Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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There's a poll in the NY forum asking "Why Aren't You Posting?" There are several answer options available to choose from.

If you're a DL fan and feel your position is being attacked, now's your time to vote and post your reasoning why.

If you don't spend as much time on the board as you used to, vote and post that reason.

The important thing is to be honest if you're not posting over there. Things can't change if they don't know what the problems are.
I think it's important to go and vote. Then you can see where you stand on the issue.

PE, you have made good points about the d/l interaction this season. We tend to forget that this is a crime show and we have to focus on that first. However, I don't mind some squeeing along the way! :)
"Hum, dum, dum, dee, dee, dum
Hum, dum, dum
Oh the wind is lashing lusterly
And the trees are thrashing thrusterly
And the leaves are rustling gusterly
So it's rather safe to say
That it seems that it may turn out to be
It feels that it will undoubteadly
Looks like a rather blustery day today!"

Mer-bear are you alive after your tornado warning babes? :eek: I think there must be a rash of storms across the country or something, because my half of my state has been put on "Wind Advisory" with the winds predicted to get up around 55mph gusts and lots of power outages! :p

My Fluffy Stuffy wuffy grinned:
Everyone - regardless of whether they like DL or not - knows they're canon, so they're keeping it low profile.
Yup that's so true hon! Everyone knows they are real and that their relationship is solid and very real and therefore there is no real reason to shove it in our faces, ya know! (Not that I mind every once in a while! ;) ) But still, we don't require the always-in-your-face-displays-of-affection-and-smex for us to know that they are together for real! (Not that I mind occassional big displays of affection! ;) Heehee! :devil: )

Soph! Hey honey! Glad to see ya back in here! Sorry you're not feeling well though, that's sucks! :p Sure Danny's around....Oh Danny boy! :lol: *Mo giggles and sends Danny over to her sick bud with soup and a cool cloth to help her feel better! ;) *

HOlland's queen of the cool shoes Dutch winked:
And the only thing that I found interesting about the other case was Danny's remark that he didn't need the stuff that was tested on those students
Wait, when did he say that?? I totally missed that! :eek: How did I miss that, I would have *Squee'd!* over that one for a bit definitely! :lol: And of course he doesn't need it, his Montana is all the drug he'll ever need! :devil:

Wow, did I make sense?
Yup you did...of course! ;)

Long time no see bud Pretty Eyes nodded:
but I love the cases, the mystery, and the science more. Watching the relationship bloom among those is what impresses me, because that's real life.
I have to say it's about equal for me...but then I'm a full blown shipper dork! :rolleyes: :lol: But I do agree, them falling in love while working their cases and living their lives, that's what's real and normal and yet so amazing and fun to watch! :D

Catey babes, thanks for the new spoilers! This eppy sounds interesting for sure...I'm really stoked for this whole season in general, it's been great thus far and I know it will be just as good or better the further it goes! :D :D

Ohhhh start coming up with your thread title suggestions, y'all! Next page comes and we can start posting them! I can't believe we're almost to thread #20!! That's so awesome! Who had #20 by the way...Liffer was that you?? :D

Okay I'm off...I might come back with a surprise for y'all...we'll see! ;)

*Mo giggles and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble!*

ETA: as promised here's my surprise...a Halloween ficcie I wrote for fun and random laughs on my lunch hour today! Enjoy!! Plastic Spiders
I wasn't disappointed that we didn't have any DL on Wednesday. I wasn't really surprised either. I kind of knew we weren't going to have any because we had had so much in the first three eppys, and sometimes a little break is good. It just builds us up with anticipation for next week. I'm actually very proud of my self, and I haven't been reading any spoilers you all have been posting. pats on the back. I deserve a pie... just not in the face.

OT for 2 seconds: I was accepted to my first choice college, USF 2 days ago. Yay!
Good news everyone! There are now two separate spoiler threads. Top has graciously created a thread where only spoilers can be posted. The speculation thread is still up and running, but now people can go to an entirely different thread to read just the spoilers :D

I had a few suggestions for the new thread, but I think I lost some of them...I do know what one or two of them are, though ;) *sniffs* I'm going to miss this thread :(

Mer!! I was wondering where you went off to missy. *huggles and a daisy* I hope you're okay from the tornado warning?

*waves at PE* Ahoy there shipmate! :D
*Liff pops into the thread, grinning as he watches the 'death by orgasm'* :p Hehehe :D Yay yay it's FRIDAY! Hope y'all are havin' a smashing day :)

Dutch said:
I think we might have just broken that meter in two - But I think this type of "canvas" (*high fives Mo*) will make it completely impossible for the "artist" to complete her piece of art too
I'm an artist too, so I'm gonna agree with you. I'd pay to paint on Lindsay's brand on canvas anyday :devil: but yeah...I'd probably never get to finish with her either. :lol:

Yep! Win-win definately equals canon since they both pretty much sacrifised sides of them that were less than perfect. They gave those up to make themselves better, individually and as a couple. It's complete and utter sap!

