yeah another poll already, we're getting close! :)

PE said:
Danny come out of his and Lindsay's office for a case with Stella, and have Stella look at him, do a double-take, then chuckle and wipe lipstick off his face and straighten his shirt.
Oooh I love that idea. That would get the point across alright! I can just imagine the blush creeping up on his face :eek:...funny!

Mo swooned:
Ohhhhh dear...ohhhhhhh my dear dear...wow! Talk about sending me straight into the gutter...
Yes I do that to myself a lot too :devil:...like Liffy said my imagination pretty much includes EVERYTHING... :D

aud I don't like picturing them 'old' yet, but the pretty babies I can handle...but not yet! :)

And as for your question...it's suddenly pretty cold here too and I just like them close together under a warm blanket on the couch watching some movies or sport; But I don't know how long what's going on on screen can keep their attention... :)

Have a good night or day!

Oh and Firemouse welcome!
Danny come out of his and Lindsay's office for a case with Stella, and have Stella look at him, do a double-take, then chuckle and wipe lipstick off his face and straighten his shirt.

where can I signed the petition for adding this scene to an episode? I like it, its kinda subtle but very very clear

as for them keeping warm in this terrible weather...beside the obvious I too think of them cuddling on the couch under a blanket in front of fireplace or the TV while sipping coffe or hot chocolate
Hey everyone :), I've placed my vote for "BOOM" but my vote was for So in love, we glow in the first round.

Oh, I was listening to the radio this morning and this song reminded me of D/L . I can't remember the title, it's more of a techno/pop song and I laughed out loud when I heard the chorus! :lol:

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom
I want you in my room,
Let's spend the night together,
Together in my room

See you guys around... I'm off to the movies...Byeeeeeee
Hmm...I like the idea of D/L growing old together *sigh*. It's sweet. I'd prefer thinking seeing the just a *little* older, with Danny bouncing their little baby girl in his lap, whilst she plays horsie (too small to be on his back). And he'd be grinning right along with little cutie.

Maybe they'd have an older son, and Lindsay's fussing about him saying how much he's like his father...zooming off here and there...possibly breaking things in transit :D Goodness - that needs a fic! *types up ideas* :) It's impossible to paint a bad picture of them, and whoever tries gets a snogful of pink fog. :devil:

They'd be a pret-ty darn cute domestic couple :D

Aud revealed:
[Mo] used to be a good little puritan
*Liff blinks and eyes Mo suspiciously, turns back to Aud, and then back to Mo before shrugging with a grin* Really? I'd have never thought... :p I moved into the gutter when I was 6. Don't ask anymore questions - I'm takin' the answers to the grave. :D

Can't you just see Linds with a bit of gray sewing and Danny, with the "combover" thing going on , taking his blood pressure medication while complaining about our society and how it's goin' straight to hell with this 'new generation'.
Danny with a combover and Lindsay sewing? Err - hehe :lol: No matter what, they'd make the sexiest old couple around that's for sure. *cringes* bad mental picture...oh dear. But I can see Danny sitting on his lazyboy rockin' back and forth complaining about how badly the Giants were doing compared to 'his' time. :p Ahh dear dear Danny. Linds would still roll her eyes at him - that's a given.

There's something alluring about a man with lipstick stains on his collar and lipstick kisses on the mouth and cheeks.
And a woman with dishevelled hair, smeared lipstick and oddly buttoned shirts :D Possibility of a bra-strap hangin' out somewhere. Danny would go red at THAT sight. :p

So cold weather is upon us---at least it is in the U.S. What will D/L do to stay warm? Be creative now!! Hmmmm....ponders...
I still very much like the idea of them spooned together on their couch, facing a large window and just watching the snow or rain fall... There's just an air of domesticity, comfort and peace to that :) Maybe they can talk about paying the bills and getting a working heater and Lindsay's just gonna say w/e and snuggle in deeper cos she's warm enough as it is.

