Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Catey, you are my hero.

Now that Lindsay's trauma from season 3 has been mostly resolved, I am loving the return of spunky, funny, flirty, charming Lindsay! This sounds like a great ep, and I can't wait to see the "Yes!" clip in context.

I know this is a weird question, but I honestly can't recall...
Has Danny called Lindsay the nickname 'Montana' yet this season?
Mercy, he
Lindsay "Montana" when he is trying to catch up to her at the elevators, when she is trying to leave. So, yes, he now has called her "Montana" in this episode. I'd have to review my dvds to see if he's called her it in the other two episodes.
catey[/b]]Thank you! I think in the previous two eps, he didn't refer to her by name at all... I think. I don't know what made me think of it, but it started weirding me out. What can I say? I'm a shipper, lol. Your info about him calling her 'Montana' makes me look forward to this ep even more!
*Mo pops in for two seconds before her mom comes over...* Hi peeps! ;)
Catey have I mentioned lately that you ROCK!! Thank you so much for those awesome spoilers...this is gonna be a fabulous eppy, I'm stoked to see it! Yay! :lol:

Adorelo hon, yup I'm strange! ;) Lol, but that's why folks around here love me! (At least that's what they tell me! :lol: :lol: )

Stuffy glad you liked my cheerleading hon...it was all for you! ;)

Okay I gotta go...can't wait for our eppy tonight! (No worries Mer-bear I still get to watch it live! ;) )

3 hours 45 minutes...yay!!! :D

*Mo waves and skips quickly to her steel enforced fluffy bubble!* ;)
Sounds like it's going to be a great one! I'm getting a kick out of the Batmobile! And I can't wait for Danny to say "montana" again. It's been such a long tims since we have heard him say that (lol)!
So I have seen tonight's eppy and...
I. Love. This. Show. :D Oh my goodness. This was a great ep. The DL scenes in the lab were amazing. They had a great familiarity and rappaport. They seem very strong together. Lindsay kicked ass in the ep. I loved her reaction to finding out about the blue flame! :lol: And ONCE AGAIN... they are back to themselves where they have no concept of personal space! :devil: Love it, love it, love it. I'd have to say this is my fave ep this season out of the three eps. (Oh, and Flack was very hot and incredibly masculine in this ep too, so that never hurts my rating. Rawr.:devil:)
That sounds like a great episode. I was only able to get home in time to see Mac at the end. The electricity went out during a small storm out here in the effin' countryside. Oh, me. It's sounds like a wonderful D/L episode. I wish that I could see the little car talk exchange between D/L, but I guess not. Happy Wednesday all. ;)

Goodnight. :)
Can't wait, can't wait...la la la la la! Lol, this sounds like a fabulous eppy...wait I think I said that already...oh well! Have I said yet today that I LOVE that our ship is awesome and CANON and that it freakin' rocks! :D :D :D

I want D/L babies...*Mo nods diffinitively and grins!*

ETA: Aud wub!! I would send you my tape if I could...ohhh or buy it on Itunes...cuz we can't let the weather beat ya Fluffy Twin! ;) Heehee! :D
That's okay, Mo!! I'll try and catch it when they rerun the episode later in the year. Too bad. *Hugs*

I want D/L babies too!! They will be so perfect. And we'll make Lynny watch them while D/L are in the broom closet. ;)

*Wait scratch that.* :lol:

You'll give me wicked details about the D/L stuff. I heard Lindsay did a "I rock". I love that!! That's my line. Hey, we have more in common that I thought!! Hugs!!
Awww my wub, I wonder if there's a way I can buy it and send it to you....mmmmm...*Mo ponders the ways she can let her Fluffy Twin enjoy what everyone says is a fab eppy!*

D/L babies will be so adorable won't they....gah, they so will! I just wanna snuggle with them, I can just imagine how cute and smart and adorable they'll be! Mmmmm, Lynny babysitting....yeah maybe not, she'd teach them naughty things to tell their parents! ;) Heehee! :lol:

I'll share stuff with ya hon...no worries! ;)

ETA: And here it is people...my random musings as I watched the eppy...I'll try and make it more coherent tomorrow, for now, enjoy! :D

Flackie's gettin' some action...nice! And boy does he look hot in his wifebeater! ;)

Lol, let the spy games begin! Lol!

The new credits are totally growing on me...or I should say the new cut of the song, cuz I love the new pics! :D

D/L's the first thing you see after the credits, yay...and Linds looks amazing right off!

"License to kill"...nice Flack! Lol, love all the James Bond stuff...

Lol, Linds with a hammer..."The future Mr. Messer"...heehee, how much do I love them! Sassy Linds is so dang cute!! And Stella and Mac walking up on D/L, 20$ says they know about D/L...I just got that feeling, totally! :D

Danny is so hot! Gah him in that salmon colored shirt...and him teasing Flack about his new girlfriend...that was so fun! I love their friendship...you know Flack will/did give him just as much grief about him and Linds, heehee!

Okay D/L "arguing" about the Batmobile vs Mack 5 (??) was the cutest thing ever! That dishing it back and forth...loved it! And he called her "Montana"...yay! They are so in each other's personal space...wait they don't even have personal space with eachother...and they are so perfect together....love it! :D That scene was flirty, smexy banter at it's best!

This is the most different clothes that I've ever seen them all wear! I think is the third clothing change for all of them and it's only halfway through the eppy...that's crazy! I like it! I like Linds' black shirt and like I said Danny's salmon colored shirt and jeans...gah can I just jump him now? :devil:

"Awww we're goin' old school" Linds, you are freakin' adorable!! Lol, I LOVE spunky Linds...Lynny even you can't say you don't like Linds after this eppy! She freakin' rocked! Lol!

