Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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*JenP wanders into the thread and freaks out when she sees they've reached page 25*

:eek: Page 25! The first thing I did was searching for the final poll. I absolutely didn't want to miss that! :lol:

There are just too many posts to catch up, I don't have time for that. But the pics from RSRD made me smile...my day's been made!

You know what: tomorrow I finally have the chance to see SD! Yay!

See you in the new thread!
Twinny! I know that's what you said! lol - I guess it doesnt sound that way huh. Way-to-go blue me! :lol:

Haha, yeah, Danno does look like he's makin' the peace sign. Either that or a hand gun :D :p

You know, speaking of guns, I want to see Danny and/or Lindsay shoot something this season. Danny had his gun out for some parts of the last 2 seasons, and it was rare enough for them to shoot! Mac shoots ALL THE TIME!

Granted, Danny got to shoot a machine gun in the finale - which was cool :D I want Linds to shoot at something...or clunk Danny in the head with a gun for making a stupid comment. For some reason it's just something I can see her do :p
Thank you all for the warm welcome!!! Also, thank you for the m&m's!!!!! You are all so enabling a hopeless chocoholic!!!!!

I really want to see Danny and Lindsay in the interrogation room again!! I would also like to see a scene like the one in ZY where Lindsay body checked the guy into a car!! Only, I would like to see Danny there instead of Mac, just see what he would say!!!!
^^ Aw Stuffy thanks for those pics of my all-time favorite scene :(...still... ;)

Liffy said:
It's impossible to paint a bad picture of them, and whoever tries gets a snogful of pink fog. They'd be a pret-ty darn cute domestic couple

They would be, but please, please, please not too soon (sorry Mo dear, but no mini-Messers for me...yet :p). We need them to slowly get more closer...emotional...not just physical *glares at Liffy*. There will no doubt be some or a lot of quarrels when they first move in together and to get used to sharing a home will take some time too. :cool:

And then I want a wedding :p and when they've enjoyed their time together...then it's time for kids... :lol:

Possibility of a bra-strap hangin' out somewhere. Danny would go red at THAT sight.
Especially when that strap is hanging out of his pants' pocket :devil: and some one (preferably AdaMm) comes up to him and asks "what do you have there?" while pulling it out at the same time :eek:...both guys will be looking like lobsters. :lol:

I wonder how close Danny is to his parents
I think he is pretty close to his mum. Last season he invited Hawkes over to eat mozzarella with his mum and in 'The Deep' he told an anecdote about his mum too. That time in RSRD is the only time he mentions his dad. :confused:

I want Linds to shoot at something...or clunk Danny in the head with a gun for making a stupid comment. For some reason it's just something I can see her do
I can see her hit a suspect on the head with her gun...She rocks! after all :D, but not Danny...He may deserve it sometimes :p, but she's still a professional and guns are not for goofing around. ;)

Firemouse said:
I really want to see Danny and Lindsay in the interrogation room again!!
I 2nd that! Especially for Lindsay it has been too long and the two of them interrogating someone would be great to watch again.

spikegal txs for finding us a theme-song :) for the next thread..."The Vengaboys" are dutch too :D

Leaves singing 'I wanna go boom boom, Let's spend the night together, Together in my room!'
^^You should have mentioned that last sentence!

Danny eyes Lindsay with a smirk and whispers into her ear, "You can hold me up against a car any day, Montana" :devil: Grins and walks off with the strugging perp infront of him, whistling, leaving Lindsay to roll her eyes and follow.

Catching up to him, she leans up and whispers her reply into his ear from behind, "I'd rather have you against a wall, Cowboy."

:devil: *Liff nods happily at yet another head imprint made into the pg-13 meter.* :p

Hey! I want them to be emotionally close too, not just physical! :) I can definately see them fighting when they first move in together. I think they've both got their own routines, and at times they may clash. Seeing how emotional they both are, tempers are definately going to flare. Danny might be spending a few nights on the couch, but they'd sort through it; cos they love each other very very much :)

As much as I love seeing the domestic d/l picture in my head, I do agree that they're definately not ready yet. They've still got waters to explore in their relationship, sort through their pasts and present together and then BOOM! We get the envy of mommys and daddys everywhere :D D/L mimi-messers! :lol:

OT: Vengaboys are Dutch? I didn't know that :p

"Let's spend the night together, together in my room!" Danny can sing to that whilst he's making breakfast :p
Up against a car or a wall...my my naughty thoughts,,and all this basically infront of a suspect... *lol* not that I would mind :D

Thanks for the pics of a famous scene..loved that one..the emotions in both of their eyes there,, and just before that all also when she came to him first with her findings.
^^ LOL this gets really confusing :confused:...we're all posting at the same time now! :D

WOW Liffy I'm impressed! That's just one little hot conversation :devil:...and I believe it's actually something they both might say :D (they live with us in GutterVille after all)...I totally wanna see that perp's face..."don't let me keep you" :p

Seeing how emotional they both are, tempers are definately going to flare. Danny might be spending a few nights on the couch
Oh yeah, there definitely will be some heated arguments, but they both can not stay mad at each other for very long, so I guess halfway through the night Lindsay will join him on the couch for some make-up smex :devil:
Ok, quick pop in because I found a little space in my studying to come one last time to this thread :) I shouldn't be in the computer, but I couldn't help myself. lol. I was feeling we would have some good posts because we always do when we come close to the end (and not just anyway!!)

spikegal said:
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom
I want you in my room,
Let's spend the night together,
Together in my room
:lol: That's *ahem* very appropriate indeed for our couple. I dont know the song, and the lyrics are sort of lame, but hilarious in our context!