Mo asked:
You busy planning there Liffer, cuz I'm excited!
Haha, I pretty much knew Boom! was going to win so I prepared some small tiny thing for the opening. Will try'n figure something else out along the way :D

Spikegal, that song's Boom, Boom, Boom by the Vengaboys :D I haven't heard them in quite a while now. :lol: But those lyrics are definately what's Danny's humming along too when he's bored. hehehe. :devil:
Wow! :eek: this thread has just flown by! We're almost 30 posts away from saying good-bye to good ol' #19...*sniffs and sobs quietly*

I like the idea of DL cuddling by a fire...there's always something beautiful about curling up with the one you love next to a roaring fire, its embers warming your heart and igniting your veins, and you're wrapped up in a nice cozy blanket with a cup of steaming hot chocolate with likkle marshmallows bobbing around...

Hmm...mayhap my muse has returned from her vacation ;)

I have to go with dutch on this one - I can't see older DL just yet. Having a family? Maybe, although I think TPTB should probably save that for us fan fiction writers. As much as I think they should start a family, I believe it would be wise for TPTB to leave that up to us ;) However, it would be nice to see them engaged by the end of the show.
Good morning my dears...time to start getting up early again for work :p I love my weekends...*Sigh!* But on a happy note, tomorrow is our new eppy! :D And hopefully a bit of D/L to make us all happy! :D

Lol, Dutch you do have a lovely vivid imagination...it's quite fabulous and naughty enough to make Danny blush! ;) I love it! :lol:

Lol, Liff I was born in the Gutter...Aud and I both...she survived being corrupted a bit longer though I think...but I helped her with that, at least that's what I like to claim! ;)

Oh and your adorable little family picture, with Danny bouncing baby girl and Linds chasing a mini-Danny around...that is the cutest thing ever! Now that I can totally see....*happy sigh!* I want mini-Messers running around! :lol:

Yay for an almost new thread! Lol, good call on "Boom!" winning there Liffer I'm pretty sure that's a done deal! ;)

Alright off to work...if #19 is done before I return..."#19, it has been a pleasure knowing and enjoying you...I will never forget you!" (Okay that sounded like a cheesy break up line :lol: ) Aww well!

"Hi, ho, hi, ho, it's off to work I go!" Mo skips away to her fluffy bubble of love, happily breathing in the lovely pink fog!* :D
I'm weird that way, I love imagining little Messers running around cos I think it would be totally cute, and Danny would make a great dad too :) Just as Linds would be a great mommy!

I just watched RSRD again, all the sadness showing their undying love and all, but I wonder how close Danny is to his parents. He tells Louie that "I spoke to Dad, he and mommy are coming down" and it doesn't soud as if they're estranged or anything.

Maybe Danny's a mommy's boy :D Makes just as cute of a scene, mini-Danny running around the old Messer place looking for a cookie. :lol: I'm cracking myself up here.
Bella skips into the thread, very pleased with herself for making her italics..although she still has no idea how to put a little piccie by her name

Only a quick post to say hi to everyone :) I have voted for the new thread title but i think the thread will be up before i have a chance to read the last few pages!!!

And as for the question regarding winter warmth, i can see them snuggled up on the sofa with hot chocolate! Or if they were british, definitely a cup of tea :p
^^To get a picture I think you have to have 100 posts.

For the warmth question, I like the cuddling by the fire. If I don't post before the next thread, this was a great thread.

I can't wait to see what you come up with Liffy.
Or if they were british, definitely a cup of tea
:lol: They dont have to Brits to enjoy a cup of tea though! I can see Lindsay trying to convince Danny to have a sip of her tea and he's just makin' a get-that-thing-away-from-me face at her :p

Stuffy said:
As much as I think they should start a family, I believe it would be wise for TPTB to leave that up to us
Are you kidding me? I hope TPTB DONT do it. As much faith as I have in them - I don't think they'd pull it off to our heart's content. So I say leave it to us writers. It'll be more fun that way :D
Are you kidding me? I hope TPTB DONT do it. As much faith as I have in them - I don't think they'd pull it off to our heart's content. So I say leave it to us writers. It'll be more fun that way

Silly goose - that's what I said! Tsk tsk...pay attention dear ;) I think all this guttery talk has gotten to that head o' yours :p

*giggles* Dude - it looks like Danny is giving the 'peace' sign in your avvie :lol:

I just watched RSRD again

*sniffs* I heart that episode. The infamous looking-at-each-other-through-the-glass scene...gets me every time. The emotion in their eyes is just brilliant...*sobs quietly*


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