Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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*pops in*

auda said:
I say we just enjoy the little things right now until the bigger things get in the way.
Okay deal! No need to make a fuss over something that we don't even know what's it gonna be yet :rolleyes: - but it is fun to speculate about it, every now and then, though. ;)

Mo said:
where we got to see Danny really struggle with the guilt of thinking he caused this to happen to Louie and afraid he might hurt Linds in some way and then when he starts pulling back or acting funny instead of getting hurt and pulling back herself Linds made him tell her what was up and then yeah Liff slapped him, kissed him and told him she was sure he would never do that to her...then I might be okay with that "angst"!
Yeah that does sound like a nice idea, but it has also every risk of turning into another "it's not you, it's me" :rolleyes: conversation *shudders* :mad: So I'm with you on secretly taking the places of TPTB, :D before they mess things up :)....pssst... how did Liffy end up there?

JenP said:
Danny and Lindsay standing in the middle of the laboratory, surrounded bij co-workers, and then Lindsay out of nowhere mentions something DAnny's mom said about him...And everyone will hear it! And he will be SO ashamed!
Aaw poor Danny :(; if she ever does that I will totally understand why he wants her to stop goofing off while at work :p - thank goodness Sid will be there to lighten up that awkward moment ;)

Oh and about the DVD's...JenP the first half of season 3 (ep 1-12) is already available in Holland since the end of September :cool:. I don't know when they'll release ep 13-24, but that'll most likely be after RTL has broadcasted the final ep's of season 3. :D
Well, here I am again, living up to my title of Spoiler Queen! Beware, very spoiler-ific here, more detail than I usually have.

A two case episode, very Danny-centric this time. In the first case, Lindsay, Stella and Flack are investigating the case of a man killed by an exploding cigar. Leads to a joke shop and a illegal fireworks factory, wherein Flack gives chase once again. The second case is the Danny-centric one. It's a very sad one, from the looks of it. There is a robbery near where Danny lives, and Danny, Mac and Hawkes are assigned to it. Victim is a 10 year old boy whom Danny knew, in fact had been to church with him that morning. The boy was at Danny's apartment, so we may see it again. Anyway, this case is tearing Danny up, and he's in tears over it. He comforts the grieving mother and holds her hand in church. Very sad, and no way of knowing if Lindsay comforts Danny at all.
*pokes head inside, grinning cheekily at dutch*

*sobs* I read this over at DLC...hey, maybe we'll get to see Lindsay comforting Danny ;) but the scene where he holds the mother's hand sounds very beautiful. I can't wait to see that.

I come with a gift:

The Bozeman Country Fair

Just a fluffy DL oneshot (turned out to be longer than expected) :)

Sorry m'dear, but it's been so long...*tosses a couple of M&Ms at dutch, gives her a kiss on the cheek, and swoons out for now*

**Edited to fix link**
Stuffy I loved that fic! Loved it! :)

"Childs Play" is going to be a sad episode to watch. Danny knowing the child and how he is going to get through it. I know that there will be a "bump" in their realationship. Do you think that this contributes to it? Maybe Danny loses faith in the system and shuts everyone away. I hope not but it is ep. 11 and that is moving towards sweeps. So it did get me thinking. ....
Thank you for the info, Spoiler Queen Catey. Vex, I agree with your comments, and I also think that it sounds like it has the potential for an emmy nomination, you think?

All this talk about the holiday’s and Mama Messer and Louie made my imagination come up with a little 20-30 second scene:

Danny is sitting on a stool pulled up next to an evidence table in trace, filling Stella and Flack in on what he found in their case. Lindsay is processing evidence for another case at the table behind his, so she has her back towards them.

Danny’s cell phone rings. He flips it open and answers it without looking at the caller id. “Messer.” He pauses to listens then says “Okay, hang on a sec.” Twisting his torso from his seat on the stool by the evidence table, he holds the phone out to his partner. “Montana, it’s for you.”

Stella and Flack look at each other with raised eyebrows before turning back to look at Danny across the table. He continues on with the last of his explanation, but his audience is paying more attention to what Lindsay is saying than to what he is.