Neighbour Mo said:
but I think (and I can't believe I'm gonna say this!) that it's okay that they don't have lots of cute scenes in every eppy! That wasy we appreciate them all the more when we really do get them! Ya know!
Haha, yea I know how you feel 'bout that babes :) But I beg to differ, there's plenty of D/L in this eppy. You just have to look between the lines...or...other places actually :)

Exhibit A:


Note Danny's not so official attire but still acceptable as "Danny work" outfit from previous instances. Untucked, buttoned light greenish?/white dress shirt. Rumpled and not pressed. (Im a dork sometimes. I wear suits alot) :p

Exhibit B:


Note Danny's open shirt, still rumpled, now green. Unbuttoned, but shirt more tucked in. Not typical Danny work outfit, which adds to later point.

Exhibit C:


Note Lindsay's slightly bent over, slightly sagged shoulders. Looks tired, tad bit irritated, pleading, in need of a pick-me-up. Dull outfit.

Exhibit D:


Note new outfit, more vivacious. Facial expression: confident. Happy. Yay for feisty Lindsay!

Now, we'll call Exhibit A Pre-closed smex Danny and Exhibit B post-closet smex Danny. Obviously Lindsay ripped his previous shirt to shreds, hence the new shirt and Stella had to go find him so no time to button up. Buttoning your shirt up in the hallway is more eye catching than playing it cool. *whistles* Go Danny.

Exhibit C is pre-smex Lindsay and D is post-smex Lindsay. She's got new, more brilliant coloured clothes. Looks more confident (after ripping his shirt off) and is just outright happy :D

Natural conclusion: Sometime during the day, in some unsuspecting location, our couple did the nasty nasty or rather, the hawty hawty (rawr) and cheered themselves up a bit :D Though...in Danny's case it looks more like she wore him out :p

See? Plenty of D/L :D You just need to look in between the lines (or frames in this case)...and a certain degree of gutteryness :devil: Yay for me and my optimism...and dirty dirty mind. hehe.

Danny definately doesn't need those sex-enhancement drugs. Haha :p "We got horny college kids and horny mammals" :lol:

Dims said:
hell maybe if they hadnt become an item we would have more things between them instead of what we are having now!!!!!
That's not necessarily true. Like PE said, CSI:NY is just that, crime scene investigation. It's first and foremost a crime scene drama and not a soap opera. We've got plenty of D/L so far and personally, I'm not expecting TPTB to make D/L make out in every scene. Chances are, the most D/L we're going to get is a shot of them out of the lab. Being in the department I'm guessing that they have an understanding of being professionals in the lab and when on duty. You don't expect them to go at it everytime they lock eyes. It's always the little things that make the bigger picture.

If they didn't get together, I doubt we'd be shifting back into the easiness that they're sharing now. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not condoing your thoughts, I get instances when I feel the same way and we all do. But look on the positive side. They ARE infact together, something no one can deny since it's been confirmed by the execs. We'll just have to wait and see what the writers have in store for us and accept it. I have no doubts that it'll be good - in time :) So don't worry about it all hun, it's all good :D

Otherwise, we have an abundance supply of pitchforks, torches and candles/matches. :) Burn baby burn!

Also i dont watch any other CSI so i was wondering..is it how all relationships are treated?the famous Sarah/Grissom one for example?p
Honey they had an even longer wait than we did. We only got 2 seasons. They way relationships are being treated are nothing out of the ordinary :) Trust me.

Soph! honey you're back! yay! You're not feeling well? Aww, *hugs* I'm sure I could distract Lindsay for a while ;) hehehe. :lol:

Mo said:
And of course he doesn't need it, his Montana is all the drug he'll ever need!
Oh yeah...he's definately got his hands full with Lindsay ;)

Who had #20 by the way...Liffer was that you??
Yep! That's me! Hehehe. I'm going to have to find a way around the time difference problem though. I'm only and hour or two behind Dutch so we tend to be asleep when y'all are posting! Guess it's going to be a late night for me then! :lol: No worries.

Oh and here's another update of my fic: A Life With You: Do As The Heart Tells (32) You don't have to have read the previous chapters for this one. Not really anyway :) There's a little special somethin' somethin' that Dutch and my evil twin can tell ya about ;) Hehe Thanks for the reviews guys!
Hello buddies!

So, finally had some time to read something in here ;) You guys just can't believe how tired you are when you're EXPECTING A CHILD!!!

Let's just say: BOOM! There's a shipper-baby coming into this world! Liff, I do hope you still remember that super-name you gave me, 'cause you're gonna have to use it again! :D I still have a long way to go, and I'm very nervous, but I'm sure that everything will go fine this time.

