Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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my dear shippers! long time no post. it's the weekend, so i finally caught up on ALL your antics (feeding grapes, naughty car tidbits, etc.) around here. you had me laughing, pondering, eyebrow-raising, and giggling. who else can do that in a few sittings??

thanks for the passing the info, dutch :) and being my TALK correspondent lately! i saved that cap from a few pages back where danny is looking at lindsay behind the tub of water/acid/chemicals (just after the mach 5 vs batmobile conversation). he's smiling, WITH TEETH too! like this: :D . it was subtle because it was behind the tank, but enough was said in the action to shine!

congrats, Jenny! im personally so happy for you about your good news. and yes, wannabe-nurse angel is saying: be sure to SLEEP, eat right, etc. :)

welcome, Bella to the lovely thread. welcome too to spikegal and adorelo! :cool:

chellllllllll! your feet touched D/L-ness, huh? did you feel the magic? ;)

Cuzzy, dress suits are nice on guys. i see them everyday. :p loved your little clothing presentation back there. think we'll ever get danny AND lindsay all dressed up for work?

stuffy, um hi? *giggles*
PE, great to see you drop by here.

Cuzzy[/b]?? hmmm, go play dress-up :p. big sis catey, always our Star Anchor and Spoiler Queen:]even though no D/L pics, im still pretty pumped for Boo. hope it's going to be a halloween to remember. there's supposed to be a forehead kiss, right? *squee!* i want a sweet kiss on the lips, but forehead will do :) .

kind of old but in the episode 3 when danny and lindsay are examining the batmobile, did ya see lindsay look over at danny when she walks by? then danny peeks out from under the car to look at her too?? *smooch!*

BOOM, next thread name.
Hi Mo!! Come on, though! Give Liff his title request!! Okay, maybe not. But it sounds good to me. ;) What else would you expect? He's a condom spray salesman!! *Looks at his location* :devil:

I personally love all the titles. This time it's so hard to choose. So many wonderful and fun ones to pick. I must admit that I love Dutch's German title---just because my dearly missed maternal grandmother's family was from Saxony. But The "Reaching Mach 5" one is really making me think---I like it. But "Save the Lab, Ride a Cowboy!" Smexy!! :D

Oh, Stuffy! Look what we call you! FluffyStuffyWuffy by Mo, Stuffers by me, and StuffMuffin by our beloved Bo!!. Is it wrong that I like 34 for you though? :)

I heard theme song from Ghostbusters today. I thought about D/L---"Who ya gonna call, DL!!" :lol:

*Auda has left the thread* :cool:
He's a condom spray salesman!! *Looks at his location
^^^ true that. in a handsome suit ;) .

oh man, auda, you have here :lol: and headbopping-ghostbusters theme-style. let's count the 34 ways we've named stuffy. :p she's my lil' muffin.

Cuz, do you take traveler's checks?
Mo , I apologize, I should have asked how you were feeling. I hope you are much better now. I've voted in your nice, new, shiny poll. We'll see how this one goes. Is Liffy opening this thread up?

PE, Stuffy and Angel , I'm glad I'll be your Star Anchor and your Spoiler Queen. I quite enjoy my role as both. Also, you can spell it Catie over here if you want, I'll know who you are referring to. (I know, it gives you a headache, but you know it's me from both places.)

The promo for next week's episode looks interesting. Do you think we'll get Lindsay out of the lab this time? I mean, at least she's been in every episode(barely in the last), but for some reason I want to see her outside the lab. I think it's the labcoats, just seen her in too many of them last year.
Lol, Hi Aud my wub! ;) I'd give Liffer his thread request in a second, you know I'm guttery like that ;) :lol: but the mod's have this funny rule about this place being PG-13! :rolleyes: (Just kidding Mods! You're fab! :D ) Aww well...there are still lots of fun titles right...so many I had a hard time choosing! :D

Lol, no worries Catey at all! I'm a big baby when it comes to being sick...I take after Danny in that way! :lol: We both whine like 5 year olds when we don't feel good! :lol:

I think Liff wanted to open this one...is that still true Liff or are we taking requests for other people who want to? :D

I hope Linds gets out of the lab too Catey...I mean I like her "I rock" type scenes for sure...but her out of a lab coat is definitely fun too! :D
Oh, Stuffy! Look what we call you! FluffyStuffyWuffy by Mo, Stuffers by me, and StuffMuffin by our beloved Bo!!. Is it wrong that I like 34 for you though?

