Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Welcome back friends who haven't posted in a while!! :D

Mo Bunny, howdy! I'm here! I'm here! :)

Dutch, I love that Beatles song! Danny would definitely be into singing that to Lindsay---but probably in those intimate moments. *gutter* :devil:

Okay, someone better 'pm' me about the details surrounding the season three dvds---D/L (or any Anna details) details of course. I can't buy them for a couple more weeks. And the video/dvd store actually rented their copies out to someone other than me. At least that's what they told me. *glances* So pwease someone, anyone who wubs me, give a girl some details. :eek:
Spoilers for
Two case episode, Danny Mac,Angell investigate one,a girl dressed up as Wendy from Peter Pan. Stella, Lindsay and Hawkes investigate the case of a woman crushed by an ice sculpture. Be back with more details shortly.

One of the most confusing episodes I've watched. This is the time travel episode. No Danny/Lindsay tonight, nothing at all. The same actress as last year plays Angell. Peyton sends Mac a letter and breaks up with him that way. Neither case thrilled me(the other was the death by orgasm case, which Stella and Danny worked), All in all, not one of the most memorable ones. Last week was a lot better.
Wow has really no one posted since I last checked in here? Craziness! :lol: I came in here before I left to go hang with my mom for a bit and I thought I'd come back and be combing through plenty of posts! :lol: Where are y'all?

Catey as always hon, thanks for the spoilers! I saw the "happily ever after" heading to your first spoiler box and my first thought before reading it was "Oh good lord, D/L tied the knot!!!" And I got so totally excited! :lol:

Hello Aub my wub!! :D *Mo snuggles her Fluffy twin!* If I had the DVD's yet (which I don't, sad day!!) I would give you all the fab details! Until then, anyone else care to share??

Okay 30 minutes until game time for me...yay for new eppys! :D

*Mo giggles and shimmers off!*
^LOL I was thinking something like that too :lol:, when I read that 4x12 spoiler box title! :)
Didn't we talk about Danny liking 'Peter Pan' (as in Disney movies) a while back...I'm curious about that Wendy costume

Txs for that and for the info about last night's ep catey! I noticed the lack of new posts, so it was really easy to conclude that there was no D/L this ep :rolleyes:; too bad, but I think we got a little spoiled the last few weeks. :p

Was there a promo for next week and was there any D/L in that? :confused:
Okay so no D/L yet...half way through the eppy, it's a fairly good eppy...last 3 before it though are by far better! As a Smacked fan also, I'm enjoying them in the eppy...I would have of course loved some D/L tonight, but I think (and I can't believe I'm gonna say this!) that it's okay that they don't have lots of cute scenes in every eppy! That wasy we appreciate them all the more when we really do get them! Ya know! :D Heehee! ;)

And I have to say also that I didn't hate Angell in this eppy...which of course might be in large part due to the fact that I know for sure she is now no threat to D/L! :lol:

Okay it's back...on to the second half of the eppy! :D

ETA: Danny did another "flying man" impression...gah I could watch him chasing someone anywhere anytime! :D

ETA 2: Linds was the 3rd grade Hopscotch champion? How totally cute country girl is that? :lol: I can so see her as an adorable little pigtailed cutie, beating all the boys and girls and grinning a fabulous little grin! Awwww! :lol:
Hey guys!

im sorry if im interrupting the whole positive atmosphere of this thread but im quite irked and i wanna vent a bit...

i know that it is quite rare for the CSIs to show any romantic soap opera stuff and i dont expect that but im quite dissapointed with the way Danny/Lindsay relationship is being shown.

I mean if the purpose is to just act like they have nothing at all then why did they put them together in the first place?

hell maybe if they hadnt become an item we would have more things between them instead of what we are having now!!!!!the last season was far more exciting when it comes to our couple and after what ive been seeing with this season i kinda wish they had never put them together in the first place...even the last epi where they had the 'date' scene was totally up to interpretation it would totaly be the same even if they werent a couple!and then i would find it cute...if they were just two friends...but now i found it just....just!Not to mention Danny is upsetting me a bit cause it seems to me like he is acting she doesnt exist!I remember the first epi of the new season where he just hung up the laptop! not even saying a goodbye!:rolleyes:

i know these may sound like details but they upset me!