So, off to the discussion!
dl_shipper34 said:
I love how Lindsay is back to her normal self. It's fantastic to see her so light-hearted and happy. Her spirit is finally shining through again. Not to mention Anna is just fab in all her scenes :D
Just have to agree with you here, Stuffy. It's great we see the S2 Lindsay again, and that Lindsay is over her problems and focuses on the nice parts of life (such as Danny :devil: ) And I think the way TPTB is placing the relationship in this series is good. Not too much, but little hints to see they're doing fine.

I haven't seen the last ep, but I'm sure it's not at all a problem that there weren't any D/L scenes in it. We already had so much 'til now!

Catey, can you replace the spoilers for next weeks epi? Thanks!

So, M&M's for everyone and big hugs! Bye bye!
You guys just can't believe how tired you are when you're EXPECTING A CHILD!!!

Awwwwwwww!!! Congrats hun!! *huggles to her shippy buddy* That's great! *giggles* Soon we'll have a likkle DL fan bouncing around the thread. Yay!!

I completely understand why you're nervous hun :) but just have faith. Remember to never let go of hope, and that we all love ya!

To keep this on-topic...Liffy I am so loving those screencaps! Lindsay's wardrobe in the third picture is beautiful :) but I have to disagree with the whole "dull outfit" thing, only 'cause it's Lindsay/Anna ;) I like the second outfit better though.
Congratulations Jen

I agree its great to see S2 Lindsay back. Im glad that there are only the odd hints/cute DL scenes else it wouldnt be CSI!! :)

I love the fics gus! :)


Everyone is on the one case on agirl who had an online alter ego- she was invloved in the'second life' game. Mac tells Flack that Peyton decided to saty in London. It also says that the team have iphones!!
Back already!

dl_shipper34 said:
Awwwwwwww!!! Congrats hun!! *huggles to her shippy buddy* That's great! *giggles* Soon we'll have a likkle DL fan bouncing around the thread. Yay!!

I completely understand why you're nervous hun :) but just have faith. Remember to never let go of hope, and that we all love ya!
Thanks Stuffy, you're so sweet! *huggles back*

To keep this on-topic...Liffy I am so loving those screencaps! Lindsay's wardrobe in the third picture is beautiful :) but I have to disagree with the whole "dull outfit" thing, only 'cause it's Lindsay/Anna ;) I like the second outfit better though.
I also have something to say about that...the way Anna's standing there (her pose) is - as Liff said - making her look tired. It probably was meant to be - I don't know, 'cause I haven't seen it yet - but it also makes the outfit look 'dull'. It's not until you take a closer look you'll see it's actually a nice outfit. The second one is better, but still. ;)
^ Jen! :lol: LOL :lol: BOOM! :eek: *huggles buddy again* You know how happy I am for you :D

Mo said:
Wait, when did he say that?? I totally missed that! How did I miss that, I would have *Squee'd!* over that one for a bit definitely! And of course he doesn't need it, his Montana is all the drug he'll ever need!
LOL he did say it! It's during this scene (borrowed Liffy's cap):


Stella is explaining how that sex-drive-enhancer (?) works and then Danny says something like: "Don't look at me, I don't need it!" :devil: - I'm not quite sure about the exact quote 'cause I was kinda distracted by his outfit. ;)

Liffy I like your way of 'reading between the lines'...those caps are great and I suddenly feel I should correct my former post...they were running in and out of broom closets, TPTB just switched to the wrong camera's picture when that was happening... :cool:

*leaves trying to think of new thread titles* :)
I was kinda distracted by his outfit.

*giggles* It's a kinda ruffled look ;) very nice. xD untucked!! Is it just me, or has he been coming to work lately with untucked shirts? Hmm...somebody's getting some action the night before!

Of course he doesn't need those pills dutch ;) Lindsay has that department all covered :devil:
Maybe I missed something, but shouldn't we be discussing new thread titles?

In that case, I got a pretty obvious one: BOOM! :lol:

If we already have one - I have no idea, I missed a lot the last couple of days - just say so ;)

I'm off to sleep, I'm so tired! :lol:
not a DL scene but a lot of beautiful Danny and Lindsay moments.

I liked you reading between the lines, too Liffy :)

as for the "lack" of smoochies, I agree it is a crime show and they are mostly at work. they are professionals and here, the little thing count. but on the other hand I hope TPTB will give as at least one off-the-clock moment with our love-birds. when they do Im quite confident it would be a great scene

thread names - can i sugest So in love, we glow or is it too cheesy?

good night every one

PS: congratulations, JenP *hugs*
****newbie shuffles into thread trying not to draw attention to herself****

But who am I kidding - HIYA :)!!! It seems really strange to post at last as I have been shamelessly lurking on this thread for several months. But I cannot resist the fluffiness any longer. So excuse any school boy (or girl as in my case) errors as the excitement of posting may be too much for me :lol: Just wanted to introduce myself.

There is no crazy initiation right?
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