Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Maybe I missed something, but shouldn't we be discussing new thread titles?

Miss Mom-to-be, we can't start that until either page 23 or 24 ;)

Ahoy there Bella363!! Welcome aboard the lovely Dantana :D. Be prepared to have loads of fun here - we're a crazy bunch ;) and watch out for the roaming pink fog...our resident Gutter King, Liffy (messermonroe) likes to randomly spray people with the stuff.

There is no crazy initiation right?

*hands new buddy a complimentary packet of M&Ms* Just that :)

But I cannot resist the fluffiness any longer.

Yes, the fluffiness is very hard to resist :p

*throws celebration confetti into the air*
*Bella takes the M&Ms from her Dantana buddy and does a shipper dance in the confetti*

thank you for the lovely welcome. I think I first saw the word Dantana on Fan fic (which I blame for fuelling the DL shipper within) and it took me ages to work out what it meant :lol: and I loved your country fair story btw :)
Jen! that is so exciting! I'm so happy for you right now. I have a great feeling that your little bundle of joy is going to be DL fan the second that he or she is born. There's nothing wrong with that by the way. :lol: You should make he or she a "Someone who loves me made me this Danny/Lindsay shirt in honor of my birth." shirt with a big picture of our favorite duo on it.

(I just cracked myself up btw.)
Bella welcome! :D I saw your post in the other thread and I'm glad that after months of lurking you've decided to finally join the fun. :) I had been lurking quite a while too before I decided to be really brave and post something. :cool:

And no, there's no initiation needed; just the fact that you've been reading our crazy posts and fics for quite a while now and still decided to join :eek: says enough.... :lol:

You know we're all a little crazy (some more than others :p), but we do have a lot of fun. :)

Carly I would really like to see some 'off the clock' moments too...and I think those (like in SD) should be at the beginning or the end of an ep...just our lovely couple together :devil:...untill...duty calls... :mad:

The only thread title idea I have now is:

D/L #20 - Testing German Manufacturing

Pretty predictable, but hey, it's almost 2AM here and I can't sleep :(
The-one-carrying-the-next-generation-of-D/L-shippers-who-is-in-need-of-some-rest JenP announced:
You guys just can't believe how tired you are when you're EXPECTING A CHILD!!!
First of all, isn't it funny how my name for you is longer than the actual quote? Heh. Second of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Now there's thread names AND baby names. Hehe, don't worry -no pressure :D I'm sure everything will go fine sweetheart and we're all here for you anytime you need us! We're right behind you every step of the way!

Evil Twin Stuffy said:
I have to disagree with the whole "dull outfit" thing, only 'cause it's Lindsay/Anna
Well I'd be a little freaked out if Lindsay/Anna never had a bad day or something like that. I mean, they ARE human and aren't perfect, and THAT is what makes them perfect to us. Am I making any sense? It's 2AM and I can't sleep (Hello Dutch!) :p

I think it would be totally cute to catch Lindsay on a bad day, and make her snap at Danny for doing something unsuspectingly innocent like chuckle and at something at the wrong time...or yawn. She'd snap and he'd look around with a "what I do?" look, stumped for a moment, before running after her to find out what's wrong. It would be totally sweet and they'd talk...and smooch...and talk...and cuddle...and smooch and then shed clothes, more german engineering at its finest AND....love! :D What can I say? I'm a geek, and apparently a dork too by Mo :p Score 1 for adorkables.

[paste super name here] JenP said:
It probably was meant to be - I don't know, 'cause I haven't seen it yet - but it also makes the outfit look 'dull'. It's not until you take a closer look you'll see it's actually a nice outfit. The second one is better, but still.
I still think it's pretty dull compared to the latter, which is more striking. A little cleavage but to me the purple piece is not flattering on her gorgeous body. Then again...she's better off with nothing on anyway. Danny agress with me *nods* Or...I'm just going to run by our D/L strip tease again :) SD rocks!

Dutch, who's 2 hours ahead of me, said:
TPTB just switched to the wrong camera's picture when that was happening...
Darn them! Maybe they did get a camera in the right place but the footage is being withheld? Oh well, I'm happy with watching between the frames :)

Fellow SF-er Carolina said:
thread names - can i sugest So in love, we glow or is it too cheesy?
Oooh I like that one! :)

Welcome to our thread Bella! I'm the meter-bender :) (Why does that sound horribly catchy?...meter-bender...*shrugs*) :D So am I still the only guy here who's willing to admit that D/L is love? heh...oh well :p

Hmm....thread names eh? Lets see what I can come up with in a moment of boredom and exhaustion...

Danny/Lindsay #20: D/L Deep Love
Danny/Lindsay #20: Fooling Around Reserved for After Hours
Danny/Lindsay #20: Testing the Batmobile
Danny/Lindsay #20: They're In Love, End of Story

There's a new level of lameness apparently *sigh* Maybe I'll think of somethin' else tomorrow. Nite y'all!
Hiya, hiya, hiya! *Mo slips into the thread, happy it's Friday...but not so happy that she's is entirely stuffed up and feelin' pretty icky! :p *

Soph hon, if you're feeling better I think I'm gonna need Danny back for a while...I need a my Danny-remedy! ;)

JenP congrats for sure hon! *Mo cheers as best she can at the moment, definitely excited for her shippy bud!*

Liffy you freakin' rock bud! That "reading between the lines" thing with the closet smex...was fabulous! You really are the King of the Gutter! Rock on dude...oh and I totally agree by the way, that's most definitely what happened there! ;) Heehee! :devil:

Yay for new thread title suggestions...this is SO fun! :lol: Liff, Dutch I'm likin' yours! ;)

Here are a few of mine...
Danny/Lindsay #20: Condom spray and the Batmobile!
Danny/Lindsay #20: Batman and Catwoman!
Danny/Lindsay #20: "Boom" in the Batmobile!
Danny/Lindsay #20: Batman and his Hopscotch Champ!
Danny/Lindsay #20: "Boom!"