*giggles* Stuffy, Stuffers, Stuffmeister, Stuffmuffin, Stuff (Bo calls me that lol)...it all works for me ;) personally it doesn't matter what you call me. I love being called Stuffy, but whatever floats your boats! :D So by all means, call me whatever you want :p 34 fits as well, considering it's my current jersey number for hockey...and the number my baby used to wear (you know who I'm talking about Mo ;))

stuffy, um hi? *giggles*

*tackles shippy buddy to the floor and tickles her*

Lovely thread names everyone!! Excellent job :D
Cuzzy said:
think we'll ever get danny AND lindsay all dressed up for work?
I'd rather have them dress down for smex :devil: hehehehe.

Aud said:
Come on, though! Give Liff his title request!!
Yeah! *chuckles* I guess it is a little...suggestive. Darn english language. :D

What else would you expect? He's a condom spray salesman!! *Looks at his location*
I need new stock :devil: heh - Danny likes his stuff ;) Come hither, come hither spray galore!

---"Who ya gonna call, DL!!"
Well that's quite fitting for our Halloween eppy right? Hehe...D/L'll kick the ghostbuster's asses :p

Cuzzy said:
Cuz, do you take traveler's checks?
Mmmhmm - sure do! :p

Mo said:
I think Liff wanted to open this one...is that still true Liff or are we taking requests for other people who want to?
Yep - I still want it :) IT's MINE! :mad:

Hello! :) fellow shippers!

I'm a little behind so I need to catch up.

Jen congrats on your pregnancy! You have to keep us posted please. :)

Mo I hope that you feel better! Like [/b]Stuffy[/b] said Danny will be coming by to make you feel "better" :) He works wonders with those hands! :)

I voted for "Boom" for the next thread title. The both love using that word! :lol:

*How do you guys like my icon? Looks familiar :)**
Nice job with the voting everyone! Our poll is looking nice and used (which in this case is a good thing! :lol: ) Keep it up and I'll post a new leaner version soon... ;)

Stuffy I do indeed know who you are talking about...and I'm not at all surprised that's your favorite number ;) How is that former-favorite-number-wearing-hockey-player doing by the way? :lol:

Liff rest easy bud...the new thread is yours for the making! We promised it to ya a long time ago and it's still yours! :D It's all good! :lol:

Lol, Vexxy the new icon is awesome! Very fitting! ;) And yeah Danny's massages are quite legendary and healing! :devil: :lol:

Okay I'm off to get more "healing" ;)
*Runs in wishing everyone a very happy sunday and starts to try and pick only 5 of those lovely new thread titles* :cool: :eek:

Bella I think you're right about the 'shipper gene'. Mine has been dormant for a long time until I saw ZY and just knew that D/L were meant to be together. :D

I had my moments with John and Elizabeth :( from Stargate Atlantis (Nina you watch that show too, cool! :)), but it never became as serious as this one, oh and I like Alex and Izzy in Grey's but again not so serious. :)

PE I agree. Discussions about shipping in general should stay here because it very often is just speculation or different people's interpretation of a single scene. Scenes like the pool table one in SD can be discussed in the 'episode' thread because they are really put in there by TPTB to confirm that a couple is together in their book too. :D

I think it's great that so many of us have already given their opinion in the 'why are you not posting' thread. This was an opportunity to speak up about what has been bothering you and I hope we'll see some results soon. :)

Angel said:
thanks for the passing the info, dutch and being my TALK correspondent lately! i saved that cap from a few pages back where danny is looking at lindsay behind the tub of water/acid/chemicals
Well I love our little correspondence and to keep you in the loop about all that's happening here. I love that cap too. :D It's a shame that you can not clearly see their expressions, but I think it's a very meaningful moment. He just looks at her and you can almost hear him think "God I love this woman" :D

auda said:
But The "Reaching Mach 5" one is really making me think
Yeah I like that one a lot! In my dirty little mind it was already good for another imprint on the meter :devil:...but
Like Liffy said: I guess it is a little...suggestive. Darn english language
sure sweety, we can always blame the language... :p

catie said:
Do you think we'll get Lindsay out of the lab this time?
I sure hope so. She still is one of the CSI's and NOT one of the labrats so she should be out in the field more, doing some interrogation or tackling some suspect like the rest of them. :D

...at least we know she will be out of the lab in BOO! And auda I think the 'Ghost Busters' song would've been a better choice than 'Monster Mash'; it's a catchy tune and it's known world-wide :)
i think a lot of people have been speculating about what they would like to see in season 4 which confirms that DL are an item. I have loved the banter between the two so far (especially the 'look' behind the tub of bubbling water!!) but it would great if there was something more substantial to squee over don't you think?