Old D/L :rolleyes: That's a weird scenario. I hate to imagine people getting old as much as I do of thinking them as babies. I just get really strange mental pictures :lol: I seriously can't do this :p

I can imagine D/L pretty babies though. I can imagine them but not in that near of a future. Afterall, they know to keep it in its own time and its definitely not the time yet to move in together or be a family. But no worrys on the baby side, they have a certain 'german boom! product' to use and prevent that :p ;)

Hm, when it's cold, they know what we all know they do! Starting with a nice cuddling in the couch, with a warm blanket and a nice cup of hot chocolate...and then...yeah, let those permantly-on-the-gutter minds of yours picture the rest.

I do want to see D/l interrogating together this season too *please TPTB* And I would love to see Lindsay using her gun with a suspect. Maybe she and Danny can do an arrestment together, that would be nice ;)

*joins the singing mood of the 'Boom, boom, boom' song ;)*
Dani said:
I dont know the song, and the lyrics are sort of lame, but hilarious in our context!
Well, I think the song is kinda lame too and the clip is ridiculous :rolleyes: , but the lyrics fit our new thread :p

no worrys on the baby side, they have a certain 'german boom! product' to use and prevent that
You're right! How could we forget about the spray-on stuff :cool:. And when they run out of supplies they know where to find Liffy to buy some extra boxes to help them through these cold winter months! :devil: BOOM! :)
^Oh yes, we've definately got the marvels of german engineering to help keep things from getting out of hand. But I still think Danny and Linds would make great parents.

She can come to find Danny playing with their baby and his mini-forensics kit :D The picture looks so much like something Danny would do. And she can snap a picture and put it up around the lab to see "daddy Danny" in action :D

The lyrics to that song are definately lame, but I remember they were really big 7-8 years ago in New Zealand. :lol: I was guilty of partyin' along, granted I was 9 and didn't know better. :p

I guess halfway through the night Lindsay will join him on the couch for some make-up smex
Not to promt another 'you're going tame' comment from Aud :p but I can just see Linds going out to the couch cos she can't sleep in that big-ol bed alone without his arms wrapped around her. They'd mumble a few I'm sorrys, a kiss or two and fall asleep spooned together tightly on the couch. :) *sigh*... My fluffy side is up and about today :)
What!? Are we talking Vengaboys here :eek: That's scary... But I have to admit I just looked at the clip...And now I know again why I disliked them: those two guys were awful!

I had a small chance to read some posts very quickly, but I figured out we're talking babies, weddings, smex on the couch, etc. Are we looking for inspiration for our new thread? Or is Liff just searching for ideas for his fic? :p

As for my opinion: I know we can't expect too much since it's a crime scene series, but is it too much to ask for some...er...'at home' scenes? :devil:

Something like that couch-thing you were talking about? :eek:

Well, I'm off to bed and I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be seeing a new thread. Who has the pleasure of opening it? Was it you, Liff?
Might as well get a post in here before this thread is stored away :(

Vengaboys? I'm so confuzzled. But it definitely fits hehe.

I know we can't expect too much since it's a crime scene series, but is it too much to ask for some...er...'at home' scenes?

I don't think it is ;) but if they do have a scene like that, it'll probably be at the end of the episode...or at the beginning :devil:

And when they run out of supplies they know where to find Liffy to buy some extra boxes to help them through these cold winter months!

Our local Salesman is stocked for many a year ;) he'll never run out of the stuff.

I figured out we're talking babies, weddings, smex on the couch, etc. Are we looking for inspiration for our new thread? Or is Liff just searching for ideas for his fic?

Knowing Liffy, it's ideas for a new story. He is the Gutter King after all :p

Aw Stuffy thanks for those pics of my all-time favorite scene ...still...

No problem m'dear! I like that scene too - it's not my favourite DL scene (the wheatfields vs. city skylines exchanges holds that title) but it's definitely meaningful. But I do agree with you on that it's the moment where they realize they have feelings for one another.

The more DL pictures, the better :D
Vengaboys!! I used to love that song!!!

Ok i havent got much time too post, im off out! BUt I wont be able to log on untill tomorrow afternoon!!! So I thought i'd get a quick post in :) Because I know that #20 BOOM! will be here betime I get back ;)
Where is Mer and her episode challenges?? ^And I agree, the more DL pictures the better. We don't post up enough pictures.

Here's one:


The future, Mr. Messer, is us :D
Keeping warm --- one word: friction! Enough said. ;) :devil:

As for growing old, as long as we don't make Danny's appearance anything like Sonny Sassone's then I'm good to go. :lol: Lord, what they did to that man in one season is abominable. :eek:

Thread #19, it's been nice knowin' ya! *kisses*

ETA: Just so you know, ya'll aren't the only good girls. My nickname with MrsG is Mary Poppins. ;) Of course, she knows that's not really the case! :lol: :lol:
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