That's what my addled brain has got for now...notice a theme? :lol: Yeah I like Batman! ;) I'll be back when I feel better... :D

*Mo grabs her blanket and snuggles up in her fluffy bubble to fall asleep and dream fluffy D/L dreams!*
I have a suggestion: The Batcave Pool Hall


Radical, congrats on the college acceptance. :) Is USF for the Univ of San Francisco or Univ. of South Florida?

Bella, it's nice to see you here. Welcome. :D

Jen, many wonderful congratulations on your baby. :D :D
Congrats, Jen, on your impending D/L fan!

Welcome to the thread, Bella, it's a nice place to be.

Suggestions for the new thread are coming along nicely. I like Jen's suggestion of Boom. Once again, I have no real originality in this area.

Anyway, CBS Express now has thumbnails up for episode 406. If you want to check them out, here you go: http://www.cbspressexpress.com/div.php/p...239&dpid=70

was suppose to contain a fair amount of Danny/Lindsay, the pics are disappointing because they all seem to be of Mac and Stella. I just wish once they would have some good Danny/Lindsay pics together. Oh, well.
Rad honey congrats on getting into your first choice college, that's awesome! Fun times! ;)

Catey thanks for the pic link...but yeah like you said, a bit disappointing given the other...(sorry too lazy for spoiler box! :rolleyes: :lol: )

Okay off to sleep for me now...sleepy and still feeling icky :p
Hello Bella! Welcome aboard!

Love the pics, but as you said
it's very dissapointing there are no D/L pics...Well, maybe it's just so we get the CANON-feel during the ep! If you expect just a little and you get a lot, the feeling is even better! :lol:

dl_shipper34 said:
Maybe I missed something, but shouldn't we be discussing new thread titles?

Miss Mom-to-be, we can't start that until either page 23 or 24 ;)

Really? Wow, my mind is actually losing it, I guess :D I thought it was page 22... Sorry if I were wrong! But as you see, others are also making new thread-name-suggestions... I definitely like BOOM!

[quote[Liff said:Quote:

The-one-carrying-the-next-generation-of-D/L-shippers-who-is-in-need-of-some-rest JenP announced:
You guys just can't believe how tired you are when you're EXPECTING A CHILD!!!


First of all, isn't it funny how my name for you is longer than the actual quote? Heh. Second of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Now there's thread names AND baby names. Hehe, don't worry -no pressure I'm sure everything will go fine sweetheart and we're all here for you anytime you need us! We're right behind you every step of the way!

[/QUOTE]Liff, you're adorable :) And everyone of you in here, you're all very sweet! Don't be too sweet by the way, pregnant women tend to cry a lot... ;)

I just previewed my post and I tried to quote Liff...I just got a lot of stripes :lol: I just let it the way it is! :D

See you soon, gotta do some work in the house!

Sure, you can have Danny back, Mo! Hope he makes you feel better! He sure helped me! :lol: :devil: :lol: Feel better, bud!

CONGRATS JenP!!! Hope it goes well, and we're all here for you if you need us! *huggles*

It is dissappointing we didn't get any pics, but i'm sure the ep will be great!!!

Liff, I love your thread names, especially the Batman and his Hopscotch Champ one! I'm too brain-dead to think of any right now. :lol:

Catch y'all later! xxxxx
Hey, PSG!! Hey all! Hey newbies!! Welcome. :)

PE, it's great to see you here. I hope you visit us more often---please don't let our 'fluffiness' scare you away. I love your title suggestion too. And I couldn't agree with you more about the little D/L moments. They may not be 'in your face' moments, but they are definitely giving us little hints about the relationship.

I love the little moments---I think they are the cornerstone of the D/L relationship. Now sooner or later we will want a little more, but for now it's all good. I mean Pam V. did say that they would not focus a lot on the D/L relationship. But she did say that they are together and happy. :)

I love all the title suggestions so far. Dutch, you crack me up!!:)

My title suggestions:

Danny/Lindsay #20: Forming a Perfect Heart.

Danny/Lindsay #20: Country Girl Rocks Danny's World!

Congrats to JenP and Rad Daughter. :D

Mo Bunny, where you be? :confused:
Ahhhh Mo, I had two of your thread names in mind :p hehe.

Here are mine:

Danny/Lindsay #20: A Perfect Heart

Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!!

....so pretty much what others had :lol:

Congrats Rad!! Yay!!! :D
Hi my people...*Mo sniffles and curls up on her couch...* yeah still feeling icky :p Here I is Aud wub! ;) Just a wittle stufbed ub... :lol:

I like all our thread title suggestions..we really are a fabulously talented group! :D And since we're officially on page 23 now...post away with the ideas and I'll make us a poll later today when I'm feeling better! ;)

Y'all rock and I can't wait until this next eppy...wait is this the Halloween one or is that next week?? :D
Awwwww, is poor Mo sick? Well now, we just can't have that, can we?

*Stuffy sends in a big silver platter with chicken soup, cough drops, a pillow, and a fluffy blanket, all hand-delivered by Mr. Messer himself, the residential healer*

wait is this the Halloween one or is that next week??

Next week m'dear. This week is 'Down The Rabbit Hole' (the whole Second Life thing), and next week is 'Boo' *is uber-excited*
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