Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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I can't wait to see that episode.. sounds really intresting and hopefully some good stuff in it ;)

Gosh I feel like I never post anything in here *lol* Not that I really go anywhere else on this forum since obvious reasons, which I stated in the thread that got started for trying to find why people don't post as much anymore..not that I think I made any sense in there *lol* oh well...
^^LOL we don't even celebrate Halloween over here, but for some reason ;) I'm so looking forward to it this year. :D And Nina I read your post and it made sense to me. :)

I'm happy with the little moments too, but I do think they should actually say something to each other or others about their realationship :D - and not only share meaningful looks and gestures. I don't mean a whole conversation about their feelings, but just a little 'your place or mine' :devil: would be nice. :D

Okay I think I've completed my thread title suggestion list:

- - -
Danny/Lindsay #20: Testing German Engineering

Danny/Lindsay #20: Baby, you can drive my car...

Danny/Lindsay #20: Science definitely does matter!

Danny/Lindsay #20: They'll reach Mach 5 in the Batmobile!

- - -

Mo I hope Danny's healing powers manage to take the ick away :)...I'm looking forward to your poll! :cool:

Rad congrats! :)
I love the small moment we have gotten too...

but just as you Dutch,, I want something too..doesn't have to a big thing or a long talk or anything..just that they say something.. as you said,,your place of mine when they head out of the lab.. or do you want to come over tonight..just something.. but maybe it will turn up something soon.. ;)
Hi guys!

I'm getting so excited over these new thread titles, the 'BOOM!' still sounds perfect! :D And it's even more perfect other people had thought about that one too! Can't wait to vote....Mo???

dutch_treat said:
I'm happy with the little moments too, but I do think they should actually say something to each other or others about their realationship :D - and not only share meaningful looks and gestures. I don't mean a whole conversation about their feelings, but just a little 'your place or mine' :devil: would be nice. :D
I know what you mean Dutch! But such comments, like 'your place or mine' can make a big difference... :devil: If TPTB do it the right way, it'll be a fluffy moment... I hope it happens!

Rad, congratulations! I almost forgot! :eek:

Catey, thanks for the recap! :)

See you later!
Thanks for the welcome everyone! With all the excitement of finally posting, I forgot to introduce myself. So here goes - thirtysomething, British (or welsh to be more precise), i swear that i have a shipper gene in my DNA (i think it started with Doug and Carol in ER) and i realised that i had it bad for DL when I stood in the TV section of local supermarket superstore smiling at the advert for the new CSI NY dvds ;)

As for title thread, I think it has to include Boom so my feeble suggestions are:

What noise does a canon make? BOOM!
Boom! Instant attraction
Gosh I feel like I never post anything in here *lol* Not that I really go anywhere else on this forum since obvious reasons, which I stated in the thread that got started for trying to find why people don't post as much anymore..not that I think I made any sense in there *lol* oh well...
Nina, you made perfect sense. Your post was honest and to the point. That should make you proud.

I can tell a difference, in that there's not as much "back-and-forth," so to speak, on either side. I'll admit I was the first to respond if someone said something to me or about DL. You'd better believe I wasn't going to let the comment go by unchecked. However, that wasn't the way to solve the problem. It only escalates the situation. As you all know, I stopped posting because I felt like I was getting the cold shoulder over there, with the exception of a few posters. I don't feel that anymore. Almost everyone is making a concerted effort to make the NY forum more accessible to all NY fans. Believe me, I've been here 3 or 4 days straight. That hasn't happened in over 9 months!

I do believe, however, that ship stuff does belong over here, unless we're discussing it in terms of an ep or character. To be honest, it's unfair to gush DL beyond the facts of what happened.

Now that's my opinion. I'll go duck the flying tomatoes.

PE, it's great to see you here. I hope you visit us more often---please don't let our 'fluffiness' scare you away. I love your title suggestion too. And I couldn't agree with you more about the little D/L moments. They may not be 'in your face' moments, but they are definitely giving us little hints about the relationship.
Auda, the "fluffiness" doesn't scare me away! :lol: I'm glad to be back. I love you, man! That was taken straight from an old Budweiser commercial here in the US. It was hilariously funny, and I don't even drink.

Mo, feel better soon. I'm joining in on 34's soup, because I'm not the best cook in the world. I don't think you want food poisoning on top of your cold. :p Now, if you wanted chicken and dumplings I'm your woman. Oh, I also made pot roast this week. :D

As for another title: Danny/Lindsay: Save the Lab, Ride a Cowboy
Bella you're right: being a shipper IS indeed in someones genes! :lol: I don't even know where I started...was it Jack & Carly? Or Harm & Mac? Doesn't matter, 'cause the USS Dantana is the most wonderful ship there is!

Voting will have to wait until tomorrow, I'm tired...Mo? Is everything okay? :confused: You must be really sick... But that also has its bright sides: Danny will take good care of you :lol:

See you!
PrettyEyes said:

Nina, you made perfect sense. Your post was honest and to the point. That should make you proud.