“Yeah… uh-huh… *laughs*, sure! Tell Louie I’ll bring some of that butternut squash pie he liked so much… okay, I’ll let Danny know. Love you too, Ma. Bye.” Lindsay then hangs up the phone, turns and sticks it in the pocket of Danny’s lab coat.

“Your mother says that if you’re late again you won’t be getting any dinner.” She says before turning back to her evidence.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Danny mutters while putting his evidence back into the box. He glances up and sees the amusement on Stella’s face and Flack’s barely contained chuckle. He glares briefly at Stella before turning it to Flack. “What are you laughing at, you clown?” [/end scenario]

What? It could happen. *nods* :lol:

I'm just excited about this season, I guess! D/L has come along way since 2x03, and the eps so far and the spoilers we have heard totally have me hooked, AGAIN!
Just a quick stop before I'm off to work. :(

Txs catey! Aaw that ep sounds so terrible sad; that poor boy and Danny in tears. And I agree with Vex; this could very well be a lead-in to THE bump

Mercy that little scenario of yours is so funny. I can imagine Stella and Flack's faces :lol: AND Danny's. :lol: It could happen *nods too* :)

*huggles Stuffy* The title of you ficcie alone already sounds very promising. :) I'll read it the minute I get home tonight.

Mercy , that scenario of yours could totally happen. cant we somehow smuggle it into their scripts? :)

I love all the talk about Mama Messer and Lindsay having a good relationship with her. it would be really cool actually seeing her on the show - providing the casting is good, but it could also be a nice way to show the depth of their relationship if they just mention it - like in that scene Mercy came up with or on some other ocassion

e.g. Flack mentioning that noone makes lasagna like Mama Messer and Lindsay agreeing and then Flack asks when did she try them and she replies that they were at the Messers for lunch last Sunday

have a beautiful day :)
Hi guys! I've seen there are some spoilers out, maybe that explains the number of posts in here :D

Natty, that was a lovely surprise! Thanks! *Hands over some M&M's*

Thanks for the spoilers, Catey!
I agree with Vex: here's our bump! And I think it's definitely an interesting one, 'cause we had Lindsay dealing with personal trauma in S3 (and therefore shutting Danny out) and now we seem to have Danny who has to go through an emotional mess. I think it'd be interesting to see how he handle's it and maybe it's even more interesting to see how Lindsay's going to react to this. She has to be there for him, even if he's shutting her out to deal with it himself. If Lindsay has grown up (which I think she has), she feels what Danny needs and she will be there for him whenever he needs her. This is something I am badly looking forward to, also because it sounds absolutely sad...

Mer, loved your little lab-scene :lol: and Stuffy your ficcie was awesome too!

Now Dutch...I have absolutely no idea what's wrong with me lately...I know the DVD's are there, I just completely forgot it! *blushes* Like I do with everything nowadays... :mad:

I guess I'll see you guys later!
*Climbing into the thread, Liff grins cheekily cos tomorrow's hump day and he's having way too much fun picturing D/L as Bond and his Bond-Girl* Rawr! Good Morning to y'all on this fine (yet deceptively cold) Tuesday morning. Okay, so I've been watching Casino Royale again and the preview for tomorrow's episode was rather Bond-ish so I can't seem to shake the image of Danny and Lindsay playing their Bond/Girl counterparts!

Dang it we need to see Danny in a tux and Linds in a smokin dress :devil: A ball would suffice and we can leave what they do when they get home (or while they were getting ready) to our imaginations :devil: Rawr!

Angst-loving Dutch said:
Oh, no worries buddy, as much as I love angst every now and then - it has to be meaninful
Mmm - good :) I like meaningful angst, as in it leads to something more worth while :) After all, the grass is greener after a rainy day...

I still have a little faith that people who can come up with sex on a pool table and using spray-on condoms , can write some good angst and come up with a brilliant bump.
Ditto to that! I definately never expected the writers to include pool table smex and spray on condoms in the show. It seems to be a little more out there than what the other 2 CSIs have gotten. But then, we have Pam Veasey and no one else does! I have alot of faith that whatever happens, Pam will pull through for us!