Linds danced, she freakin' danced! That made it for me right there...she so totally rocks, she totally does! Lol! That's my favorite...she did her own little dance, threw her hands in the air and made Stella laugh! I LOVED it!!

WOW, Stella is SOOO gorgeous, OH GOOD LORD!! She is amazing in that dress, wowza! And Flackie in that suit, is hot...mmmm!

Yeah another "Montana" and her grin we she said "We got it" was so adorable! *sighs* I just so love them together...love them working together, love them flirting! Linds looked cute in her "street" clothes and that little elevator scene was fabulous!

Mac totally checked out Stella in her dres...he likey! ;)

Crap, Mac's stalker is making contact! :eek: Okay if I was Mac with that suitcase, I would SOOOO not be opening it like that...and that bloody shirt...ummmmm, CREEPY!!

This was an awesome D/L eppy! My favorite of the 3 thus far this season...I love this ship, and right now I quite happily applaud the writers and take my hat off to the PTB, thus far they have done a fabulous job with our couple! Please PTB keep it up!

Next week looks...wow.
So I'm wondering who liked the which car? I personally like Batman. But Bond is hot too. Who wants to bet that they went home and played Batman and Catwoman? :lol:

Thanks for the briefing Fluffy T!! I really wish that I had seen Lindsay's little dance!! Did Danny? :)

Glad to see they're both looking cute in this episode. :)
Hello people who love D/L! :p Let's just all do like Lindsay and say: "WE ROCK!" :D

I haven't seen the ep yet, but I wanna thank all of you for your fabulous recaps...catey I'm already happy when I open this thread and see the first spoilerbox and when it's a big one I just know that means very good news. :D

And it was again...I'm so totally looking forward to seeing this ep. It sounds absolutely amazing and those D/L scenes will, no doubt, be awesome! :) And wow Mo right after the credits?! :cool:

auda! Batman & Catwoman *hello gutter!* :devil:

Okay, now I've seen it! - There's some advantage in 'working' at home every now and then. :)

I really, really liked this ep! I loved all the Bond references and the high-tech stuff and every one looked totally amazing (didn't share Danny's opinion about Mac's shirt though)! And the D/L scenes were so great!

I don't think that any one knows about them being together yet. I believe Flack would've reacted different to Danny's teasing had he known.

Yeah caps:

Lindsay's finally out of the lab :D

Eyes on the evidence Messer! :lol:

They work so well together :cool:

I rock!

"You make the coffee, I'll bring the Batmobile!" :D

*Is off to finish the job she actually gets paid for*
*Mo skips in, still totally giddy over the fun that was last night's eppy!*

Dutch hon you are officially my hero with those fabulous caps! *Mo huggles her bud for the capped loveliness!* :D All those ones you posted are so fabulous...we got so many good moments last night, I need to rewatch it again today (duh!) to go over them again and enjoy them again! :D I loved all our moments last night from Linds being sassy with the hammer...to them play fighting over the better spy car...to them processing the Batmobile...and Linds finally making blue flame and dancing still makes me giggle and grin just thinking about it! :lol: Good times, good times indeed!

Aud my wub! You need to see this eppy, it was a good one...come visit me in WA and we can squee over it together! ;) Heehee! :lol: Oh and Danny was for the Batmobile and Linds was "arguing" for the other one...it was totally cute to see her dish it right back to him on that, loved it! :D And sadly no Danny didn't see Linds' little dance, that would have made the night if he had...her doing the dance still made the night but to have him see it and laugh with her, or tease her cutely...that would have been adorable! :D Not that would have minded cuz she "so rocks!" :lol:

Dutch I don't think Flack knows about them yet, cuz yeah like you said that teasing in the hallway would have thrown right back in Danny's face if Flack had known...but seriously I think Mac or at least Stella suspects something...she is very intuitive that way and I just got that feeling that she knows for some odd reason! :D

Okay as much as I would love to squee over this all day...I too have to run off to do the job I get paid for! :p Ahhhh for the day I get paid to do this! :lol: Now that would be an awesome job! :D In the meantime...I'll see y'all later!

*Mo waves and shimmers off in her fluffy pink fog filled bubble of love!*

ETA: Just to warn y'all do NOT read the TALK review of this eppy last night...just don't. Clearly the writer of it did not see the same eppy we did and to save us from wanting to scream at people I just submit that we shouldn't even bother to read it! :D Like Linds so brilliantly said she "ROCKS!" and so does this ship and this eppy in general and that is what we should enjoy! :D
noted. im wondering if the team knows about D/L too now...

dutch hun, always on top with those caps!
big sis catey, read 'em somewhere else. ;)
welcome adorelo! :D

no more personal space! bantering! why is it that danny and lindsay make work look SO good?! batman danny and catwoman lindsay. mmm ferocious, hot, sweet. :devil:

loved danny's stolen glance and lindsay's nice scenes in the lab. she's so huggable! the elevator scene was great: danny running after lindsay and her huge smile about the car. i wonder how long that night went AFTER the car...! heehee, them standing side-by-side looking and awing at the car was funny. squee!!

wanted to see: danny run after lindsay and cutely touch her arm only to slide down to her hand and clasp it quickly, and let go (then continue scene). :)

i want DL babies 2.
Thanks for the screencaps, Dutch. I have not watched the episode or clips yet but I love all the pictures and I can't seem to stop smiling. :D

I think I'll be squeeing all the way to bed now... :lol:
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