I can tell a difference, in that there's not as much "back-and-forth," so to speak, on either side. I'll admit I was the first to respond if someone said something to me or about DL. You'd better believe I wasn't going to let the comment go by unchecked. However, that wasn't the way to solve the problem. It only escalates the situation. As you all know, I stopped posting because I felt like I was getting the cold shoulder over there, with the exception of a few posters. I don't feel that anymore. Almost everyone is making a concerted effort to make the NY forum more accessible to all NY fans. Believe me, I've been here 3 or 4 days straight. That hasn't happened in over 9 months!

I do believe, however, that ship stuff does belong over here, unless we're discussing it in terms of an ep or character. To be honest, it's unfair to gush DL beyond the facts of what happened.

Now that's my opinion. I'll go duck the flying tomatoes.

Thanks...I'm glad I made some sense then...

It's not fun when wandering into a thread and see such attitude... I turned right out of there again...I'm done to death with it over at the largest Stargate forum, especially the Atlantis section...the rudness is horrible,, my ship side has to stand attacks on regular basis ,,let's just say everytime my pairing has a scene together.. personal attacks, even being accused of having inside information when things we specualte ends up coming to life on screen... and I didn't wanna end up in something like this again this time with CSI NY...

I can say my pieces of what I like of an epi and of the pairing if they have scenes together... but then I also expect not to get slamed for it,, with a simple they suck.. now things might have not gotten so far over at this forum,, but it wont work with throwing fuel on an ongoing fire..

Season as it is at the moment,,we have had our share of small cute moments between our favorite pair.. I loved the interaction between them and the little naughty streak when Lindsay placed the spary thing in his pocket.. or when she was worried over him in epi 2 when he was diving.. and of course I loved their interaction with their banter about which car was better...

Now I'm not sure if it's just me,, but in that epi when she is walking into the room to show him the self healing car panel and he is checking to see a match on the tire... now when she walks infront of him,,, and when we then see him,, I just thought that he had a tiny smile looking at her,,but it was so brief and he was already basically turning back to the screen when it showed on him so it might just be me...
Now that's my opinion. I'll go duck the flying tomatoes.

*Stuffy gives PE a big hug* No need to duck m'dear ;) we all respect everyone's opinion in this here thread.

Mo, feel better soon. I'm joining in on 34's soup

*giggles* 34. Is that another nickname for me now? :)

As for another title: Danny/Lindsay: Save the Lab, Ride a Cowboy

aha. Loves it!! *giggles insanely*

Almost everyone is making a concerted effort to make the NY forum more accessible to all NY fans.

Well, there's a thread for spoilers only now...although catey will always be our Spoiler Queen! :D
yay, new passangers on board :) sorry for not welcoming you sooner but I still feel like a newbie myself and i dont think its my place but that is OT

I said earlier that I loved all the little moments we got so far but I would like to see some solid proof of them indeed being together. the your place or mine idea is good. or one of them saying after a tough case lets go home. and I would love to see them share a food outside work at least once. I think its long overdue. he first asked her in Cool hunter if Im not misteken and that was 2 years ago. but I have faith in the writters.

we dont celebrate Halloween here either but I always liked holiday episodes on any show. they usaly turned out pretty interesting *crosses fingers*

as for the shipper DNA - have that too. and I cant even remember when it started. I always liked more any kind of romance then individual characters. Im not sure I should confess but DL is in my Top 3 but not on #1. that place belongs to others ever since I saw them kiss for the first timein 1999.

and can you believe that there are NO CSI DVD sets whatsoever in my country? none. nada. zilch. I might try Germany or Austria but the chances are not that good :( but Ill get them even if I have to fly to the US for it

the thread title suggestions are great and we definitely should have Boom in it

good night every one and Mo, I hope you get well soon
Well, there's a thread for spoilers only now...although catey will always be our Spoiler Queen! :D
Don't forget Star Anchor! By the way, I have trouble spelling her name that way. :lol:

*giggles* 34. Is that another nickname for me now? :)
Your name is too freakin' long. :p 34 is just right!
Don't forget Star Anchor! By the way, I have trouble spelling her name that way.

Ahhh yes :) how could I ever forget that?

Your name is too freakin' long. 34 is just right!

*giggles* 34 is my favourite and lucky number ;) you can call me Stuffy (sound familiar? hehe) or 34. Whatever floats your boat m'dear :)
Awwwww you all are SO sweet! I'm fairly sure it's just a head cold, but it's one of those nasty ones where you wish your head would just explode so that your brains could stop dripping out your nose! :rolleyes: Sorry for the icky mental picture that conjures :lol: But Mr. Messer is definitely helping, so thank you all for allowing me to keep him for a bit! ;)

Awww that's right I forgot we get the Halloween ep ON Halloween this year, sweet! That's gonna be a fun one...lol!

Okay I'll be back with a poll in a little bit...any last suggestions before I make it? :D Get 'em in now!
How 'bout Danny/Lindsay #20: Ride 'im Cowgirl or is that too....suggestive. hehe. :lol:

Mmm... *shrugs* Mo dear, I hope your bug goes away soon. Maybe pink fog will help :) hehe.
Lol, I love it Liffer ;) but I have a feeling the mods might not be quite so enthusiastic about it! :D

That said here is our looooooong list of possibles...let the voting begin!!
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