Also i dont watch any other CSI so i was wondering..is it how all relationships are treated?the famous Sarah/Grissom one for example?

anyhow...bottom line is i cant waiiiiiittttttttt for
the bump on the road
...it seriously can not come fast enough!!!!then maybe things will get interesting again!or maybe show that Danny did not do all the chasing thing last season for nothing....cause that is what i am getting right now!


Hi guys!

I finally have time to pop in here and guess what? I completely missed the new epi... :( But from what I've read until now, I didn't miss a lot.

Yesterday, my son fell against the radiator with his head, so I had to rush to the hospital...It was a big cut above his eyebrow, about 3 cm long... :eek: It gave me a scare, but he doesn't seem to be having a lot of pain, luckily.

So, no D/L in this ep...Catey, get your spoiler-report over here asap!

See you soon!
"Good morning, good morning, good morning...it's time to..." Sorry Catey couldn't resist! ;) (Does that song still remind you of that or can I sing it now? :lol: ) *Mo pops into the thread bearing cups of hot cocoa and warm yummy pastries!*

Hello my dear shippy buddies! So I have to say over all I was okay with last night's eppy, I mean of course I would have liked some D/L, but like I said before, if the D/L scenes they give us are great quality D/L scenes like we've had the last three eppy's, then I'm okay with not having one every single eppy! Almost every one of course, but not every single one! :lol: I did like both Danny and Linds last night though, even not working together (which I love) they are still fabulous to watch! Linds' hopscotch champ line still cracks me up, and Danny flying through the air to tackle someone always makes for good tv! :lol:

Dims I have to disagree with you...while they haven't had D/L "out" their relationship to the team, or hold hands in the office, or make out in the lab, I think it is very clear that they are together...that is not just a shipper's "interpretation"....even the fans who don't like D/L and Linds in particular know and admit they are together, so that is fact, rest assured of that! And if we're comparing D/L to Griss/Sara I'd say we're doing great! Cuz even in their hottest scene, Griss/Sara NEVER got pool table action like we did! They're the longest running canon ship on CSI and they finally revealed themselves at all just last season, so I'd say D/L is WAY ahaead of them! Not to rag on you, but I am more than happy with the way they are playing this out between D/L and while I wouldn't mind a hand hold in the lab or a kiss on the way to work, if we keep getting scenes like we have, I for one am not going to complain! ;)

Okay peeps, now I gotta go run to work...unless the power goes out like it's supposed to! (here's hoping!) The winds are supposed to top 60mph...fun times! :eek: So see y'all later unless I have no power! ;)

*Mo grins, waves and shimmers off in her not-to-be-popped fluffy bubble!* :D
Ahoy me hearties!! *Stuffy pops into the thread with M&M cookies*

That was a disappointing episode. The cases were strange and made almost no sense o_0 I'm not surprised nor disappointed that there were no DL scenes, considering we've had them in the last three episodes *cough* and last week's three spectacular scenes *cough*.

Dims hun, with all due respect, I agree with Mo on this one. It was stated (I think by Pam Veasey) that the relationship would not be out front; they would keep it low-key since it's already been established that they are canon. Everyone - regardless of whether they like DL or not - knows they're canon, so they're keeping it low profile. It makes both the fans and non-fans of the relationship happy :) but whatever floats your boat m'dear ;)
Hey guys! Haven't posted in ages, I know. But what with homework, band rehersals, and illness, i've been otherwise occupied. Speaking of illness, I'm not feeling too good at the moment. Is Danny busy? I need him to make me feel better ;) :devil:

I'm dissapointed we didn't get any DL in the latest ep, but, like Mo, i'm ok with not getting a scene in every ep. As Stuffy said, they're keeping it low profile.

Chell, welcome back! Glad to hear you had a great time in NY. And you're so lucky to get to walk the LRC walk!