But I would prefer it to be 'subtle' rather than 'in your face'. I have loved some of the ideas discussed here - especially the one where Danny's mum rung him and asked to speak to Lindsay. I would like see Flack trying to convince Danny to go out for a few drinks after a shift and when Danny refuses, jokes that he must have a hot date! Danny's mobile phones rings, "Montana" flashes up as caller ID and we get the famous Messer grin :D Nothing major but enough to keep me happy.
^^ I agree. I want something a little more. I enjoyed the condom spray seen, but I need more confirmation. Not necessarily something that takes over the episode, but maybe them coming to a scene from a date or something.

Hi everybody. I'm back. Congratulation to JenP and Rad! Don't we need to have a party to celebrate or did you already do that?

*Liff pops into the thread, carrying a basket hamper of m&ms just cos he's feeling generous and in dire need of treats!* Hey y'all! Hope we're all having a super lazy Sunday, just as it should be! I have no doubts that our lovely couple love their lazy Sundays as they come! Lying on the bed, or spooned together on the couch watching the rain fall peacefully outside their apartment, contrasting the bustle of the loud city of New York.

Well that was poetic, maybe my muse is coming back! :)

Dutch said:
I think it's great that so many of us have already given their opinion in the 'why are you not posting' thread. This was an opportunity to speak up about what has been bothering you and I hope we'll see some results soon.
Hopefully people will start being more tolerant of other's views, and maybe the allure of talkCSI would increase. As it is, there are still quite a number of people who still feel uncomfortable posting, fed-up with having to defend each and every single word posted. But yeah, it's good that we're trying to fix it, and we'll all be happily loving NY (as always) once again :)

sure sweety, we can always blame the language...
Would you rather I blame you? Hahaha - you're not getting that credit sweetheart. My brain is just naturally dirty no matter how many times I rinse it. It's adapted - rinsing creates *new* and *improved* dirty thoughts. Just like Danny :) I'm sure he goes around with less than appropriate thoughts about his girl - who wouldn't?

Bella said:
but it would great if there was something more substantial to squee over don't you think?
Of course it would be great, but as it stands, I'm quite happy if we continue to have these small little scenes that we can interpret ourselves (keeps others happy too). The bubbling water scene was totally cute and like Dutch said, he'd definately just thinking to himself how much he loves her. :)

I would like see Flack trying to convince Danny to go out for a few drinks after a shift and when Danny refuses, jokes that he must have a hot date! Danny's mobile phones rings, "Montana" flashes up as caller ID and we get the famous Messer grin.
That's a pretty cool scene, provided Flack doesn't already know :p I think he does - secretly, and may just do it to make them confess it out loud :) hehe. I'd like another team scene at the bar, like at the end of heroes, and this time Danny and Linds could arrive together or something whilst holding hands, and forgetting about not advertising it. It just strikes me as something Danny would forget. :p

JenHHH asked:
Don't we need to have a party to celebrate or did you already do that?
Hehe, we can celebrate now...and again with the new thread! :D yay! Hehehe.

Mo said:
Liff rest easy bud...the new thread is yours for the making! We promised it to ya a long time ago and it's still yours!
:D Score! Hehe...
Hello everyone, I am new to the board! *waves*

I am a die-hard D/L fan ...

Snow Day wade me totally SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :lol:

But what I miss so far in season 4: any sign that the two of them are really in a genuine relationship... :(

Anyone with me???
Welcome CSI_NY_Addict! It's good to meet new shippers! :)

As far as your question goes: I personally don't miss it. I mean, we do get little hints they're together (for example the spray on-condom scene). And ofcourse it'll be great to see more, but I don't think we can expect such a thing. It's a crime scene investigation series, not a soap.

Although I'm sure we'll see more! Have you checked the spoilers for ep 6?

Mo, I voted BOOM!. Just because it's a pretty clear one :lol:
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