I put forward a warm welcome to all the newbies. We're all insanely in love and obsessed with D/L :)

Stuffy said:
Don't mind Liffy there, he just rambles and no one really pays attention to him
Hmmph...fine. Be that way. Maybe I'll go and find people who'll pay attention to me then :p

Aud said:
If ever we can convince the writers to do so, then we can have our 'good angst'. But until then, let's stick with "teh fluff"!!
Hear! Hear! Definately loving the fluff so far, but I do hope that they don't over do it :) Too much fluff doesn't work for my complicated brain either, and as much as I love it, sooner or later too much fluff turns unrealistic.

I'm still sticking to the 'bump' thing being that Danny breaks a nail and cries like a baby!!
Maybe he'll be all moody cos he ran out of his favourite breakfast cereal in the morning and snaps at everyone :p Hahaha, I think someone's written a oneshot of that before, though I can't remember who. :lol:

Mo said:
I'm telling ya people we really should kidnap all the writers and put ourselves in their places and write the eppys on our own...or at least those parts!
Yeah, we definately need to do that - or find a way to get the writers to pick one of us as some kind of advisor :p Unfortunately, you're also right in saying that many writers see angst as a non-stop train ride to badness. But we're getting new things from PV and the other writers all the time so I'm hoping that they'll definately break that incredibly boring tradition and emulate something more realistic and a bit less dramatic. We're not all living a soap opera.

Yeah see, and that's my problem...I LOVE the scenes we have gotten so far this season and I am more than happy to stand and applaud the writers on their work thus far
The scenes that we have gotten so far have definately been love, and hopefully we'll continue getting these little scenes cos they're alot better than having D/L standing under the spotlight all the time. It's short and sweet and cute as all gets out! I have faith in good angst! But if the prospect of that is too dark, then I'll take fluff anyday :)

But a mention of her by Linds would be great and fun to see the look on Danny's face when he realized Linds was talking to his mom!
Haha, and she probably does it without even intending too, like they're discussing a case with Stella and Hawkes and she just remembers something Mama Messer told her...like...something to do with tomatoes or something and how they're grown well *shrugs*. Hawkes and Stella would just grin knowingly and Danny would drop his jaw and mutter under his breath thinkin', "Need to stop Ma from talkin' to Montana so much..." :lol:

Dutch said:
So I'm with you on secretly taking the places of TPTB, before they mess things up ....pssst... how did Liffy end up there?
I think that was a grammatical error. Haha, she's agreeing with my thought. I'm not the one slapping Danny :lol: I'd rather kick his ass out into the Hudson if he screws up or makes Lindsay mad! :angry:

Mer your little scene had me laughing, but yeah, its cute! Definately could happen...and in my mind that happens ALL THE TIME :lol: I love how everyone's agreeing that Mama Messer is going to love Lindsay. I mean, who wouldn't? It would be even better if Mama Messer tells Lindsay that she's the first of Danny's girlfriends that she's actually liked :) ....maybe a little spoilery for my fic there. :lol: ;)

Anyways, I must scoot off, so hope y'all an ultra-fab Tuesday! :) Listen to the hairspray soundtrack and they day flies that much faster :D I just love it! hehehe. :lol:
"Taking me higher and further, there she goes again, giving more than she takes, cuz it's more than love she makes...she goes all the way!" Good morning shippy buddies! I wake up with Rascal Flatts music on my CD player and that song got stuck in my head and it made me think of D/L today for some reason! :D Okay so I have like 2 seconds to post before I have to make my lunch and skedaddle! :lol:

Mer LOVED your little scenario of Mama Messer calling Danny to talk to Linds in the middle of the lab...that was perfect, I could so totally see that happening! And if ever it did (Please PTB!!) I would squee for a week! :D