Catch ya later guys xxx
^ Great to see you again Sophie! :)

Well, I was looking forward to the time-travel case...that has somehow always intrigued me, but there were just too many people involved in that case to really understand; as far as I could tell in the end it was all about calculation of probability. :rolleyes:

And the only thing that I found interesting about the other case was Danny's remark that he didn't need the stuff that was tested on those students :)...I'm sure Lindsay (who looked great btw) knows that already. :devil:

Dims don't feel sorry about sharing your opinion. I think I understand what you're feeling a little. :)

In the 2nd and the 3rd season we were looking forward to every episode hoping for some D/L moments that would prove to us that there was something blossoming between them...we got the little touches, glances and teasing...then that slowly evolved into a hug, an almost kiss (I'm taking the short-cut here :D) and finally a kiss and sex in the same ep. :eek:

Although we would've love it if after Snow Day we saw them running in and out of broom closets all day, and I hate to say it, but I think the way that TPTB are handling it now is much better :p. We get little hints that they're still together - remember when Lindsay put the spray-on condom in Danny's pocket; that was pretty obvious, that's not something you'd see two random colleagues do. ;)

And Danny's behaviour and his "stop goofing" imo are signs that he feels uncomfortable with his new-found feelings of love in his work environment. :D

I'm sure we get more meaningful scenes between them this season. But every couple will have to face some problems every now and then, and a (little) bump in the road will perhaps mean a little set-back (like time travel :cool:) to how they were in season 3, but this time with the knowledge of how wonderful they are together. :)

Wow, did I make sense? :confused:

Oh, and guys Angel is pretty busy, but says hi to everyone! :)
Hey guys, nice to see you held down the fort while I was gone. :D Catey, stuffy and all the others, I bid you "Moo!" :p

Dims, I understand where you're coming from. However, the name of the show is CSI:NY. The primary objective is Crime Scene Investigation, which means romance takes a back seat.

DL have had moments together this season already. First, there was the condom-spray experiment, where Lindsay demonstrated spray-on condom technology on a test tube for Danny and Hawkes, followed by "Boom." That's a Danny word, and if Hawkes didn't pick up on the DL chemistry then he shouldn't be a CSI. Plus, after Hawkes left, Lindsay put the spray into Danny's pocket, and he chuckled, clearly signalling he knew they'd use it later and he'd created a monster. :lol:

Second, Lindsay told Danny that Hawkes would have died if he hadn't been down there to free him. Danny told her to "quit goofin' off," because he obviously was humble about what could have happened and didn't want her to worry about him.

Third, we had the Mach 5 v. Batmobile "geek-off", which was reminiscent of DL banter in previous seasons.

So you see, romance has been present. It's just been secondary to investigation and analysis, which it rightfully should be. To be honest, no shipper, regardless of the ship, should want the ship to take priority over the investigation. That's why most people, myself included, tune in. Yes, I love DL, but I love the cases, the mystery, and the science more. Watching the relationship bloom among those is what impresses me, because that's real life. Everyone must balance and grow a relationship between work and other demands.
Long time no see, PE & Soph!

How can I address Dim's concerns when you all have already done so quite nicely? *hugs shippy buddies* Enter the fluffy bubble, Dim. There's plenty of room!

Hi! Here I am, alive and whatnot. Work has just been stealing all of my energy so I've kinda-sorta been lurking. :eek: I know, I know.

On to last night's eppy... not the best ep ever, but I liked the premise. Adam was great in the little time he was on screen. :D I just thought they could have done a lot more with the unusual cases. Of course, it would have been difficult to top last weeks ep! Last week rocked! (Lindsay rocked!) :lol:

I am looking forward to what comes next for our ship!

ps. originally I had a lot more planned to say, but we are under a tornado watch and the town's tornado sirens went off so I went running downstairs. kind of blanked my mind of my post ideas. oh, and the tornado is twenty miles away. apparently my town's ptb have never heard the story of the boy who cried wolf. :mad:

*sigh* I will be back later once I remember the rest of my post. I wubs you guys!
Natty, it is indeed called "Happily Ever After" like I first posted, not "Never". I double-checked, and it is what I wrote.

PE, long time, no see over here! Good to have you around!

Anyway, these are the details I have for you intrepid spoiler readers:

Episode involves the death of a female hotelier, who clawed her way up from maid to boss. She was considered the Wicked Witch of the Upper East Side. The team that investigates her death is Hawkes/Stella/Flack and Lindsay. More Flack action, chasing after a suspect and tackling him. The second case is Mac/Danny/Angell and involves the stabbing death of a girl dressed like Wendy Darling from Peter Pan. She was experimenting with hallucinogenic drugs, which leads to the team to a group of teens who acted out their own version of Alice in Wonderland. I have to reread, see if there are any D/L moments, but as of now, there is no interaction.
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