Okay I gotta say if this is the bump I'm not all that worried to be honest, cuz maybe I'm on a fluffy high but I don't see this going as badly as y'all might think. First of all I really do not think anything will happen with Danny and this grieving mom because Danny is not like that, not even Season 1 Danny would take advantage of a grieving mom and since we know Danny is clearly in love (the PTB's words!) with his Montana I think it really is just them grieiving together. And since we don't get info one way or the other about Linds comforting Danny I would actually assume that she does....I mean it doesn't say anything about D/L, but I would actually take that as a good sign, cuz it seems like anytime there is a negative D/L scene we most definitely hear about it! It would say like "Danny pushes Linds away" or "distances himself from her" or something...but it doesn't! Plus this shows that Danny is good with kids and I for one can't wait to see that! So I'm actually thinking this could be good and a great chance for Linds to be there for Danny!!

Thanks for the spoilers Catey hon, you are indeed the queen of them! :D Alright I really do have to go! :p

But yeah for Season 3 on DVD today! (Not to rub it in! :D ) And even more yay for a new good eppy tomorrow night! :D
Have a fab day y'all!

*Mo waves, grins and shimmers off in her very secure pink fog filled fluffy bubble!*

Pssstt...see Aud fluffy bubble is all good, Fluffy Twin! ;)
catey m'dear, I think S3 is out in Canada today. I checked two Wal-Mart locations and they said that the shipment hadn't arrived yet, but they would be in later today. So I think it's released today as well :D

I'm not even slightly concerned about Danny and the mother starting something. Honestly - she just lost her young son. Getting with a random guy is the LAST thing on her mind. Oy. *shimmers inside titanium alloy bubble* That's better :) but I am really looking forward to that scene, probably becaue I love comforting Danny. Someone mentioned this over at DLC and I think it's a fantastic point. Maybe this episode will be more about Danny as an individual rather than Danny as part of his relationship with Lindsay. I would love to see her console him, but I highly doubt we will get to actually see that. Remember 'Stealing Home'? That was a Lindsay-centric episode that caused her some troubles and Danny didn't comfort her (not on screen, anyways :devil:). I know Carmine will do a fantastic job in this episode; I'm really looking forward to it even if it is going to be a sad one *sobs quietly*

I need a hug...
My evil twin needs a hug? Why? Spoiler box make you sad sweetie? Aww :(

I have the hairspray soundtrack and I can't get the image of D/L doin' the boogy :D Well as for Catey's spoiler, I'm sure it can't be that bad...or sad or anything bad :)

Mm...I'm hoping we get some more character developments this season. Both Danny and Lindsay as a couple and individually. I think Lindsay needs to work on her problem with mothers...sure she did what she did after the suicide girl case but we should see her move on from that.

I love being spoiler free :D Don't got a care in the world :lol: Aside from when the next smex scene is going to appear :devil:
My evil twin needs a hug? Why? Spoiler box make you sad sweetie? Aww

Hugs rock - I want one every day. And yeah, the stuff inside the spoiler box is kinda making me shed a tear or two...*holds arms out to Liffy* Huggle??

*eyes Mo and everyone else in the room* Don't even think about saying it! :p or else...

To those who have reviewed my ficcy - much love to y'all!! *passes out daisies*
Hi guys!

Liff, you opened my eyes with this comment of yours! But since you're spoiler-free, you don't get the chance to know why... :lol: :devil:
messermonroe said:
Mm...I'm hoping we get some more character developments this season. Both Danny and Lindsay as a couple and individually. I think Lindsay needs to work on her problem with mothers...sure she did what she did after the suicide girl case but we should see her move on from that.
I'm such a dork for not even thinking about Lindsay's 'problem' with grieving mothers! There must be some connection to that in ep 4x11... Danny will be holding the grieving mother's hand...Maybe that's a bump! :eek: Why? 'Cause Lindsay can't handle grieving mothers and therefore won't help Danny comforting that mother. I am SO looking forward to this ep! :D There just has to be a lot of character development! BTW, I suddenly begin to be a bit suspicious...It's not a coincidence Liff's talking 'bout grieving mothers...Maybe he's not as spoiler-free as he says he is :rolleyes:

I'm gonna take a shower, just went for a run...And I DON'T like it! :mad:
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